Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning

in Off-Topic

Looks like a HD remake of Amalur will indeed be a thing now. And it will cost 40 bucks on either console or PC.
There's also an msn article which showcases a physical collectors edition for those interested.
I just hope that this remaster will also be available on steam rather than only the microsoft store. As THQ has the tendency of gifting owners of the original with the updated title as well. That was for instance also the case with Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition.
I think this is the first time I saw a collector's edition trailer before the actual game trailer.
Still no further news on this one afaik. Looks like the devs are planning to upload a FAQ on the Amalur discord at some point. But until then we just have no further details on what exactly this remaster will exactly entail.
This is what stood out to me the most though:
Beautiful environments, even caves have have bright and varied colors (Bioluminesence for the win!). The world really LOOKS like a magical place.
Good classes. At first, it looks like you only have 3 classes to choose from. But you can multiclass! You can combine classes and skills pretty much however you want. And every combination has a unique class name!
The combat is some of the most fun I've had in an action RPG. Its not complicated, but its fun and reflexes definitely matter.
The story came across as pretty average to me. I did only get through half of the game map though, maybe it really takes off in the second half.
The character models feel a little plasticy and WOW-ish. I didn't care for them so much, but I suspect its a taste thing.
Interesting, let's just say I'll have this remaster on my radar. Though a mediocre story makes me feel a bit hesitant.
The sidequests on the other hand? Go there, kill this and collect that. Yup, that's the nutshell of running them for like 200+ hours. True to its moniker of “singleplayer MMO“.
Amalur is praised pretty much entirely for its character building, combat, and gorgeous evironments.
Also interesting of note is that the upcoming Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fate Edition will be available on September 8th 2020 for an SRP of € 54.99 / $ 54.99 / £ 47.99 / ₽ 2669.00. This Fate Edition contains the full game Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning as well as the upcoming expansion Fatesworn, releasing in 2021.
I personally haven't spotted a different camera angle in the provided steam page screenshots. So I am conjuring a “no“ as a guess here.
Looks like we may see something tomorrow. A gameplay trailer perhaps? Would be about time.
Less than a minute long. But we finally got a look at the gameplay. Also noteworthy is that the steam page now lists the required HDD space as 40GB. That's 30GB more than the original.
The FAQ had been updated with new information. Lots of camera fiddling possible.
Now we have a trailer for Finesse, Might and Sorcery. Wonder what they'll show in the remaining 5 days?
I reckon
Reckon once more
the reckoning
reckon once, shame on you
get reckt