Area transitions not (very) visible in game

I've read here somewhere that the blue area transition boxes don't really show up when you hover over them with the cursor properly in game if the trigger areas are uneven (not flat) when drawn in the toolset.
But, I've got some in a custom swamp tileset that no matter how hard I try to draw flat I cannot. The problem it creates is that when you're in the area you can't use the cursor to find the transitions and click them. Using WASD you'll automatically trigger them, which is fine, but not everybody (or platform) necessarily plays this way.
Any tips for flattening these out or making them appear more reliably when you hover over them with the cursor?
But, I've got some in a custom swamp tileset that no matter how hard I try to draw flat I cannot. The problem it creates is that when you're in the area you can't use the cursor to find the transitions and click them. Using WASD you'll automatically trigger them, which is fine, but not everybody (or platform) necessarily plays this way.
Any tips for flattening these out or making them appear more reliably when you hover over them with the cursor?