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Prove me wrong about JRPGs

SystemSystem Administrator Posts: 200
This discussion was created from comments split from: Baldur's Gate III announced.


  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited July 2020
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    JRPG protagonists seems to be mostly the Generi-kuns like Krys from Legend of Krys, a parody from drawfee


    Post edited by SorcererV1ct0r on
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    1. cloud strife, yuri lowell
    2. Kevin Graham
    3. i'll get back to you on that
    4. pretty much the three i mentioned. but lets add yuri from shadow hearts
    5. luke fon fabre my go to example
    6. almost all of them
    7. ryu from breath of fire [ dragon]
    8. estelle bright trails in the sky , shion from xenosaga
    9. ok i can't answer that one.
    10. most smt protags if you go law.
    11. every single suikoden protag
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Shion Uzuki, Xenosaga.
    - starts at 18 in the first game, growing all the way to the age of 23 by the last game
    - Female
    - has flaws and traumas
    - actual visible personality/character growth throughout the trilogy
    - a key element in the story, without her the plot goes 'poof'
    - not a Villager
    - specializes in ranged technology “spells“ and CQC
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    i think ryu of breath of fire 2 can fit at least 4 of those;

    - by the looks of it he is 20+
    - he can cast spells that deal physical damage like his dragon spell, or if you give him chop-chop
    - it terms of flaws, he is actually the worse character in the game power wise, since he can't combine with any of the shamans and requires the most XP to hit max level
    - and the plot is strongly tied with him, your mother is the dragon that protects the big bad from entering the world and apparently you are related to some dragonkind race that is trying to stop the big bad, if your ryu was changed with someone else then the story wouldn't make sense at all
    - and i guess..... there is actually options to do things "chaotic" or "evil" per se, you have this weird tear drop thing that changes color depending on what options you choose in some spots, but i have no idea what relation it actually has to do with the game
    - when it comes to regional problems, there are lots of times you have to help said companion in their own towns and things, and save a town or to, does that count?

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited July 2020
    the only jrpgs i can think of that can have full on evil protags is tactics ogre and smt.

    the most a jrpg hero can get is chotic good/ an anti hero.

    and the reason you don't see alot of older jrpg main heroes is due to the audience being teenagers. the oldest they tend to be is the 21 range.
  • hybridialhybridial Member Posts: 291
    edited July 2020
    megamike15 wrote: »
    9. ok i can't answer that one.

    The SMT series, whilst there is the tiered levels, the boss encounters are usually puzzles more than anything and require specific strategies to fight. The Demi Fiend isn't using the power of friendship to win his battles, those are all about ruthlessly utilising the most useful demons with the most useful abilities and winning through an understanding of how the powers work in gameplay.

    6 of those apply to the demi fiend technically:

    -he can use magic
    -his background is that of an urbanite
    -His presence shapes the whole plot
    -non human (dies and is reborn as a demon)
    -Solves encounters using strategy
    -Is Chaotic, evil or both - can be, its a choice, one of several

    The demifiend is very comparable to a character like the Bhaalspawn. Because things like picking the Bhaalspawn's class has nothing to do with the substance of the character as demonstrated within the game itself, and any background you place on them that isn't explicitely stated by the game is irrelevant when judging the character. The character is formed primarily through the player's experience and reaction to the world. This is the sort of protagonist the Demi fiend is as well.

    Serph, the protagonist of the Digital Devil Saga on the other hand, is more like the Nameless one. From that list

    - he's over 20, I feel confident saying the whole main cast are actually adults in this story
    -He uses firearms in human form (all the characters do)
    -His background in terms of family history or the like is never touched on, and its a long wait to learn anything about his past. It's certainly not typical, and much of the other things is impacted greatly by this.
    - his past self certainly had a personality
    - He was also a very, very flawed person to say the least
    -the revelations regarding his past and what it lead to is the reason for the whole plot
    -was human, but not in game, I wouldn't define him as human anymore
    - strategy, and eating his enemies
    - Is chaotic, evil or both - past self qualifies as evil

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    I present Madason from Dragon Quest 5

    1.The game starts with him at 5, but you follow his whole life until the mid 20s. Its a generational story and involves actually building a family, so you end up with a wife and kids.
    2. Beastmaster/spellcaster. Gets spells, can tame monsters and his melee weapon is a magic staff.
    3. Wandered the land with his father ever since he could walk. Then sold into slavery. Then lead a rebellion. This is just the beginning.
    4. He's mostly silent. Can't have everything I suppose.
    5. Boy oh boy. This guy has the WORST LIFE ever. In a pretty funny bit of gameplay integration, he has the lowest luck stat. In a rare bit of subversion for a JRPG, he is NOT the chosen one. That's a pretty big flaw for a JRPG hero.
    6. Yes, but in a way that is super spoiler-y. He's not super unique in skills or combat ability, but he is darn determined. That is why he keeps pushing forward when others bow out of adventuring. His family tradition is to be the ones who search for and find the legendary hero. And protect them if they are still young. If he wasn't so determined in his search, the hero destined to save the world would be lost.
    7-8 no, but there are a bunch of examples of each of these points in other games.
    9.No grinding or friendship, but determination.
    10.No, has been covered by other posters.
    11. Yes. World ending stuff happens at the very end, but the whole first part of the game is just him trying to survive. Being enslaved before the age of 10 is kinda harsh. After that, he's kind of a wandering hobo, solving local problems. Then he deals with family problems.

    So let's see here:

    7 out of 11 points in one hero? Not bad.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    Let's go with FIghter, from Final Fantasy 1

    1 - Beefy boi. There's no way he's that buff and only 20 years old.
    2 - He attacks from across the screen. Cant get more ranged than that.
    3 - Has no background. Man of mystery.
    4 - Have you seen his hair? Exudes bravado.
    5 - Have you seen his hair? Needs a stylist.
    6 - Dunno. Only played with 4 fighters. Why mess with success?
    7 - He hasnt said, and I'm not asking
    8 - Okay, no.
    9 - If strategy is an expensive sword and the attack option, then yes.
    10 - The merciless slaughter of all goblins for money to buy more swords in order to slaughter more goblins isnt exactly the paragon of virtuous conduct.
    11 - Gave Matoya her crystal ball back cause she's blind.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    as i'm currently playing shadow hearts lets do yuri

    1. 24 in the first game 25 in the sequel
    2. he fights with his fists but his demon fusions have ranged spells.
    3. he is a monster hunter that absorbs thier power by killing them. yes his back story invovles his village getting attacked by demons.
    4. he is a cocky jerk
    5. at the start he spends alot of time making come ons to the main female lead.
    6. the story wants yuri to suffer
    7. does being able to turn into a demon count?
    8. male
    9. prefers to jsut punch the guy in the face and move on
    10. anti hero that does not want to go on the journey but is forced to. so chaotic neutral?
    11. the over all narrative is a save the world one. but he does go around helping towns with demon issues.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Nice points everyone. Not every JRPG protagonist is a "Generi-kun"
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Honestly, most of the ones that are, are intentional parody. A lot of mainstream "common knowledge" of jrpgs is heavy flanderization.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    atlest with dragon quest it's a case of tradition. and as chrono trigger uses the same artist chrono looks like a dq hero.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Dragon Quest protags got a lot better after 4. It also helped that the SNES was out at that point, so there was actual space for character.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited July 2020
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    1. Adol from the Ys games. He is 17 in the first game, but he's 24 by Ys IX.
    2. He's a swordsman and uses spells.
    3. Okay, he was raised in a village. JRPGs do have predictable tropes.
    4. Also, lacks personality. Everybody talks to him but he's absent in the dialogue.
    5. He does have a reputation for being able to do anything, so yeah, 3 tropes in a row are accurate.
    6. The plot is basically about him. He's not in Origins though. That story is before his time. So I'd say the writers do a good job of avoiding this. Yes, other characters could save the day, but the story is about him.
    7. He's human. But they do have a lot of humanoids in the series.
    8. He's a dude.
    9. There is definitely grind in the Ys games, but you will get your butt kicked by most bosses if you don't "git gud." The bosses are basically the best part of the games. Most bosses require you to have a good strategy, not be high leveled (though it makes a difference).
    10. He's neither chaotic nor evil.
    11. Each game there is a different conflict involving a different region. The stakes do feel world-threatening, but the focus is usually on the local threat, at least until near the end of the game.

    So he passes 1, 2, 6, 9 and 11. You aren't wrong that JRPGs have too many tropes that are the same. But they can still be a unique experience sometimes. Ys is a great example because it isn't the usual Final Fantasy turn-based stuff. They are action RPGs with a surprising amount of story for being ARPGs. The bosses are the best part. You do have to be good for most bosses in most games in the series though grinding a bit may help (sometimes it is required to even damage them). But I feel like that should be the case with RPGs to some extent. Otherwise, you don't get the sense of power progression.
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    One that popped out to me immediately was Terra from Final Fantasy 6. Age not given, presumed adult, the figurehead of the game and most important character, female, fights at range with magic, her background is being born of a human and Esper, a sort of powerful magical being, her background and abilities serve as major plot points, her flaws cause her to potentially, depending on your choices, abandon the fight against Kefka even after the world was irrevocably destroyed and lives under his reign.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    Let's go with FIghter, from Final Fantasy 1

    1 - Beefy boi. There's no way he's that buff and only 20 years old.
    2 - He attacks from across the screen. Cant get more ranged than that.
    3 - Has no background. Man of mystery.
    4 - Have you seen his hair? Exudes bravado.
    5 - Have you seen his hair? Needs a stylist.
    6 - Dunno. Only played with 4 fighters. Why mess with success?
    7 - He hasnt said, and I'm not asking
    8 - Okay, no.
    9 - If strategy is an expensive sword and the attack option, then yes.
    10 - The merciless slaughter of all goblins for money to buy more swords in order to slaughter more goblins isnt exactly the paragon of virtuous conduct.
    11 - Gave Matoya her crystal ball back cause she's blind.

    Fun fact, the Dissidia series gave Fighter a title, though not necessarily a name, along with a more interesting backstory than most other Final Fantasy protags.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    Let's go with FIghter, from Final Fantasy 1

    1 - Beefy boi. There's no way he's that buff and only 20 years old.
    2 - He attacks from across the screen. Cant get more ranged than that.
    3 - Has no background. Man of mystery.
    4 - Have you seen his hair? Exudes bravado.
    5 - Have you seen his hair? Needs a stylist.
    6 - Dunno. Only played with 4 fighters. Why mess with success?
    7 - He hasnt said, and I'm not asking
    8 - Okay, no.
    9 - If strategy is an expensive sword and the attack option, then yes.
    10 - The merciless slaughter of all goblins for money to buy more swords in order to slaughter more goblins isnt exactly the paragon of virtuous conduct.
    11 - Gave Matoya her crystal ball back cause she's blind.

    Fun fact, the Dissidia series gave Fighter a title, though not necessarily a name, along with a more interesting backstory than most other Final Fantasy protags.

    Really? That's actually pretty awesome. I've never played any of the Dissidias, despite liking the franchise a great deal. I need to look into them sometime.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    For a second, I thought that you meant JPG's as in the image files lol
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited July 2020
    OK, prove me wrong about JRPG's. Name one JRPG protagonist which fits at least 4 items of the list bellow?
    • Is at least 20 yo
    • Fights at range. Can be with spells, firearms, bows, you name it.
    • Has a background different than "raised on village X"
    • Personality
    • Has flaws
    • Affects the plot and is a important piece of the story, if he is changed by other guy, the story would't make any sense.
    • Non human
    • Female
    • Solve harsh encounters with strategy and preparation, not grinding and power of friendship
    • Is Chaotic, Evil or both.
    • Deal with more regional problems instead of world threatening problem Nº6541361894896

    All Origin characters of BG3 will probably fulfill the majority of that list.

    Let's go with FIghter, from Final Fantasy 1

    1 - Beefy boi. There's no way he's that buff and only 20 years old.
    2 - He attacks from across the screen. Cant get more ranged than that.
    3 - Has no background. Man of mystery.
    4 - Have you seen his hair? Exudes bravado.
    5 - Have you seen his hair? Needs a stylist.
    6 - Dunno. Only played with 4 fighters. Why mess with success?
    7 - He hasnt said, and I'm not asking
    8 - Okay, no.
    9 - If strategy is an expensive sword and the attack option, then yes.
    10 - The merciless slaughter of all goblins for money to buy more swords in order to slaughter more goblins isnt exactly the paragon of virtuous conduct.
    11 - Gave Matoya her crystal ball back cause she's blind.

    Fun fact, the Dissidia series gave Fighter a title, though not necessarily a name, along with a more interesting backstory than most other Final Fantasy protags.

    Really? That's actually pretty awesome. I've never played any of the Dissidias, despite liking the franchise a great deal. I need to look into them sometime.

    They're actually really good. The first two are fighting/RPGs featuring the main characters and villains of the first ten games. Don't play them like a typical fighter though, button mashing is basically impossible. You actually need a strategy. But that's why I like it so much.

    Later ones like NT are more just like plain fighting games, but I still enjoy them because I'm a sucker for characters like Ramza.
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