New character build help

Hey there, I'm starting a new campaign (still undecided between OC or SoU -> HotU) after having recently reinstalled the game.
Was thinking of making something a little less traditional: a halfling paladin. And was wondering if anyone could help with a build.
Was thinking of making something a little less traditional: a halfling paladin. And was wondering if anyone could help with a build.
Dual wielding paladins are going to be relying on their charisma and weapon bonuses for damage, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Divine Might and Divine Shield will use your Charisma modifier to enhance your damage and AC, making charisma the main stat of this build for sure, and weapons with elemental bonuses aren't hard to come by. You will be outputting decent damage, but more importantly, you will end up a very difficult to hit opponent, whether by sword or spell.
I would also recommend skill saving until you get about 20 skill points or so, and dump a level into rogue along with Tumble and Use Magic Device. This will further enhance your AC and unlock access to some better magical gear along with lots of spell scrolls, making this a very versatile character for only one multiclass level. Since rogue is also the favored class of halflings, you won't incur any XP penalties.
also, watch your STR, since you are a halfling, you are going to start with 6, and that is not good, because you can wear full plate but that armor is heavy, realistically if you can muster it, you would want 14 STR so you can actually carry some gear around before you start getting encumbered from it
my opinion is if this is your first play through, i wouldn't go dual wield, since you need to spend a whole bunch of feats for it ( 3 of them to make it so you get as little penalty as possible ) and that won't happen until you hit level 9
if i were you i would just go weapon and shield, for weapon choice i would either go with longsword or warhammer ( but no need to do both ) the only reason why i say this is because there is a paladin longsword in SoU but once you hit level 17 i believe it is, and if you have weapon focus warhammer you can find the hammer of thunderbolts which in my opinion is a better weapon ( since it ACTUALLY counts as a +5 weapon, unlike the holy avenger )
stat wise, for a halfling you could go as follows;
str 14
dex 12
con 14
int 8
wis 14
cha 14
this will give you enough str to carry some items and actually be able to equip the heavy good ones ( like full plate ) 12 dex is enough since full plate doesn't go pass +1 dex for bonus AC, now CON you could either keep it at 14 or bring it down to 12 so you can make your INT 10, because with 8 INT and halfing you are only going to get 1 skill, and there are many useful skills ( discipline, heal, lore, tumble, spellcraft ) so that part is up to you, plus having 14 WIS is necessary to get all of your spells, if you only have 13 WIS you will only get up to level 3 spells as apposed to 14 WIS which will allow you to get up to level 4 spells, and 14 CHA is enough to give a nice bonus to all your saves as well
now skill wise, depending on how many you get ( whether it be 1 or 2 ) i would go with tumble first than spell craft second ( if you have 10 INT )
level up wise, to be honest there is nothing wrong with just going full out paladin all the way to level whatever, if you want to liven it up a bit, you can add champion of torm to your paladin class ( that class goes very well with paladin ) and it requires little planning ( just have weapon focus in a weapon and have 7 base attack bonus )
but if you want to have a little extra kick to your paladin, what you could do is add monk levels as well, which would go like this;
every 5 levels starting at level 2 ( so take monk at 2nd level, 7th level, 12th level, 17th level, ect ) make sure to have 5 skill points at those level ups so then you can put 5 points into tumble ( for every 5 points your tumble skill goes up you will get 1 bonus AC ) plus the monk benefits you get are crazy especially at level 1, free; evasion, cleave, +2 to all saves, its madness, and to top it all off if you add some champion of torm on top, you can have some INSANE saves
but again, if this is too much thinkin, just stick with paladin the whole way, if you plan on bringing henchmen along, you won't really need to worry about a perfect build to finish the game, just make your character and have fun with it,
a halfling paladin is indeed and interesting concept, definitely not optimal at all, but fun none the less
woops, just realized, that the monk paladin thing won't work because you are a halfling ( im so used to playing humans )
now i can understand why WarChiefZeke was thinking more the rogue route, which could still work every 5 levels instead of monk where you can put those points on tumble ( and you will still get evasion at rogue 2, and sneak attack at rogue 1 and rogue 3 ) that is, if you wish to go that route
Thanks for the help!
It takes a while to gel, but Shapeshifter frees up a lot of the reliance on assigning physical stats to make the build effective, leaving you free to pump Cha as you level. Just need the 13 Str to get Cleave, and you'll want just enough Wis to qualify for your scant few levels of Druid spells.
fantastic big black pussies