Casting spells underwater

I'm new to all this building and scripting. I have an idea of a few underwater flooded tunnels and rooms in a dungeon. I have found a way to make it so the players need water breathing items to simulate being underwater and not drowning. I however still can't find any information on how to make it so fire spells can't be cast in the underwater areas. Is there a way currently and how difficult is it to set up?
If you want to modify their effect, that is more difficult and will require of rewriting all the affected spells. It could be done in spellhook again, but it can get too messy there. Depends on what you want to replace it with and if that effect will be shared with multiple spells or each spell gets unique treatment.
Depending on your learning style, you may prefer Tarot Redhand's tutorials, the Lexicon lyceum, or Lilac Soul's Script Generator (which won't solve this problem for you, but will generate scripts from which you can glean how the basics work).
The simple restriction would be a breeze in the spell hook if you can swot up on the basics.
Feel free to use it or tear it apart for your own uses. I don't promise it's without some bugs somewhere. Now that Beamdog made updates, I should probably revisit and update it, but I really want to get the module I'm working on done first.