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A apology from a old gamer

War_LordWar_Lord Member Posts: 28
Hello everyone,

My name is Richard and a long time ago i got a hissy fit over "wokeness" at beamdog in general.
Now in a forum somewhere i think i wrote that i was happy that larian and not beamdog was going to make Baldurs gate 3.

After seeing they made a reskin of Divinity , and fucked up the combat, and fucked up the character creation(also a reskin btw) I like to man up.
I even managed to find this old forum login again.


Am sorry, i was wrong. Beamdog would have made a better job.

Also its shameful to say that the last hope i got for getting a good "baldurs gate" feeling is a bunch of Russian Owls.

Kind Regards, Richard


  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited February 2020
    After so many good BG fans were either banned or driven off by the users for disliking said wokeness, it's understandable.

    Good to see you have come around though. Beamdog really would have done better. For all their faults, and there is a long list of them, they understand BG more than any other company and should have had the rights to it.
  • War_LordWar_Lord Member Posts: 28
    Yeah, well jokes on me i Guess... the Woke stuff dont really bother me that much anymore unless its Extreme... but now People are making Baldurs Gate 3 into some sort of turn based Divinity skin. Now am depressed Beamdog didnt get the rights for it.
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