A Centralized Listing of Enhanced NWN Changes

Does anyone know if there is a centralized listing of all changes since EE made its release to the present? A full list of all changes and fixes? There is one at the Trello Board, but it's a little long in the tooth and is still dated from 2018 (and it doesn't reflect anything from 2019-20.
Bumping this for another look by Beamdog. Here's another for instance:
From the settings.tml. What are my options here? What's minimum now? or the new maximum? Threaded timers?
2da-engine-cache-size = 11
2da-user-cache-size = 32
game-object-cache-size = 16
threaded-timers-resolution = 100
use-threaded-timers = true
clients-required-to-disable = 1
max-memory-usage = 0.12500000000000000
Steam Patches / News
NWN Lexicon NWNEE Script / Function Additions
NWN Lexicon NWNEE Existing 1.69 Function Changes
NWNWiki settings.tml listing
NWNWiki nwnplayer.ini listing[OLD]
Any plans or movement on this beyond individual patch notes @JuliusBorisov?