Best fight in the game!

If I close my eyes and think at the best fight in bg1 the first that comes to mind is the bandit camp! For me that one is... perfection. Of course now i just web and fireball like a mad man laughing all the way. But the first time?, the first five times or 10 times I was like what the hell? Is a huge camp FULL of bandits and a couple of them felt like master swordsman! It was a great feeling to win such o big fight (after so many tries) trying all spells, wands and options my meager party had then.
Strangely I find the best/memorable fights in bg1 are the ones when you take on a small army or a big party. Probably one vs the party dosen't realy work well for mages or creatures like it does in bg2.
What are your most found memories of battles past?
Strangely I find the best/memorable fights in bg1 are the ones when you take on a small army or a big party. Probably one vs the party dosen't realy work well for mages or creatures like it does in bg2.
What are your most found memories of battles past?
Ultimately though, it's between Nimbul and Davaeorn for me. "I am death, come for thee" still haunts my dreams; the damn bravado of taking you on right in front of the guards and everything, just as you are about to get some rest. Perfection. Meanwhile, Davaeorn dimension dooring around his thoroughly-trapped lair while emptying out his spellbook is a fight that never disappoints. It's also one of the most satisfying to beat in the entire game, if not only because you finally get to go to the titular city afterwards.
It works as a kind of final exam for all the lessons you've had up to this point. Very much resembles a souped-up version of some of the bounty hunter fights you've had. Needing to engage with traps, needing to face a very diverse set of baddies. And there's no obvious way to cheese it or some kind of special workaround that unfortunately taints some other RPG end battles.
Unless you get lucky and land a charm on Sarevok!
Odd, I have always found non-SCS Davaeron pretty trivial to beat. He looked like a potentially very powerful mage who could obliterate my party if he wanted, but who is armed with completely useless spells. So I would send Minsc or Ajantis upfront and just wait until he unloads his while spelbook of pointless spells on them (regardless of their immunities) and starts fighting them melee, at which point Minsc/Ajantis would kill him with two swings of a sword. He barely used any offensive spells and would just walk around the dungeon aimlessly using dimension door. SCS Davaeron was much more offensive and much more powerful, but again...fighting him 6-on-1 makes for quite an easy fight.
Davaeorn is tough if you don't know you need to be protected from fire and lightning. Or if you don't have a thief to take care of the battle horrors trap. Or if you can't protect every party member and get unlucky or make a mistake with positioning. Sure, he's easy to beat if you know ahead of time exactly what to expect and how to counter it. That's true of pretty much every fight in the game, including SCS fights.
The letdown in non-SCS Davaeron fight is that I literally only need to cast protection from fire on one of my characters and send him there to stand while supposedly very powerful mage just pointlessly hovers around the rooms using shadow doors and throwing useless spells until he runs out of them (which happens quite quickly). The difference between that and other fights that I will win that fight 100 out of 100 times now, and many others I won't (I've never been even close to attempting no-reload setting).
Yeah, it's kind of a cowardly approach, but I'd rather a bunch of skeletons or other summons soak up those high-level spells than my party.
first i would gather my whole party on to the island in the middle of the map
next i would make sure the path finding was set to 4000 so then drizzt wouldn't be smart enough to go around the island to attack my chums
then i would summon some skellies at the edge of the lake just in eye shot of the island
then i would bring a party member down to get drizzt hostile and bring him into the skellies
if all worked out, drizzt would just go to the shore of the lake not being able to move through the water and just stand there while the rest of my team just hurled gratuitous amount of ammunition at him until he fell, i even remember sometimes throwing out webs and hold persons to see if they would stick, and every once in a while i he would get stuck in a web which would be awesome, and one time, out of the 1000s of battles i did at that island i got a hold person to land, now THAT was amazing i wonder if i still have some screenshots of this....?
and it seems that this was the game where hold person connected
and these are just other shots of my trying to get spells to connect
even the gnolls would help out every once in awhile
to be honest i actually love the entirety of irenicus' first dungeon, so many people hate the first dungeon because they've done it so much, but even after ALL this time, i still love going through it,
for me it kind of feels like a blissful warm up for what is to come in the big bad world of BG 2
It's a fairly well done dungeon. Sure, you see it a lot, and eventually memorize it, but it's definitely one of the better ones in the game.
I love how your screenshots slowly go from day to night, implying that Drizzt essentially just stood at the lakeshore the entire day while people fired arrows at him. XD
hahhaha, actually most of those pics are different play throughs, you can tell by the portraits
Yeah I find that funny how some people hate it to the point where they have to completely skip it, no matter how many times I do it I love how mysterious the dungeon and the villain keeping you captive is. The whole setup, people (former servants/friends I think?) in jars and monsters is just so good. Especially the people in the jars and the clone.
I think the most important part is moderation. If you do the Windspear hills quest for example and then shortly after do it again then you will get sick of it because you've just done it and it becomes a little repetitive. I think some people can't just help restarting and get quickly get sick of doing the same dungeon (no matter how great it is) over and over.
He takes his dodgeball game VERY seriously.
Except that it is possible to have them never ambush you. My last BG1 party (with Eilrie) never encountered them. I'm not sure why, or whether it was a bug, but the only assassins they ran into were in Nashkel. The other group near the alternate mine exit never materialized, nor did the group near the gullykin village. It was a touch disappointing.
*Drizzt (obviously, but strangely satisfying)
* Shandalar (obviously, but strangely satisfying, also)
* Aec’Letec and his cultist pals (Death Gaze, resurrection and magic resistance, yowzah!)
* Dwarven Doomguards in Durlag’s Tower (they really pack a punch)
* The final fight (Sarevok, undisarmable traps, and bandit chums, yuk!)
Loved those fights though, despite the hundreds of reloads...
I also have a soft spot for Irenicus’ Athkatla labs/dungeons...they’re suitably mysterious and creepy. I never skip them.
On the dwarven doom guards - they're exactly the same as regular doom guards, except they attack twice as often. The best solution, of course, is to not let them close to melee range and attack you. I find a Wand of Lightning works wonders - they aren't resistant at all, and you can get some good bounces in those corridors.
I forgot Kahrk, how could I forget him? He’s a mean mother...Dunno why, but Remove Magic didn’t work on him...maybe he has a globe of invulnerability active which prevents it? On a side note, I’ve found Remove Magic to behave oddly in BG1 (as it wasn’t originally part of it, and just never seems to take effect for me) and suspect some kind of bug...but I’ll have to investigate further on my next run through