How can I give my companion's soul to Thrix?

When I and captain Corwin have defeated Thrix' s fiends, he offers us a wager. I want to give Corwin's soul to Thrix and get "You Chose... Poorly" achievement. But in the dialogue with Thrix, when Thrix says "he will take that one-the iron maid forged in a fist of flame" and I say "So be it". Then Thrix says "what game is it you play now, charname. Whose soul will you wager, if not these?" At this time, I can only choose two options-one is to choose my own soul and the other is no souls and anger the fiend.
I have tried many times and how can I give my companion's soul to Thrix?
I have tried many times and how can I give my companion's soul to Thrix?