Bug: Balthazar & Melissan Teleporting Into Abazigal's Lair

Hey guys I am having an issue where Balthazar and Melissan are teleporting into Abazigal's Lair after he dies, forcing a confrontation that I believe should actually happen in the Palace itself.
I have come across a couple other examples but no solutions:
"I have a weird bug in ToB. Right after I killed Abazigal, there is a cutscene that shows Balthazar and Melissan in Balthazar's palace. And after that ends, the same cutscene happens back in Abazigal's lair too, with Balthazar and Melissan somehow teleported there. But this time, you intervene the talk. I selected to support Balthazar, and Melissan summoned some monsters and a fight broke, Balthazar on my side. We killed everyone, but Melissan can't be killed. She becomes near death and stays at that condition. Because the fight was never ending, I left Abazigal's lair and went back to Amkethlan, to Balthazar's palace. But, there is noone inside the palace, completely empty. So, I can't progress further at this point. "
Any suggestions here? Perhaps variables I could toggle and reset?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I have come across a couple other examples but no solutions:
"I have a weird bug in ToB. Right after I killed Abazigal, there is a cutscene that shows Balthazar and Melissan in Balthazar's palace. And after that ends, the same cutscene happens back in Abazigal's lair too, with Balthazar and Melissan somehow teleported there. But this time, you intervene the talk. I selected to support Balthazar, and Melissan summoned some monsters and a fight broke, Balthazar on my side. We killed everyone, but Melissan can't be killed. She becomes near death and stays at that condition. Because the fight was never ending, I left Abazigal's lair and went back to Amkethlan, to Balthazar's palace. But, there is noone inside the palace, completely empty. So, I can't progress further at this point. "
Any suggestions here? Perhaps variables I could toggle and reset?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I didn't realize WoP was intended to allow for different orders (I went the traditional Sendai>Abazigal>Balthazar).
I'll try reaching out on the G3 forums. Until then, anyone else with any suggested variables to tinker with?
Edit: There is a much more detailed post with some scripts here ("Cutscene problem at Abazigal's Lair (AR6005)"): http://www.shsforums.net/topic/47635-notes-oddities-and-possible-bugs-in-my-bwp-game-spoilers/page-51
I am not familiar with the cutscene/area files, but it seems the issue is not related to WoP. CUT235A.BCS should load (taken back to Pocket Plane with Solar) but instead DW#BALC2.BCS loads (Balthazar and Melissan in the palace). I will try tinkering with some of these variables.
Before fighting Abazigal, I set Global("HadBhaal25Dream3","GLOBAL",0) from 0 to 1.
After the fight, the cutscene of Balthazar and Melissan talking in the palace played. I believe normally the Pocket Plane Solar cutscene should follow, however it did not since the variable above was set =1. I made another save file where I set the variable back =0 (i.e. just removed it) and upon reload, the Pocket Plane Solar cutscene immediately began as expected. I traveled back to the palace and the regular cutscene with Balthazar began (although Melissan was already taken away and the first dialogue option was to ask where she was). I am not sure how this normally unfolds with Wheels of Prophecy since this is my first time playing ToB in over 10 years, but I think this is good enough to progress the plot.
This bug ruined my EET playthrough at it's final steps. Hopefully I can finish my game now.
When I leave the pocket plane I'm only returned to saradush, where I came from.
I thought this was because of wheels of properchy mod, so I uninstalled it, loaded from before I killed sendai and went back to the end. No change.
Would you have a suggestion what I can EEkeep so that I would go to the throne of blood from the pocket plane?
It's not the Neera-bug, I already tried it.
Also tried teleporting to the Throne of blood. It breaks the conversations. Irenicus appears, bodhi doesn't and after killing him nothing happens.
Thanks again Jeulz95