Wasteland 3

in Off-Topic
Looks like it's delayed to August 28th.
Damn, I was excited for this and even backed the game.
Damn, I was excited for this and even backed the game.
This doesn't sound right. Hope they'll not repeat the Bard's Tale launch situation.
Morale of the story: I'll never back a project from this studio ever again. Way too much trouble involved for non-Windows users...
I haven't had a chance to read those, but I did read the one on ars
They overall seemed to like it and the game's got a lot of choice and consequences, but looks like there could be load time issues. Sounds like when kingmaker first came out and had massive load times they eventually managed to fix.
At least I managed to talk my friend into playing a co-op game.
Do you guys know if there's any requirement to have played the other Wasteland games? I'm guessing the stories are compartmentalized, but I figured I'd ask.
My other concern is that you build your own party entirely. So it's not like they're NPCs so much as handmade characters. How does the game deal with every playable character being essentially the same (if that is indeed the case)
You build 4 of the rangers, 2 at the very beginning and get a build a couple more after the tutorial section. You can also recruit 2 more NPCs into your group for a 6 person party. Man, I loved Scotchmo from WL2 and am glad him and the Hobo Code are back. There's some premade characters that looked like they had some background to them that you can use for your rangers instead of building your own. It being party based and limited ammo types, you'll want to spread out he skills and weapon types across the party, making party members different. So you'll want someone to be the face, someone else to do science and medicine and computers, a lock picker, trap disarmer, etc and then you'll want someone as a sniper, another one or 2 with assault rifles, maybe someone who switches between melee and handguns and eventually energy weapons on one person. Although that's based on my experience with WL2, since WL3 doesn't come out until tomorrow. It sounds like they streamlined some skills together, like lockpicking and safecracking use the same skill now.
I'm really digging some of the songs from the sound track, it's really well done. Blood of the Lamb and Down In The Valley to Pray are really great songs.
I'm not far in, but so far the load times don't seem nearly as bad as some of the reviewers had. They're not fantastic, but maybe 10-ish seconds to load a new area. I'm on a fast 12 core rig with an NVME SSD, so YMMV.
Anyhow, as I already paid for it four years ago might just as well begrudgingly try my hands on playing the release build via SteamPlay. Installation works, so far so good. Loading the game works, even better. I can also navigate the main menu (color me surprised!). Aaaand then... we come to the moment of actually playing the game: black screen. Program freezes and needs to be manually terminated. Yaaaay~
... why am I not in the least bit surprised here?
I might start over now that I know a few things. One is it seems like no matter how high your coordination is, you can only ever get one shot with the sniper rifle, so I really wish I had put it all into awareness with some in intelligence for the sniper. The other thing is, Intelligence only gives you extra skill points once. So this means you only get your bonus skill points at level 1 or when one time at level up when you bump your intelligence to a new even level. The only reason to max intelligence now is to increase your crit chance.
He mentions the Icon for Wasteland 3 is bigger than the original Wasteland 1 made back in the '80s.
I love that there's a villain who runs the club Little Vegas named Faran Brygo.
I had a good laugh that Blackadder is one of the names the random name generator will give you
I haven't managed to get entry, but there's this marketplace called the Bizarre (yes it's spelled like that, not bazaar), run by a faction called the Monster Army. I've heard their leader talking on the radio with this really hammy Romanian accent and his name is Flab the Inhaler.
That sucks, hopefully they get it patched soon and fix that for you. I've at least left Colorado Springs a few times, so it doesn't seem to affect everybody.
I've got to say, I dig the way they did the overland map and rolling around in that vehicle they give you. It'd be nice if they let you move the camera around in that mode, though, just so you could set a destination further away that you've been to and let the vehicle drive there instead of clicking the edge of the screen over and over.
I ended up solving it myself. I had read a few other people mentioning their anti viral software was causing issues with the game. I noticed mine was reacting to WL3 as well. Once I put it on the exclude list, everything started working.
Which is a little weird, tbh - I was able to boot the game up and everything, but not transition to new areas because of my virus software. I would have thought it would stop me from booting up the game alltogether.
In any case, it's working again. So that's nice.
The Gipper faction's hilarious. I love the Max Headroom like Reagan AI.
Best picture ever.
Ever want to hear a goth version of the Green Acres theme song?
How about a country version of Wang Chung's Everyone Have Fun Tonightz?
Seriously Outerworlds sucked compared to this game, it's more Fallout than Fallout. Hell Outerworlds sucked period, at least his game has more than 2 enemies reskinned over and over. How are more people not enjoying it?
So here's the big pay off for toaster repair
Here's my name in the the credits