thiefless game

it seems pretty clear that a single-classed thief isn't necessary to play through the entire baldur's gate series, but is it possible to play through without a thief of any level and not miss anything?
related questions:
are there any doors or chests that can't be opened by brute force or a knock spell?
are there any traps that are can only be bypassed by disarming them?
are there any times when it's necessary to pick someone's pocket?
related questions:
are there any doors or chests that can't be opened by brute force or a knock spell?
are there any traps that are can only be bypassed by disarming them?
are there any times when it's necessary to pick someone's pocket?
I don't actually know if there are goodies behind insta death traps that you can't just go around.
Nope, you never have to pick pocket.
But yes, it’s possible, any class by itself is possible, just less fun
this, and the utter fun of playing a thief, that is so only for some players, me included, are the REAL things you miss.
every door or container can be bashed or opened with knock afaik, and every trap tanked or avoided but one, that even a thief can not disable, in the underdark, there your only options are avoiding it or using a cheap summon to trigger it, and most of the containers don't even contain something that strictly needs to waste a knock spell, ie there is a container in the 2nd level of d'arnise keep that nalia is not able to open, without using a potion or a knock spell, but the loot is probably not worth it.
You can potentially find traps with a monk or the 2nd level priest spell. You can hide in shadows with a ranger or monk, even backstab with a stalker. You can open locks with any high strength character or the knock spell, and there are strength items. You can pickpocket with a bard, you even get access to high level traps with a bard.
There are a lot of traps in the game however. And setting them all off manually will become quite tedious. In the first game you'll have to worry about AoE traps like fireball and lightning. In BG2 there are a few very nasty traps like petrification, disintegration. It definitely could be an interesting challenge playthrough to go thief-less, but it seems like it would get tedious after awhile. There's also some useful gear you'll miss out on using as well.
If you're using the base NPC's, BG2 is balanced so that you don't need a thief stronger than Imoen.
This isn't to sow discord but yeah, no it is not possible with all classes. A single class druid cannot beat the game. I know, I know I have seen it too but that was not without many to the tenth power reloads and a ridiculous amount of gameplay. The druid is great until the last battle but dreadful in the final melee.
No, a thief is not needed for the game. Not even remotely. In all actuality there is a way to circumvent every trap for every character class and the only chest that is in anyway important that you cannot bash in Slayer form is the chest that holds the Rune of Clangeddin.
Just because you haven’t yet succeeded, doesn’t mean it isn’t possible
But hey, whatevs, you might want to enlist help from another person, say a thief
" I know, I know I have seen it too but that was not without many to the tenth power reloads and a ridiculous amount of gameplay."
I'm sorry, what? That makes no sense. How can you say druids can't solo the game, but then immiediately say you've seen them solo the game?
Besides, no reloads of SCS have been done with every class. EVERY CLASS. The only run that hasn't yet been done was a solo druid, no re-load, SCS, Ascension, LoB difficulty run. My understanding is that its the ascension part that screws it up.
I am not saying this because I can’t do it but because I have never heard of anyone doing it. I didn’t make the claim lightly. I don’t mind being wrong, it happens with saddening regularity, but in this instance someone will have to show me.
Sorry, I did not mean to derail the thread. We now return to our regularly scheduled program.
I mean, really...
Well, when I started here it was on my XP computer.
I feel bad, I really do but after all...
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes