NWN Modules for Beamdog to pick up and polish - what would you buy?

I have played NWN for many years now. Ever since picking up my Diamond edition back in the days. So an avid fan - for many years now.
I am now enjoying the game on a switch, and have to say that I really love the console version of the game - it’s truly enhanced as I see it
I didn’t know what to expect from the renderer, but have seen that people speculated about the future of NWN:ee since it was scrapped. To remedy the loss, I hope that we will see Beamdog picking up some quality modules and truly enhance them.
First on my wish list would be
- Baldur’s Gate: there is an old module as I recall? But I would love to see the full saga to be honest,
- Eye of the beholder: it’s a classic, and I wouldn’t mind to see the whole trilogy adapted,
- A Leto’ish mod for Switch
The adaption of old household and well known stories should be a kind of cash grap ? - it’s old, but good. And if Beamdog ever made the above, I would gladly flush them with money. Come get em!!
But that’s just me. What would you pay good money for?
I am now enjoying the game on a switch, and have to say that I really love the console version of the game - it’s truly enhanced as I see it
I didn’t know what to expect from the renderer, but have seen that people speculated about the future of NWN:ee since it was scrapped. To remedy the loss, I hope that we will see Beamdog picking up some quality modules and truly enhance them.
First on my wish list would be
- Baldur’s Gate: there is an old module as I recall? But I would love to see the full saga to be honest,
- Eye of the beholder: it’s a classic, and I wouldn’t mind to see the whole trilogy adapted,
- A Leto’ish mod for Switch
The adaption of old household and well known stories should be a kind of cash grap ? - it’s old, but good. And if Beamdog ever made the above, I would gladly flush them with money. Come get em!!
But that’s just me. What would you pay good money for?
Post edited by StummvonBordwehr on
As we have seen, it might be possible in the case of cancelled premium modules, which were presumably made by a well-defined legal entity.
Arguably, the question is academic, since many well-made modules are freely available on the Vault.
The coding of the module may belong to the coder, but the content may not. The BG trilogy is in the custody of WoTC. The WoTC seem quite set on safeguarding the old modules in their stock. So an agreement with WoTC would be the most crucial step after all.
But I will fully agree that Beamdog should steer clear of any moves that would upset the community. So coorporation is the way to go. But the legal work of handling an old module should be manageble.
But how about a battle royale module then. With highscores and leaderboard?
Some of the old gold box games may also be a safe pick?
Ps. Modules for the consoles and tablets cant be picked up on the vault - thats why it holds interest
and the only cancelled premium module left is hex coda. and the creator has no interest in doing that.
The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun, The Fires of Dis, Under the Dark Fist, so many great ones worth mentioning, and certainly worth playing if you can get a group together.
Personally, I've never owned a console for that reason - why submit to censorship by monopolies when we have the open internet?
If anyone knows how modding is now regulated on those platforms, I'd be interested to know, but commercially it's unlikely to happen, for the reasons I gave above.
Ok, so it's most likely a problem with age ratings? That's to bad, because even tho NWN:EE on console includes the OC, SoU, HotU, Darkness over Daggerford, and other adventures, and that is alot of game, it's to bad that I can't discuss new modules with my friend that plays the game on switch.
Mods and community modules are the main reason I still play NwN. So, for myself, I see little value in purchasing one of the console ports. That being said: a steady flow of new Premium Modules would be a godsent for console users precisely because of the lack of fan-made offline modules on these new platforms.
Are they totally unplayable now? I can install diamond edition from gog, but I rather not bother if I don't absolutely have to.
It helps when players finding glitches or solutions report them on the Vault.
for Tales of Arterra you just outright lose access to your party members in part 2 of awakening.
make shore to report the bugs to the vault if it's not already done by somebody else.
they were on the pages of them. but both modules authors are pretty much gone at this point.
I suspect Swordflight might be too challenging for most casual players these days; it feels like an old school vibe epic scale RPG ala Infinity Engine games (or even Pathfinder Kingmaker), though of course lacking full party control.
Aielund is also epic in scope, much, much easier, and feels more like you're with a party.
But there are also a lot of lesser known module makers out there who produce amazing stuff with much less in the way of recognition. They deserve a shout out.
I'm kinda sad there isn't more going on.
I wouldn't actually mind a sort of subscription service. It wouldn't be difficult to crowd-finance a part-time or even full-time coder/fixer through community subscriptions, depending on how many people took part.
Crowdfunding a couple of people to keep creating modules full-time wouldn't be bad either.
@chevalier Do you mean something like Neverwinter Nights Mod Installer Tool - NIT? It does all of that for you. Seek and ye shall find.
Yeah, well, I mean this from the user's side and so will use user terms, not developer/modder terms, meaning basically a wishlist sort of approach focusing on the desired end effect — I mean not having to check which of the many versions of CEP is required, not having to install and juggle multiple CEP versions. Better still, not having to manually download other community extensions, some of which may no longer be available (or at least may have relocated).
Thanks for the link.
With full party control so it would actually feel like D&D to play rather than being forced to solo or watch your henchmen do stupid things with no control over them.
That would bump NWN: EE into the next level it needs to thrive again.
Only if I can turn it off and
Only if it does not change NwN into turn based.
NwN is not Baldur's Gate, it is its own beast and I like it like that. Sure improve the AI but don't mess with how it plays.
NwN is a Computer RPG, not a tabletop game. There are systems out there that come very close to emulating that experience but they require constant human interaction/intervention. Enjoy NwN for what it is and not what it isn't.