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[mod] Below & Below Inn



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    They are in the Kuldahar Pass, right next to the house where you fought goblins in the very beginning of the game
  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 75
    Ah, I see, thank you.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    hi, i tried installing your mod and im getting all Invalid:[number] messages for all names and chat messages.

    i think this might be due to the 2.6 or so icewind dale patch, is there any way you could update the mod or do you have any other idea what i could do?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    The mod works fine with 2.6 and it's the best version to use it.

    I can see a couple of options: you installed the mod on a different language than you're actually using in game, you updated the game after installing the mod (that breaks all installed mods), you had your game running during the mod installation, you had EE Keeper running during the mod installation.

    I also double-checked it right now: everything works.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    oh okay, thanks for the reply. i will try to work out why it could be malfunctioning. might be cdtweaks, will check that and if nothing works ask again with weidu logs :)
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2022
    soo, i checked again and with only this mod installed and both languages set to english, version 2.6.6 gives me Number:Invalids on all dialogue.. i will try to reinstall the whole game, maybe some other mod didnt uninstall correctly..

    edit: got it to working, idk where the mistake was. than you anyways!
    Post edited by eamon on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    I'm glad it's working now, though.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2022
    yeah! i love the mod btw :) gives some really nice living feeling to the icewind dale world.

    id have some little suggestions, dont know if here is the right place:
    there are some language errors in the english translation. i dont know who translated it but it feels a little off when not other vocabular than the basegame uses is displayed: "Inn's client" should just be "customer", the mug you get from below jr. gives a bonus to "saves vs magic" which doesnt per se exist => "save vs spells" i think those are the ones i found so far.
    other than that: the quest reward "bizzare stone figurine" refers to the caster as shadowdancer in the ability description. (copied the description from the shadowdancer class, but since you can use it as other classes the description is kinda off)

    other than that: the gem merchant selling prices are the highest in the game, which is kind of early accessible making gold gaining much more easy than in the base game. maybe intended, but it makes the game a lot easier early on.
    suggestion: could you add a priest to the inn? just for flavour x)
    aah and: the reputation system shouldnt be in here i think. with 20 reputation and 20 charisma i can sell items for more than i pay for them..
    thanks for the work though, all in all i really appreciate it!!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    I know this mod could get some additional proofreading, it will happen at some point.

    As for adding new things: that won't happen, the mod is already finished and has been translated into a couple of languages. Such change would require lines in all available languages and having a priest just to have a priest isn't worth the effort in my opinion, sorry.

    The reputation is going to stay, my other quests also have them and I still hope there will be a mod that will add that to normal IWD quests.

    The prices thing is something that I will also check at some point.

  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    oh also the item that says it lowers current hp by 50% seems to be healing instead of lowering hp
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    I'm still doing the quests here, but I notice this in this dialog :
    In an answer the name is "Pattrim", and in another it is "Patric".
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Thanks! I forgot to fix it!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I published a walkthrough on the wiki, that anyone can edit:

    Below & Below Inn walkthrough
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Thank you! :)
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