Patch 1.80 question

So, please help me, could you please elaborate on the weapon VFX thing, and the source scripts for PotsC (yay, but premium modules cannot be opened still in editor, incl infinite dungeons.)
The Amethyst Dragon did a demo version that work with NWNCX (Neverwinter Nights Client Extender) but now it will work with the base game.
Here a link to his sample.
I'm a bit irritated that premium modules are still locked.
I definitely noticed. You keep asking about the status of that quite regularly. That's alright, though.
We're doing things in a certain order. We had to focus on performance and bugs. We have to focus on the renderer.
I asked this the first time in March 2018. This was supposed to be completed in June 2018. We're almost in June 2020 and it hasn't happened yet. "That's alright, though" (sic).
Just seeing these words every once in awhile still gives me hope.
p.s. Wish you guys would go back to doing some live stream type videos (doesn't even have to be live). Even if it's just like every 3 months. I don't care if you guys talk about boring technical stuff or just go over some of the updates we already read about etc. Don't need to do live questions or anything. Just nice to hear from you guys and get a little more encouragement to not give up on NWN.
How's the renderer focusing going?