Need help with Area Transitions no longer working...

Hello fellow creators! I created a module 2 years ago.... and now I am moving it into the new Aurora Toolset paired with NWN Steam version.
I had to disassemble the whole thing, piece by piece, due to some sort of corruption….
I have 98% of it reassembled and working!! But one thing I noticed… as I would expect, some things have changed, and I am sure there have been improvements….
But, an issue that continues to plague me is, transition areas. They work fine in my old mod, in the old NWN. In the new Steam version, they are mostly broken.
Is there a new convention I need to learn?
Doors work fine, no problem there… teleports I created still work.
It’s the painted area transitions, they just don’t work. When I run the game, nothing appears to click on.
The old convention I am using is painted area transitions, that are set to Type: Door, but appear like cave entrances.
What do I need to do differently?
Thanks in advance! This community rocks!!
I had to disassemble the whole thing, piece by piece, due to some sort of corruption….
I have 98% of it reassembled and working!! But one thing I noticed… as I would expect, some things have changed, and I am sure there have been improvements….
But, an issue that continues to plague me is, transition areas. They work fine in my old mod, in the old NWN. In the new Steam version, they are mostly broken.
Is there a new convention I need to learn?
Doors work fine, no problem there… teleports I created still work.
It’s the painted area transitions, they just don’t work. When I run the game, nothing appears to click on.
The old convention I am using is painted area transitions, that are set to Type: Door, but appear like cave entrances.
What do I need to do differently?
Thanks in advance! This community rocks!!

Post edited by Smithores on
They normally work fine in EE - even if they're not in a doorframe - so the first thing to check is that the door models still exist in the toolset.
For example, you might have been using a custom door model that's no longer in your haks for some reason.
Thank you Proleric for your timely response! Hail and well met!
Oh, I see what you are saying, I will look into that, thanks!
Okay, I think that was helpful! I went back and looked, yes they still have the doors, under: > Doors > Universal > Area Transition (No visible Door).
Turns out the exterior doors were fine, but I double checked the interior doors ,and they were missing.
It's so random how some things imported fine and others things like these doors just disappear....
So thank you!
You made me think differently about the problem and I found it.