Dark Envoy

in Off-Topic

Remember Tower of Time? The devs over Event Horizon have another RPG coming for 2020: Dark Envoy.

At first I was unsure what exactly to make out of it. Given that the steam page lists it as Turn-Based with influences from both Divinity and XCOM franchises. Although the devs apparently took inspiration from Mass Effect and Dragon Age as well. Putting me at a loss of whenever or not to wishlist it. Needless to say it's radically different from Tower of Time with its wave-like RTwP combat.
But then I came across this juicy piece of information from the devs just some minutes ago:
Now that changes everything in my book. And for the better!Event Horizon wrote:"We are not happy with TB so far, feels too slugish and repetitive -- so we're experimenting now with Real Time with Bullet Time.
We try to make it very different than even done before - more tactical, with physics-based skills for nice combos and more flexibile approach to classes. We're not 100% sure yet - but it is far more dynamic and engaging than TB, but still it is not button smashing but more refined experience.
We'll post an update + some gameplay video soon."

That said, I will probably wait for reviews and a few patches before picking it up. I wasn't a fan of Bullet Time, preferring pause for example, so that maybe a deal breaker if they don't implement both like they did last time.
I still need to check Tower of Time. I got it once for free on GoG, but haven't got a chance to play it yet.
In Tower of Time you had to control four characters to fight waves of enemies pouring out at you. It was difficult to plan tactics properly as some abilities had you drawing lines across pathways or properly placing AoE spells all while attempting to avoid the enemies AoE spells and other annoyingly fun tactics. It was still hectic to switch between characters, have them target the right enemy (sometimes they wouldn’t, although this felt like a design choice) and still manage the flow properly to win the fight. Bullet time still relies on twitch timing instead of tactical timing and if you’re too slow it was a difficult slog.
If you only controlled one character, then bullet time would be fine but Dark Envoy looks like it is going to be party based again.
I myself wasn't the greatest of fans of the waves either. Given it's a prominent part in mobile games. Dark Envoy luckily doesn't seem to have them. As I understood, players will be able to position themselves and ambush encounters before the battle starts. Though afaik that was before the Bullet Time decision was known. Hence why I am looking forward to that upcoming update where they will showcase the new comba style.
Yeah, I know what bullet time is, I played Max Payne, Fallout 3 and NV, watched Matrix etc. I just can't imagine how it would work with isometric(ish) crpg.
Event Horizon will also soon post a steam update about their new combat approach. I am keeping an eye on their steam page for sating my own curiousity as well.
I was under impression that ToT is not bullet time crpg and devs want to change that wih Dark Envoy. Interesting, I'll definitely try it out someday.
I didn’t mind the wave combat, it just got repetitive quickly and the different enemy types tended to blend together with none standing out.
New footage of the story intro and sone condensed gameplay.
So glad they ditched the initiallly planned TB combat and now deliver two modes: Normal mode is real-time and Tactical mode slows down time, yet doesn't stop combat. Turns out the devs really did go for the Matrix bullet time approach.
Character creation is still a work in progress. Customizing the twins is nice and all. But I kind of wished that we could pick a race besides human. Even if that would require more narrative flexibility for the plot.
In other news, a demo is also planned to soon hit their discord.