Very disappointed about the GUI

Hi guys, I really looked forward to this game, but now that I run it I'm very disappointed!!! The GUI looks blurry like hell. Thats an absolute nogo! I thought the GUI is one of your enhancements but there were mods that let look the GUI of the original game sharper than this. I really hope you will fix this, because if this stays as it is I'll definitely won't buy BG2.
Please don't misunderstand me, it's not about the graphics of the game itself because I know you did not have the original art files to upgrade them, but it's about all around that. It's horrible!
Here is a screenshot how this looks on my PC @ 1920*1200:
Please don't misunderstand me, it's not about the graphics of the game itself because I know you did not have the original art files to upgrade them, but it's about all around that. It's horrible!
Here is a screenshot how this looks on my PC @ 1920*1200:
Post edited by Dee on
I'm sure modders will fix this soon if not the devs.
The buttons need to be large enough to manipulate with fingers on touch devices. Which is why the original scale of the UI actually works quite well.
... and that's if I even get the game to start...
But the chance that we get a different GUI is higher with the Modding Community, so take the time and write a posting for help in your favourite Modding Board, time better spent
That.. and Bigger Fontsize.
I really do wonder if Beamdog will change that 2 things, but i honestly do not believe that this happens really. Modding Community is the solution for this too
Also no spell name when you hover on the icon in spell book? that would be nice.
I never keep him long though; I really don't like how companions in BG1 often come as inseparable pairs (which he does once you do his quest to shut him up). It's a shame, cause he's one uber Ranger, just with a lot of excess baggage in BG1
First off, why is the source art 720p or lower and then scaled up? Just... why?
Why are the fonts blurry and also scaled up? You realize this is harder to read than the original game with added font mods right?
Why did they not add more hotkeys and improve screen scrolling (diagonal scrolling with arrow keys, click-and-drag with middle mouse button)?
Why are there glaring and obvious errors in the inventory such as THAC0 reporting being wrong, or item descriptions that list every single incompatible class, multi-class and sub-class?
Why are there fewer options in the menus than the original game?
Why can't I change resolution?
I realize that Trent and the Beamdog team are likely working their asses off, and I appreciate their efforts, but this is embarrassing.
I agree with some of those points, it is strange that the gui art appears to be scaled when they surely _must_ have generated it at a higher resolution. The DPI is shaming. I wonder if this was all to squeeze the game down to fit on the ipad? even if so, that's no excuse for the mac/pc version.
Also, Pg. Up/Down no longer resizes the chat window! I wonder if they knowingly cut that, or accidentally left it out when they redid the interface.
Why they didn't make GUI for major PC resolutions is... unexplainable?
ahh well. maybe they will realize what they have done and fix the GUI. Especially if the PC sales are much higher than iPad which I presume is case right now.
Edit: A big thanks to the devs of course, it's just this problem is ruining the basic user experience on higher res screens.
Most likely it's an issue that'll be fixed for you soon, but don't talk the nonsense about the tablet release and pc.
And i must agree with the majority; realy disapointing that PC has been down prioritized. Who the hell cares about tablets?!?
Its some of the bugs that are a pita. When will we get the first patch? I bought magicka so I know bumpy starts
I must say that I wish less ppl cared about tablets, at least for gaming. I know I don't...
What do you mean by the fonts are great, doesn't the shadow effect on item descriptions make it blurry to you? Am i taking crazy pills here?
And ye i dont say, i dont like the UI.. only the graphics that lacks a bit of work for larger monitors.
... and yee i dont think fonts are to bad either.. even though some people complain about that to.