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Violence slider for PS4

Would it be possible to put the violence slider into the ps4(consoles)version? :) I would like more of my enemies to explode.
All the best :)


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Really not sure it would be possible to add that at this stage.
  • Dash_Rendar926Dash_Rendar926 Member Posts: 4
    Bummer :( i was hoping for explosions, how does gibbing activate in Neverwinter Nights?
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I don't recall NWN actually having "gibbing" the way the BG games do. Rather, I think the violence setting just controls how much "blood splatter" you see coming out from enemies when you hit them.
  • Dash_Rendar926Dash_Rendar926 Member Posts: 4
    ^Ohhh! Thanks dude I just assumed there was gibbing because of Baldur’s Gate(Jade Empire had great gibbing as well). But I swear I saw a video of someone playing Neverwinter nights and he gibbed a couple enemies :) Shame if it’s not there, I feel like exploding enemies is kind of a tradition. Anywho still loving the game, NWN was basically the only old Bioware game I didn’t play :) so I figured it was time :)
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Some modules do have custom scripts that mimic gibbing, but I don't believe that was part of the base release.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    No, NWN does have a gibbing system on the highest setting, but I wanted more control over it so I made a scripted gibbing system in my HR base.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    It does? Huh. Could you describe what the gibbing looks like and what are the conditions needed for it to trigger? Because I'm fairly certain I also had the violence setting turned up and I never saw anything particularly unusual. (Of course, I mostly play as a spellcaster so I'm guessing most death animations would lean towards enemies burning/frozen/soul ripped out of their body than from pure violence. :P)
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Zaxares wrote: »
    It does? Huh. Could you describe what the gibbing looks like and what are the conditions needed for it to trigger? Because I'm fairly certain I also had the violence setting turned up and I never saw anything particularly unusual. (Of course, I mostly play as a spellcaster so I'm guessing most death animations would lean towards enemies burning/frozen/soul ripped out of their body than from pure violence. :P)

    Gibbing looks like a body chunking effect. It been a long , long time since we talk about gibbing. I think it was on the old forum, so I even had to go back and do some testing to remember some of it. If you want to see it in action guaranteed do this.
    1.Make a test module with some weak monster, like goblins. Put the goblins across the area to give you time to have your test character grab a great sword.
    2. Set you game difficulty setting to easy.
    3. Set you violence level to special.

    So on easy/special violence you gib all of them.
    From what I tried to find on the net I read in one forum it was if they have less than -10 HPs when you kill them, but this was after just a quick search, not trying to find more info on the old forums.

    I think at the higher difficulty levels the rules change, like must be a critical hit and I think that why I made a scripted version that did not rely on the difficulty setting. If anyone at beamdog want to give us all the break down of gib effect that be great.
    If you having a hard to time let me know and I make video showing it off.

  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Oh, that's alright. No need to go to that much effort on my behalf. :) I'll just keep an eye out the next time I'm playing NWN1 again.
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