[mod] ForgeIt - IWD: new forgeable artifacts for IWD EE

in IWD:EE Mods
Now not only FindIt - IWD is an option. ForgeIt - IWD joins the list of IWD EE mods!
ForgeIt-IWD adds a set of 8 new powerful artifacts to your Icewind Dale EE game. But you don't just find them and put them to use. First you have to find all the needed elements and return them to their former glory: just like the Wave or The Equalizer in Baldur's Gate 2. Elements of the new items are scattered throughout the whole game, including HoW and TotL campaigns. There's also an optional component that makes Icasaracht Scale Armor a bit more powerful. While originally it had the statistics of usual White Dragon Scale, let's remember Icasaracht isn't just some white dragon, but a really powerful matriarch. The optional component adds some extra power to the armor made from her scales as well as makes the item icon a bit more shiny.
ForgeIt-IWD adds a set of 8 new powerful artifacts to your Icewind Dale EE game. But you don't just find them and put them to use. First you have to find all the needed elements and return them to their former glory: just like the Wave or The Equalizer in Baldur's Gate 2. Elements of the new items are scattered throughout the whole game, including HoW and TotL campaigns. There's also an optional component that makes Icasaracht Scale Armor a bit more powerful. While originally it had the statistics of usual White Dragon Scale, let's remember Icasaracht isn't just some white dragon, but a really powerful matriarch. The optional component adds some extra power to the armor made from her scales as well as makes the item icon a bit more shiny.
Version 1.1 fixed the problem with drop of chakram and dagger components.
If you want to use that scale armor, then yes - you should play the expansion before finishing the main story of the OC. That's also suggested as this mod adds some other components to the HoW areas and creatures. If you want to forge all the items introduced by this mod, play the original campaign and then move on to HoW once you are powerful enough, finish HoW before the OC and then get back to the final parts of the OC with some new shiny stuff and kick some ass.
And the “Blade of the Gathering Storm” is an amazing dagger! I think my character fell in love with it.
Thanks for playing with this mod!