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Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition 1.80 Patch



  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    If somebody made a guide to how to use the thing it'd really help. It could then be included in the GoG goodies (where manuals tend to go), the Steam community Guides, a sticky here on the forums, and whatever the appropriate place is on the Neverwinter Vault.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @Symphony Here is the problem with Keyholing on NwN EE. It occurs where it shouldn't. Like the ground behind the PC -
    Without keyholing




    That is the standard Rural tileset. Surely that serves no useful purpose. But it is not restricted to the ground either. It also affects walls like this -


    After partial rotation -


    After full rotation -


    Those are outer walls. There is nothing on the other side. You will note that at no time was view of the PC obscured by anything. Should you have unexplored areas beyond those walls that is going to kill exploration and the surprise of finding NPCs/mosters in such rooms.

    So if keyholing in its current state is to remain, we definitely need the ability to turn it on and off via scripting.

  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702

    Sorry for the off-topic tangent, but what content has this awesome Egyptian temple stuff?
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Egyptian Crypt tileset by Borden Ha'elven. Please pm me if there is a next time. That stays on topic then.

  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    I'm amazed at how much the performance has improved with this update. Many areas that used to grind NWN to a stutter now play superbly smooth. Thank you everyone.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Forgive my ignorancie, but what exactly is this keyholing stuff?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    A “keyholing” feature for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition allow players to see their character even when walls and other objects block the camera.
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    @TarotRedhand It's just a math formula, you can open the .shd's and make your own, let me know if it has better results.

    Again, I don't play with it on, I play with it linked to TAB, and, it still outclasses 2nd story tile fading in all cases, I'm sure the Egyptian tileset doesn't have second story tilefading.

    Does second story tilefading have scripting support?

    Since playability is a player experience, that is, all of these players can have a valuable opinion about keyholing whether they even know there IS a toolset or not, you should use your building experience, and your experience as a custom content author, to produce superior content.

    Beamdog would be pretty happy to see mobile innovations like keyholing adopted by community creators like yourself and improved for the desktop platform.
  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    Thank you
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited April 2020
    I would like to thank everyone @Beamdog for this rich and robust update to NWN:EE. Stay safe. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    edited April 2020
    Symphony wrote: »
    Symphony wrote: »
    Without knowing how to access your function keys with that laptop, a situation I would probably not enjoy playing Bioware's Function-key focused game, the debug menu and a lot of other gameplay elements will be harder to access.
    I presume that you're speaking of NWN specifically here and not other Bioware titles?

    Incidentally, Interface, controller choice and UX largely dominates my rationale of videogame choice, and I recall my delight at NWN's innovative radial menu, as it solved access problems for many disabled players. Hence still playing it some -what- 18 years after release?

    Almost all my games are older mouse turn based strategy and RPGs or joystick based, as I have fine motor control use of only the right side (Hemiparesis).

    It's not bad though, as I cannot physically access perhaps 80-90% (given RPGs are a comparatively tiny section) of games this saves a lot of money. is superb for these titles.

    Approaches to videogame choice is an engrossing subject, so will post a thread on that as I'd like to hear some discussion on that, as it is a larger exploration than merely Entertainment vs. Art. There is more, such as graphic sophistication vs. narrative, playability vs. technical sophistication, propaganda vehicle vs. Mythic vehicle, et al, in addition to more mundane considerations such as UX, scaleable video/sound options and so on.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    edited April 2020
    Wow, yeah, they really just need to make this accessible through the options menu or something.
    Hopefully this could be remedied in the next update/patch via a checkbox in the Advanced video options menu along with ambient occlusion, sharpen, contrast and colour boost. The depth of field effect is a nice cinematic kind of effect.

    While we're on the subject, use high res fonts doesn't seem to do much (?) while sharpness is subtle.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    Symphony wrote: »
    The debug menu opens at the top at any point in the game (except maybe mid-movie, I think), so main menu, or during play, it's always right there.
    Maybe I've an older NWNEE version, that's the reason why it's not available on my copy (Digital Deluxe then Retail via Beamdog client).

  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    Whoh...wait, I don't get any feature like that menu bar at the top, am sure I've updated to 1.8

  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited April 2020
    That is the options/debug menu after pressing shift+control+F12. Press the same keys again to dismiss it.

  • TsaisTsais Member Posts: 11
    Very excited about this update! Thank you Beamdog!

    Stupid question, but the update mentioned 2da changes - where can we find those 2da files?
  • TsaisTsais Member Posts: 11
    Tsais wrote: »
    Stupid question, but the update mentioned 2da changes - where can we find those 2da files?
    Never mind, figured it out!

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