Oh and even though I've only encountered a few NPCs (I'm after very specific ones for my first playthrough), I love how they put proficiency points into darts and scimitar/wakizashi/ninjato for Safana (being a sea-faring Calimshite after all) and Shar-Teel with dual wielding longswords and daggers - awesome! OH and Safana's special is amazing, she goes up to the target and kisses them, she managed to charm Silke with a kiss and get her to cast magic missile on herself, thus committing suicide. The things people will do to please Safana eh!
Looking forward to using Safana when I can get the game to run properly :-)
Has anyone noticed that the default script can cause characters using ranged weapons to move into melee but still use a ranged weapon? I eventually turned their script to none to get them to stop doing that.
I was a disspointed they didn't scale back the familairs a bit - a lawful evil mage can create an Imp familiar, which can polymorph self into a (hasted) Sword Spider, Grey Ooze etc. You can can kill the mage in the Candlekeep Inn without breaking a sweat, for example.
It's totally OP, to the point where if picking this alignment, I would not actually use the Familar, as it's totally unbalancing.
-The new quiver stack sizes. 20 was always too small. 40 in BG2 was alright. 80 in BG:EE seems perfect. -Zoom function is pretty cool. At times I wish I could zoom a little further out, but all in all, really like the zoom function. -I love that the portraits show the equipped weapon while in battle. That is super handy. -Load and save times are awesome. The first time I quicksaved I was waiting for the progress dialog to show up, and then I noticed that the save was already done. -I love the fact that it is Baldur's Gate. Everything is exactly as I remember it, just prettier.
Dislikes: -The lack of graphics options. I like to run it windowed. I'm on a 1600x1200 monitor, but I don't get to pick the window size. -Sometimes it seems to take a lot of clicks to get things done. -In windowed mode, it can be tough to get the mouse in just the right spot to make the screen scroll. -BGTutu auto paused when the game lost focus, I wish BG:EE did this.
The major one is that we are unable to use BG1 animations/sprites for our characters, since the data was not included.
Since Infinity Animations is impossible to work, we are unable to even use a mod to play the game like we could with the original.
I can't stress enough how i DISLIKE this. I dislike it enough that i'm not going to properly play the game, because at this point, considering other problems as well, it won't be a satisfying experience.
The minor one, is male portraits. Lame, lamer than lame. Male->lame, get it? But yeah, too much beard, not enough badassery. We'll have to make our own portraits again like usual, and this "dlc" was forced on pc people, but since i preordered for 2$ less, it's like i didn't pay for it, so whatever.
I'm not accounting the bugs, because there is no point.
The first problem however with the sprites, is just meh. I knew this would happen.
I was a disspointed they didn't scale back the familairs a bit - a lawful evil mage can create an Imp familiar, which can polymorph self into a (hasted) Sword Spider, Grey Ooze etc. You can can kill the mage in the Candlekeep Inn without breaking a sweat, for example.
It's totally OP, to the point where if picking this alignment, I would not actually use the Familar, as it's totally unbalancing.
-The lack of graphics options. I like to run it windowed. I'm on a 1600x1200 monitor, but I don't get to pick the window size.
Well, colour me surprised! I can't set the window size in the options, but I can drag it to whatever size I want! That's kind of nice. Well done Overhaul.
-The lack of graphics options. I like to run it windowed. I'm on a 1600x1200 monitor, but I don't get to pick the window size.
Well, colour me surprised! I can't set the window size in the options, but I can drag it to whatever size I want! That's kind of nice. Well done Overhaul.
Though panning around the map with the mouse doesn't seem to work in windowed mode, as the mouse jusyt leaves the window, or have I missed something?
As it seems there is a fixed Zoom Level used in the Game, No matter which resolution is used - This i do find a bit stupid, since every level of zoom takes away a bit sharpness of the Picture.
The ability to zoom is Awesome, but a so called Root-Zoom without the ability to turn it on or off as the user wishes is not the best move.
Larger fonts would be necessary for the more blind guys of the player community ( i am a part of it... sadly :P)
GUI is not at all sharpness optimized for 1080P resolution.
No Gamebreaking disappointing things, But after all, they ARE disappointing.
First point first: The game is running fine and smooth at both my Laptop (win7 64bit, 4 GB RAM, Nvidia 9600M GT, CoreDuo T6400 )and Dektop PC (Win7 64 bit, 6 GB RAM, Nvidia 8800 Ultra, CoreDuo (E6600). No crashed, no lags - lathough i haven't played that far into the game yet (2 hours).
Positives - i like the sharp graphics at zoom-out view (but not extreme zoo-out) - the character sheet is nice and clean - i like the fact that i can take notes in the journal
So far i only have a few minor nitpicks
Negatives: - To few voice sets to choose (i have had difficulty finding a dwarven fighter voice set) and a gnome thief rogue set - both male - To few character portraits (i wouk have liked to have BG2 portraits incorporated. The IWD-likes portraits do not fit BG theme - not to my taste, but different people have different tastes) - I wish the zoom-in graphics were sharper. some sharpening and antialiasing would be wonderful - there is some overlapp of joining party members and tutor's voice in the tutorial - the prologue-speech doesn't match text-scroll speed. Text is long out of vie and the voice-actor still speaks... - i'm missing graphics options. how do i adjust resolution? i can only run in windowed mode or full screen - i would lkike to have the font a little bit bigger (even better if font would be adjustable by options)
-The lack of graphics options. I like to run it windowed. I'm on a 1600x1200 monitor, but I don't get to pick the window size.
Well, colour me surprised! I can't set the window size in the options, but I can drag it to whatever size I want! That's kind of nice. Well done Overhaul.
Though panning around the map with the mouse doesn't seem to work in windowed mode, as the mouse jusyt leaves the window, or have I missed something?
It does work, it's just tricky. You need to get your mouse right on the inside edge of the window, not actually leave the window. Then just hold your mouse there and it will pan. I've gotten reasonably proficient at it now, though, it can still be a little frustrating.
- i'm missing graphics options. how do i adjust resolution? i can only run in windowed mode or full screen
It is adjustable, just not in the options. Set it to window mode, and then you can drag the window to whatever size / shape you want. You can even maximize the window. The panning is a little tricky, but it does work. If you run full screen, it seems to just run in your native resolution.
@Mornmagor Somebody told you they were including the data. I forget who, one of the beta testers. That is lame. That is a serious deal breaker for me.
They were talking about how the sprite filter which makes them sharper doesn't apply to the base sprites, intended so that brand new sprites from mods will have the same filter applied to them.
I swear to god they said they were including the data. @AndreasColombo isn't going to be happy about this either if I know him well. xP
@Mornmagor Are you sure? We were on a thread where a mod chimed in (you and I were bitching about 1PP :P) and he said the data came with the game. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he said something else.
@Mornmagor I hope so. I was going to play through the game (not the original, the Black Pits which looks awesome), but I think I'll wait until it's patched and everything is customizable.
I would really like to be able to zoom out further - I'm used to playing with the widescreen mod and I like a clearer vision of the area I'm in.
Also the tutorial is a little weird as all the NPCs are of a much higher level than the PC. It may give the wrong impression to newbie players - that their PC is pathetically weak or something.
It's totally OP, to the point where if picking this alignment, I would not actually use the Familar, as it's totally unbalancing.
-The new quiver stack sizes. 20 was always too small. 40 in BG2 was alright. 80 in BG:EE seems perfect.
-Zoom function is pretty cool. At times I wish I could zoom a little further out, but all in all, really like the zoom function.
-I love that the portraits show the equipped weapon while in battle. That is super handy.
-Load and save times are awesome. The first time I quicksaved I was waiting for the progress dialog to show up, and then I noticed that the save was already done.
-I love the fact that it is Baldur's Gate. Everything is exactly as I remember it, just prettier.
-The lack of graphics options. I like to run it windowed. I'm on a 1600x1200 monitor, but I don't get to pick the window size.
-Sometimes it seems to take a lot of clicks to get things done.
-In windowed mode, it can be tough to get the mouse in just the right spot to make the screen scroll.
-BGTutu auto paused when the game lost focus, I wish BG:EE did this.
The major one is that we are unable to use BG1 animations/sprites for our characters, since the data was not included.
Since Infinity Animations is impossible to work, we are unable to even use a mod to play the game like we could with the original.
I can't stress enough how i DISLIKE this. I dislike it enough that i'm not going to properly play the game, because at this point, considering other problems as well, it won't be a satisfying experience.
The minor one, is male portraits. Lame, lamer than lame. Male->lame, get it? But yeah, too much beard, not enough badassery. We'll have to make our own portraits again like usual, and this "dlc" was forced on pc people, but since i preordered for 2$ less, it's like i didn't pay for it, so whatever.
I'm not accounting the bugs, because there is no point.
The first problem however with the sprites, is just meh. I knew this would happen.
Actually, it looks like the LE IMp familiar only polymorphs into a non-hasted normal spider, not so OP after all (though the Grey Ooze is close to it): http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/155653/
Apologies for any mis-information.
Plus no task switching is a big deal for me, I could always do it, in every IE game...
The ability to zoom is Awesome, but a so called Root-Zoom without the ability to turn it on or off as the user wishes is not the best move.
Larger fonts would be necessary for the more blind guys of the player community ( i am a part of it... sadly :P)
GUI is not at all sharpness optimized for 1080P resolution.
No Gamebreaking disappointing things, But after all, they ARE disappointing.
- i like the sharp graphics at zoom-out view (but not extreme zoo-out)
- the character sheet is nice and clean
- i like the fact that i can take notes in the journal
So far i only have a few minor nitpicks
- To few voice sets to choose (i have had difficulty finding a dwarven fighter voice set) and a gnome thief rogue set - both male
- To few character portraits (i wouk have liked to have BG2 portraits incorporated. The IWD-likes portraits do not fit BG theme - not to my taste, but different people have different tastes)
- I wish the zoom-in graphics were sharper. some sharpening and antialiasing would be wonderful
- there is some overlapp of joining party members and tutor's voice in the tutorial
- the prologue-speech doesn't match text-scroll speed. Text is long out of vie and the voice-actor still speaks...
- i'm missing graphics options. how do i adjust resolution? i can only run in windowed mode or full screen
- i would lkike to have the font a little bit bigger (even better if font would be adjustable by options)
now...back to gaming
They were talking about how the sprite filter which makes them sharper doesn't apply to the base sprites, intended so that brand new sprites from mods will have the same filter applied to them.
I swear to god they said they were including the data. @AndreasColombo isn't going to be happy about this either if I know him well. xP
The other deal breaker are the NPC lines being random instead of in an order which annoys me very much.
I just wish they did.
Doesn't matter, someone will mod it sooner or later.
We're going to see BG1 animations one way or another i guess, but we might have to wait a bit
Including elven female fighters and clerics having chainmail on their legs instead of plate when they wear full plate armor.
Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway.
If we get to use BG1 animations somehow we'll never have to see the BG2 avatar monstrosities again, vanilla or mutated with 1pp even >_>
Also the tutorial is a little weird as all the NPCs are of a much higher level than the PC. It may give the wrong impression to newbie players - that their PC is pathetically weak or something.