Wasn't going to vote or comment, because I haven't actually been able to fully download/install the game due to Beamdog's completely horrid implementation.
Voting "1" because:
1) Multiplayer apparently doesn't work AT ALL, and Oster actually had the temerity to call this release "beta." Dude, ffs, "beta" isn't a synonym for "completely broken."
Still think 10/10 is a bit over top for a 1.0 release with this many outstanding issues, regardless of your individual success at running the game.
Yeah. Sorry. A perfectly good thread (Metal heads) had a dump taken on it so I was riled up from that, that couldn't have helped. I'm really completely disappointed in this entire forum in just about every way imaginable at the moment. It went from being a super mature safe haven of forums to just a common forum. If I disappear, don't be too surprised.
I did say 9/10 was more my actual thought. Definitely nothing below that though.
Of course it's still an incredible underlying game. It maybe didn't quite hit the heights of BG2, but it completes it and I'm glad I played it first (I actually bought BG2 first before having a change of heart and waiting to get hold of this one before taking it out of the cellophane).
It's great there's a new version, *potentially* cross-comptible with newer versions of Windows, iOS and Android. Hopefully many more will stumble across it and get hopelessly sucked into its world for a significant portion of their lives like I did as a result. I think that was the ultimate point of the conversion and the thing a lot of people miss, either out of passion or just out of spite.
I could take or leave the UI and new cutscenes; they're obviously a compromise for the tablet crowd but it would be foolish not to expect that these days. It's a shame they took out the part of the intro with the statues - I missed the significance of that the first time around, it was a nice touch. I know; If they'd changed the icons the diehards would be in uproar; if they didn't, it might look out of place on people's funky new iPads. On balance though they're not a distraction.
The zoom feature could be seen as a pointless concession to touchscreens but I actually think it really improves the atmosphere. There are lots of nice little touches here and there which improve the overall experience. People are used to their mods and there was some amazing work done by the community. That this exists as an alternative at all is impressive in itself. From what I've read the new content seems to fit right in with the old stuff, which is something the banter mods for BG1&2 never really got right for me.
Overall I'm excited to play through it again, hopefully with a friend when the multiplayer is more stable.
Upon playing the game further I have noticed a few more Cons added to my list, most of which are bugs. 1.) When using Neera's wild magic, odd change to the bar at the bottom of the screen: When clicking spells, it shows my spells at the far left, and then shows the rest of the symbols (when usually, it would show a blank space representing the nearly empty spellbook). 2.) Occasionally, things will sometimes disappear. So far, I have noticed this with Hobgoblins, Gnolls, and Ankhegs. And then, after reloading, they won't disappear. 3.) Multiplayer bugs: Only one BUG so far, but a few things I would have liked to see differently. The bug is when resting at an inn (only at an inn, resting outdoors is normal) me and my brother are stuck in permanent pause mode after resting. It says paused for rest, and we keep hitting unpause, but with no effect. Perhaps if only one of us were allowed to pause it would change, but for sake of ease we allowed both of us to do practically everything. EDIT: 4.) Archers can wear Plate mail in my game. The Plate mail description does not prohibit Archers from wearing it. So, either a bug, or Plate mail is no longer metal armor.
Those are the only new things that BUG me (get it?), but everything else is still quite enjoyable. I gave up on The Black Pits for a while until Shapeshifter is reworked/fixed, as I am a little upset by the constant reshifting to equip claws rather than fist. Still, BG:EE is well worth the ~$20 I paid for it, and my rating is similar to what it was.
Old Rating: 9 New Rating : 8.5 (pending bug fixes, then could become a 9 or even a 10).
I'd give it a 10, but I can't discount the problems people have been having with installation, driver issues, and bugs that are still in the process of being fixed. I know that they'll be fixed soon, but I don't grade on a curve. So -20% for the release and bug issues, on an otherwise perfect score. I fully expect it to redeem itself in most people's eyes, if not all, and the ability to quickly and easily modify the game's content is a definite plus that shouldn't be ignored.
Now that I got Shadowkeeper and BG tweaks working, I was ready to raise my score up to a 7, but then I battled bassilus and his voice was completely missing, so its only going up to a 6.
I also gave the game an 8. When it comes down to it, I already like Baldur's Gate. So that gives it at minimum a five or six. The rest basically has to deal with what I have experienced now...on a newer computer...with newer expectations.
The better resolution, or scaled resolution, or whatever everyone is calling it that seems to cause a bit of a stir in various conversations throughout this forum is fine by me. I zoom all the way out on a 32" TV and everyone is tiny! But the backgrounds are rather crisp and beautiful looking. I zoom in all the way and everyone looks like a blobby mess. This is to be expected. I suppose you have to settle somewhere in the middle. What I don't see is a lot of distorted images that used to be caused by my graphics hardware and used to require me creating a new hardware profile to run just for the game.
I never bothered using mods for the original Baldur's Gates. They always seemed like such a bother and I liked the game the way it was.
It seems that I don't have any graphical anomalies with this version. And I like the scaling. I would prefer if there wasn't a bit of a distortion whenever I scroll the screen about, but I guess you can't have it all. My guess is that is a frame rate issue. And I've heard a lot of people ranting about that too. I just got used to it to tell you the truth. I don't mind my adventurers leisurely strolling about. That was the way it was when I originally played the game with Windows 98 and a Pentium 2 processor. Man...I am trying to remember the rest of my specs then. Those were good times haha.
I've encountered two of the new NPCs. The monk seems interesting, but a tad it boring in the beginning of the game. The Half Orc has immediately captured my interest. My character is a neutral good fighter. Not sure how this is going to work out. But oh well.
I haven't experienced any broken quests, any bugs, or any crashes yet. The game runs solid on my system. I run the game on fullscreen, and I have been able to alt-tab out of the game many times while writing my character's journal (edited for a bit more comedic value) on here. No issues.
The movies are not terrible. The opening cinematic looks a lot better than the original. Blocky, pixelated CGI versus a more artistic expression? I get nostalgia, but for me I'll stick with the newer material. I'm not a fanboy. I'm just a guy that really enjoyed the games. But I can see why some people would feel let down if some dialogue from the cinematics was removed.
I enjoyed seeing Gorion fight back.
I'm sure the new items are nice, but ultimately I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to recognize a new item. I mean...isn't it successful in a game to create new items that people can't distinguish between old items? Or do they literally have some kind of "NEW ITEM" stamp on them? Did people really memorize all the items in the game?!?
Ultimately the game doesn't really seem that much changed to me. I haven't tried the Pit yet. I hope they release more adventure modules or quests or NPCs or something. I kind of hope that there is a way to have an impact on the lives of characters when they port over Throne of Bhaal. My character changed Viconia into a more neutral character in the original series...is it possible to do something to that extent with Dorn? I'd love to have Slick Vic and Scorn Dorn side by side as my paladin and priestess. But then again...I should probably be creating a main character that has an evil alignment. Plus evil is more fun right?
Anyway...so far I do fail to see a lot of the changes. But at the same point...the game runs a lot better than the original did on my newer computer. And it's still a great game. So I suppose it's either a 7 or an 8, but I give it an 8 because I haven't gotten through it, and honestly there is the play factor. Am I having fun?
Fun prevails. I am recommending this game to my younger friends who have never experienced Baldur's Gate. I'm going to try to get my girlfriend to play it since I have slowly convinced her to like a plethora of other things (like the Walking Dead!). And if I can back a product then in my mind it deserves nothing less than an 8.
I am sorry that there are many that still cannot play it. My heart goes out to you all. When I run into Viconia and ogle her, I will ogle her in remembrance of you.
Pros: I found it really hard to rate this. From what I've seen from my brief time with the single player, the game plays nicely. The improvements to the engine are good and the new UI is pretty cool.
Cons: There seems to be a lot of people with problems however. Lots of crashing and new bugs have appeared which didn't exist in BG:Tutu.
and the biggest deal breaker - the multiplayer with more than 2 people doesn't work AT ALL. That is a huge game breaking problem..
Conclusion: While I do like some of the improvements Beamdog have made, they've come at a price. There enhanced edition aimed at fixing previous problems seems to have caused more issues than it's fixed. The biggest problem here is that you have to ask yourself, is this better than BG:tutu? I'm afraid the answer is no. BG:Tutu is a much more polished, playable and complete product which sort of leaves EE without a home.
I really, really want to like BG:EE, but unfortunately at this time due to its laundry list of problems it gets the thumbs down from me.
Overall, I'm really having a good time with it, Other than some technical difficulties. and of course, the launch day fiasco, Things are going relatively well. I recently acquired Neera, and I'm liking her so far. I didn't play the original very much because I didn't own it, so I guess I don't know what I'm missing when it comes to the opening scene and such. I do think everything works well together and there are no glaring differences between new and old content. When I was finally able to start playing, the menu screen was all flashy, so I updated my graphic drivers and things were going better. Later, every time I would load a game, the game would crash, but I figured out all I had to do was restart my computer again, so no huge deal. I hope things get resolved soon for the people who are having major difficulties.
After playing it for a while I cant rate it highly, there are too many annoying bugs and shortcomings:
2) No character editor like shadowkeeper, go go chronic restart disease
Using Shadowkeeper is cheating. I can argue about the other points you made but I don't want to look like a hater . I simply love the game. That's it.
Dont tell me how to play my game thanks. Reloading is also cheating, as is rerolling stats but im sure you already do both. You can also freely use the CLUA console to cheat however you like, but the game doesnt let you edit characters.
However if I simply wanted to use shadowkeeper to redistribute my thief points, and give kits to NPCs, you call that cheating. You have little clue as to what the tool is actually used for.
Also I suppose that next you'll be telling me that wanting to use BG Tweaks to fix my character's paper doll to a mage is also cheating.
While I do not use Shadowkeeper, I 100% respect your right to use it. I do not, however, think that re-rolling or reloading is "cheating" as those are options freely given by the game without any external program. I also don't think Shadowkeeper is "cheating", as it can be used to simply edit the look of your character, or the stats to appropriate or desired values.
What 'I' DO consider cheating are the CLUA console add items, add xp, kill whatever unit etc. I can see the point of doing them to test out items, to mess around or in order to get past bugs sometimes, but the regular usage of them to play through the game doesn't seem enjoyable to me (and feels an awful lot like 'cheating').
My main point is: Yes, I agree, it isn't cool to tell other people how to play their game. However, 'cheating' is considered different by different people, and I don't completely agree with some of your definitions for cheating.
i Give it a 7, but that is mostly dues to bugs that can be patched, my score will go up when if if those bugs get fixed, for one the game launch which just gives me a white screen, making me have to blindly click through the game menu until I can get the game started, upon which time the screen appears. And also Neeras quest line is very bugged and doesn't seem to have a conclusion, as the journal never updates for me when the quest appears over, but overall I enjoy the new editions, and still enjoy the original gameplay in and of itself, just needs to be tuned, it seems to mostly be the new editions that cause problems, while the old stuff runs fine, minus some lagginess every now and then
Not everyone have encountered any major bugs @Metal-Huriant. Minor bugs don't reflect on my score, as they were expected and unavoidable. And will with the utmost certainty be fixed when the Devs get a chance and have fixed the hardware issues some people are having, which also was an expected occurrence, as it is with ever major release to so many different systems.
Minor bugs don't reflect in your score? You must be dismissing a hell of a lot of bugs as 'minor' to dismiss so many that are glaring obvious. And to dismiss so many bugs as minor and not taken them into account and to give the game a 10/10 makes your score even less credible.
Minor bugs don't reflect in your score? You must be dismissing a hell of a lot of bugs as 'minor' to dismiss so many that are glaring obvious. And to dismiss so many bugs as minor and not taken them into account and to give the game a 10/10 makes your score even less credible.
'Glaring obvious' to you may not be to other people. Different people are experiencing different bugs (sometimes more, sometimes less).
Minor bugs don't reflect in your score? You must be dismissing a hell of a lot of bugs as 'minor' to dismiss so many that are glaring obvious. And to dismiss so many bugs as minor and not taken them into account and to give the game a 10/10 makes your score even less credible.
A quote from you in another thread:
"You have had no problems at all? No bugs to speak of? Well that's just an outright lie. The 'help' button with the Question mark still says 'Rest' when you mouse over and hit TAB"
No, bugs as minor as that don't detract from my score. That would be ridicules. It can't possible be a more minor bug if it tried. On top of that, it'll be fixed in no time at all. So, no, that doesn't influence my score.
Minor bugs don't reflect in your score? You must be dismissing a hell of a lot of bugs as 'minor' to dismiss so many that are glaring obvious. And to dismiss so many bugs as minor and not taken them into account and to give the game a 10/10 makes your score even less credible.
'Glaring obvious' to you may not be to other people. Different people are experiencing different bugs (sometimes more, sometimes less).
The multiplayer DOESN'T WORK with 3 or more people. That's not a minor bug.
Minor bugs don't reflect in your score? You must be dismissing a hell of a lot of bugs as 'minor' to dismiss so many that are glaring obvious. And to dismiss so many bugs as minor and not taken them into account and to give the game a 10/10 makes your score even less credible.
'Glaring obvious' to you may not be to other people. Different people are experiencing different bugs (sometimes more, sometimes less).
The multiplayer DOESN'T WORK with 3 or more people. That's not a minor bug.
Nope, not a bug, rather unfinished. The developers informed the community several times here and likewise in interviews, that they didn't have time to gt the multiplayer satisfactory up and running. They're working on a matchmaking system which will be released as soon as possible.
However, they neglected to mention this in the FAQ, which is quite an oversight, and you're well within your right to be disappointed if you bought the game without knowing this beforehand.
I think far too many people are taking a comparative view on this. As a standalone product, I think it's great. I mean, it's still Baldur's Gate, isn't it? The proclaimed 'best RPG of all time'? This team has made the game even better, modernised it and added some extra bits into the mix, and all the original content is still there. The original content which makes the game what it is in the first place! Yes, people are seeing some bugs, but this is just the first release. ALL games have bugs, so I think it's unfair to mark this game down because of that. So far, I've found this new game a hell of a lot less buggier than my original copy, which is slow and likes to crash a lot. Given a few more years, the original game will be very hard to play on modern computers, so what Beamdog have done is a good thing, and given this classic RPG new lease of life to make it last for years to come.
The release is buggy as hell. Thinking about it now, there's no way in hell I'm buying BG2:EE from Beamdog.
Whilst I agree with what you said (to a lesser extent... not necessarily your score of 1) I do think that BG2:EE will be perhaps a little less buggy. Once they iron out all the 'issues' with this release, should make for some easy porting into BG2. To which they'll be able to focus all of their attention onto the content and characters, not the interface and weird engine issues.
I'm refraining from voting in this, because I want to give them some time to a few updates and get things settled down before I decide my final impression. I have very mixed feelings about it at this point, as there are many, many things I like, and many things that I don't.
A mod-installation utility and some good tweaking and aesthetics mods would go a long way towards upping my opinion.
I think I'm probably going to like BG:EE better than my old gog.com install in the long run. I do like the new interface more and more as I get used to it. I like the numbers help in the inventory screen - if only they were the right numbers. I'm sure that's going to get fixed.
I like the widescreen without being zoomed out until the characters look like ants. They'll probably work on that some more, too.
I like the voice-acting and stories with the new NPC's. I don't like their character classes, so I need a way to change that without destabilizing them. (I don't trust using Shadowkeeper yet - I think it will likely cause destabilization.)
Right now, I'd probably go with a 5 or 6, but I think that's going to go up continuously over the next few weeks as the devs keep polishing things.
7 due to bugs. Also there is no voicovers for other languages, where in original BG there was... Also they could give more options, to personalize game (different UIs, fps adjusting, choosing which sprites you prefer - bg1 or bg2, choosing color of circles around your NPCs etc.) These are small issues, but when you add it up, there is quite alot of it...
@Gish everything you said was handled far far better with BGT and Tutu mods than BGEE has managed.
There are far fewer problems and nowhere near as many bugs with free to download mods that convert BG1 to BG2s engine than there are in BGEE.
Ah I wasn't even aware of the mods back then, my access to the internet in those days was extremely limited. (dial up) I have not noticed any major issues with it though. I couldn't get my old bg to work on my laptop properly so for me this is working like a charm in comparison.
In the long run it's going to be better than the vanilla BG or the modded BGT.
Ok actually from BGT it's already better.
From what i've seen from the new content just to be able to judge, i'd say it's a solid 8 to 9.
The comparison with the old one is not because the old one is better.
It's because people can mod that, and not this... yet.
Next week soon the new Weidu comes, some things are getting fixed, some nice mods are coming our way and very soon people will be able to see what they want.
I do have to say positive things about Weidu coming out so soon. I thought it would take a long time.
The sooner we see mods in BG:EE, the sooner people will even forget the comparison between this and the old one.
Final verdict - without Bias from my beloved BG1 sprites getting trashed - I HATE YOU FOR THIS!
is a 9/10.
P.S. Make a free DLC with the BG1 sprites - unless mods do it first soon, that is - or else i will come AND EAT ALL YOUR PIZZA AND BURGERS IN EDMONTON
I voted for a 7. Bugs (dialogue, ambushes, general pathing problems) are a bit of a nuisance, but I like the cleaner interface and graphics. Some of the new additions, like Black Pits, could have used more story, but otherwise the improvements are visible enough to keep. Do wish the artistic cut-scenes had more in the way of realism, though I like their style overall.
Also, there are some things that clearly need to be fixed. Rashaad's boots sell for WAY too much. 12k? Really?
Voting "1" because:
1) Multiplayer apparently doesn't work AT ALL, and Oster actually had the temerity to call this release "beta." Dude, ffs, "beta" isn't a synonym for "completely broken."
2) I want to needle @Quartz a little bit :P
The release is buggy as hell. Thinking about it now, there's no way in hell I'm buying BG2:EE from Beamdog.
Still think 10/10 is a bit over top for a 1.0 release with this many outstanding issues, regardless of your individual success at running the game.
I did say 9/10 was more my actual thought. Definitely nothing below that though.
Of course it's still an incredible underlying game. It maybe didn't quite hit the heights of BG2, but it completes it and I'm glad I played it first (I actually bought BG2 first before having a change of heart and waiting to get hold of this one before taking it out of the cellophane).
It's great there's a new version, *potentially* cross-comptible with newer versions of Windows, iOS and Android. Hopefully many more will stumble across it and get hopelessly sucked into its world for a significant portion of their lives like I did as a result. I think that was the ultimate point of the conversion and the thing a lot of people miss, either out of passion or just out of spite.
I could take or leave the UI and new cutscenes; they're obviously a compromise for the tablet crowd but it would be foolish not to expect that these days. It's a shame they took out the part of the intro with the statues - I missed the significance of that the first time around, it was a nice touch. I know; If they'd changed the icons the diehards would be in uproar; if they didn't, it might look out of place on people's funky new iPads. On balance though they're not a distraction.
The zoom feature could be seen as a pointless concession to touchscreens but I actually think it really improves the atmosphere. There are lots of nice little touches here and there which improve the overall experience. People are used to their mods and there was some amazing work done by the community. That this exists as an alternative at all is impressive in itself. From what I've read the new content seems to fit right in with the old stuff, which is something the banter mods for BG1&2 never really got right for me.
Overall I'm excited to play through it again, hopefully with a friend when the multiplayer is more stable.
1.) When using Neera's wild magic, odd change to the bar at the bottom of the screen: When clicking spells, it shows my spells at the far left, and then shows the rest of the symbols (when usually, it would show a blank space representing the nearly empty spellbook).
2.) Occasionally, things will sometimes disappear. So far, I have noticed this with Hobgoblins, Gnolls, and Ankhegs. And then, after reloading, they won't disappear.
3.) Multiplayer bugs: Only one BUG so far, but a few things I would have liked to see differently. The bug is when resting at an inn (only at an inn, resting outdoors is normal) me and my brother are stuck in permanent pause mode after resting. It says paused for rest, and we keep hitting unpause, but with no effect. Perhaps if only one of us were allowed to pause it would change, but for sake of ease we allowed both of us to do practically everything.
EDIT: 4.) Archers can wear Plate mail in my game. The Plate mail description does not prohibit Archers from wearing it. So, either a bug, or Plate mail is no longer metal armor.
Those are the only new things that BUG me (get it?), but everything else is still quite enjoyable. I gave up on The Black Pits for a while until Shapeshifter is reworked/fixed, as I am a little upset by the constant reshifting to equip claws rather than fist. Still, BG:EE is well worth the ~$20 I paid for it, and my rating is similar to what it was.
Old Rating: 9
New Rating : 8.5 (pending bug fixes, then could become a 9 or even a 10).
Once fixed, I will play the game and assign a proper rating.
I'd give it a 10, but I can't discount the problems people have been having with installation, driver issues, and bugs that are still in the process of being fixed. I know that they'll be fixed soon, but I don't grade on a curve. So -20% for the release and bug issues, on an otherwise perfect score. I fully expect it to redeem itself in most people's eyes, if not all, and the ability to quickly and easily modify the game's content is a definite plus that shouldn't be ignored.
Though I dont think I can change my vote.
The better resolution, or scaled resolution, or whatever everyone is calling it that seems to cause a bit of a stir in various conversations throughout this forum is fine by me. I zoom all the way out on a 32" TV and everyone is tiny! But the backgrounds are rather crisp and beautiful looking. I zoom in all the way and everyone looks like a blobby mess. This is to be expected. I suppose you have to settle somewhere in the middle. What I don't see is a lot of distorted images that used to be caused by my graphics hardware and used to require me creating a new hardware profile to run just for the game.
I never bothered using mods for the original Baldur's Gates. They always seemed like such a bother and I liked the game the way it was.
It seems that I don't have any graphical anomalies with this version. And I like the scaling. I would prefer if there wasn't a bit of a distortion whenever I scroll the screen about, but I guess you can't have it all. My guess is that is a frame rate issue. And I've heard a lot of people ranting about that too. I just got used to it to tell you the truth. I don't mind my adventurers leisurely strolling about. That was the way it was when I originally played the game with Windows 98 and a Pentium 2 processor. Man...I am trying to remember the rest of my specs then. Those were good times haha.
I've encountered two of the new NPCs. The monk seems interesting, but a tad it boring in the beginning of the game. The Half Orc has immediately captured my interest. My character is a neutral good fighter. Not sure how this is going to work out. But oh well.
I haven't experienced any broken quests, any bugs, or any crashes yet. The game runs solid on my system. I run the game on fullscreen, and I have been able to alt-tab out of the game many times while writing my character's journal (edited for a bit more comedic value) on here. No issues.
The movies are not terrible. The opening cinematic looks a lot better than the original. Blocky, pixelated CGI versus a more artistic expression? I get nostalgia, but for me I'll stick with the newer material. I'm not a fanboy. I'm just a guy that really enjoyed the games. But I can see why some people would feel let down if some dialogue from the cinematics was removed.
I enjoyed seeing Gorion fight back.
I'm sure the new items are nice, but ultimately I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to recognize a new item. I mean...isn't it successful in a game to create new items that people can't distinguish between old items? Or do they literally have some kind of "NEW ITEM" stamp on them? Did people really memorize all the items in the game?!?
Ultimately the game doesn't really seem that much changed to me. I haven't tried the Pit yet. I hope they release more adventure modules or quests or NPCs or something. I kind of hope that there is a way to have an impact on the lives of characters when they port over Throne of Bhaal. My character changed Viconia into a more neutral character in the original series...is it possible to do something to that extent with Dorn? I'd love to have Slick Vic and Scorn Dorn side by side as my paladin and priestess. But then again...I should probably be creating a main character that has an evil alignment. Plus evil is more fun right?
Anyway...so far I do fail to see a lot of the changes. But at the same point...the game runs a lot better than the original did on my newer computer. And it's still a great game. So I suppose it's either a 7 or an 8, but I give it an 8 because I haven't gotten through it, and honestly there is the play factor. Am I having fun?
Fun prevails. I am recommending this game to my younger friends who have never experienced Baldur's Gate. I'm going to try to get my girlfriend to play it since I have slowly convinced her to like a plethora of other things (like the Walking Dead!). And if I can back a product then in my mind it deserves nothing less than an 8.
I am sorry that there are many that still cannot play it. My heart goes out to you all. When I run into Viconia and ogle her, I will ogle her in remembrance of you.
I get some performance issues, though not as bad as what people are reporting. Still, that is obnoxious for such an old game.
Also the small spelling errors kind of get to me, in what is suppose to be a definitive version of Baldur's Gate.
I found it really hard to rate this. From what I've seen from my brief time with the single player, the game plays nicely. The improvements to the engine are good and the new UI is pretty cool.
There seems to be a lot of people with problems however. Lots of crashing and new bugs have appeared which didn't exist in BG:Tutu.
and the biggest deal breaker - the multiplayer with more than 2 people doesn't work AT ALL. That is a huge game breaking problem..
While I do like some of the improvements Beamdog have made, they've come at a price. There enhanced edition aimed at fixing previous problems seems to have caused more issues than it's fixed. The biggest problem here is that you have to ask yourself, is this better than BG:tutu? I'm afraid the answer is no. BG:Tutu is a much more polished, playable and complete product which sort of leaves EE without a home.
I really, really want to like BG:EE, but unfortunately at this time due to its laundry list of problems it gets the thumbs down from me.
What 'I' DO consider cheating are the CLUA console add items, add xp, kill whatever unit etc. I can see the point of doing them to test out items, to mess around or in order to get past bugs sometimes, but the regular usage of them to play through the game doesn't seem enjoyable to me (and feels an awful lot like 'cheating').
My main point is: Yes, I agree, it isn't cool to tell other people how to play their game. However, 'cheating' is considered different by different people, and I don't completely agree with some of your definitions for cheating.
Minor bugs don't reflect on my score, as they were expected and unavoidable. And will with the utmost certainty be fixed when the Devs get a chance and have fixed the hardware issues some people are having, which also was an expected occurrence, as it is with ever major release to so many different systems.
Minor bugs don't reflect in your score? You must be dismissing a hell of a lot of bugs as 'minor' to dismiss so many that are glaring obvious. And to dismiss so many bugs as minor and not taken them into account and to give the game a 10/10 makes your score even less credible.
"You have had no problems at all? No bugs to speak of? Well that's just an outright lie. The 'help' button with the Question mark still says 'Rest' when you mouse over and hit TAB"
No, bugs as minor as that don't detract from my score.
That would be ridicules. It can't possible be a more minor bug if it tried.
On top of that, it'll be fixed in no time at all.
So, no, that doesn't influence my score.
As for other bugs, I haven't encountered them.
The developers informed the community several times here and likewise in interviews, that they didn't have time to gt the multiplayer satisfactory up and running.
They're working on a matchmaking system which will be released as soon as possible.
However, they neglected to mention this in the FAQ, which is quite an oversight, and you're well within your right to be disappointed if you bought the game without knowing this beforehand.
Yes, people are seeing some bugs, but this is just the first release. ALL games have bugs, so I think it's unfair to mark this game down because of that. So far, I've found this new game a hell of a lot less buggier than my original copy, which is slow and likes to crash a lot. Given a few more years, the original game will be very hard to play on modern computers, so what Beamdog have done is a good thing, and given this classic RPG new lease of life to make it last for years to come.
A mod-installation utility and some good tweaking and aesthetics mods would go a long way towards upping my opinion.
I think I'm probably going to like BG:EE better than my old gog.com install in the long run. I do like the new interface more and more as I get used to it. I like the numbers help in the inventory screen - if only they were the right numbers. I'm sure that's going to get fixed.
I like the widescreen without being zoomed out until the characters look like ants. They'll probably work on that some more, too.
I like the voice-acting and stories with the new NPC's. I don't like their character classes, so I need a way to change that without destabilizing them. (I don't trust using Shadowkeeper yet - I think it will likely cause destabilization.)
Right now, I'd probably go with a 5 or 6, but I think that's going to go up continuously over the next few weeks as the devs keep polishing things.
Also they could give more options, to personalize game (different UIs, fps adjusting, choosing which sprites you prefer - bg1 or bg2, choosing color of circles around your NPCs etc.)
These are small issues, but when you add it up, there is quite alot of it...
Ok actually from BGT it's already better.
From what i've seen from the new content just to be able to judge, i'd say it's a solid 8 to 9.
The comparison with the old one is not because the old one is better.
It's because people can mod that, and not this... yet.
Next week soon the new Weidu comes, some things are getting fixed, some nice mods are coming our way and very soon people will be able to see what they want.
I do have to say positive things about Weidu coming out so soon. I thought it would take a long time.
The sooner we see mods in BG:EE, the sooner people will even forget the comparison between this and the old one.
Final verdict - without Bias from my beloved BG1 sprites getting trashed
is a 9/10.
P.S. Make a free DLC with the BG1 sprites - unless mods do it first soon, that is - or else i will come AND EAT ALL YOUR PIZZA AND BURGERS IN EDMONTON
Also, there are some things that clearly need to be fixed. Rashaad's boots sell for WAY too much. 12k? Really?