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Starting a one punch man play

galangelgalangel Member Posts: 1
Playing as an unkitted monk named Saitama , edited his stats to reflect his godlike strength not going over the max rolls
str: 20
dex: 18
con: 18
int: 11
wiz: 11
car: 16
total: 94

alignment lawful good, as he is just following society rules without questioning them

using this portrait nstyp0e6hd17.bmp

Attached the sound set if anyone intrested, i think it needs a volume boost

what do you think?

Post edited by galangel on


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i think they REALLY need to make a 3rd season of this show :)
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Saitama is way too indifferent for that alignment. Lawful Neutral fits his determination for being a hero as part of his hobby better, even though he is frustrated at society as a whole. Stat-wise I would propose the following:

    STR 25
    DEX 25
    CON 25
    INT 8
    WIS 25
    CHA 7 (and a -3 debuff due to baldness)

    Looks about right. Can't have One Punch Man without the muscles of a demigod after all. :p
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i think they REALLY need to make a 3rd season of this show :)
    As long as its Madhouse doing it again and not JC Staff. They massacred my boy in season 2!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Flashburn wrote: »
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i think they REALLY need to make a 3rd season of this show :)
    As long as its Madhouse doing it again and not JC Staff. They massacred my boy in season 2!

    yeah i heard they switched companies up for season 2, and there were a few people who said they didn't like the change, for me i still enjoyed the season, i didn't notice any bad changes between the 2

    what makes Madhouse better than JC Staff?
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Saitama is way too indifferent for that alignment. Lawful Neutral fits his determination for being a hero as part of his hobby better, even though he is frustrated at society as a whole. Stat-wise I would propose the following:

    STR 25
    DEX 25
    CON 25
    INT 8
    WIS 25
    CHA 7 (and a -3 debuff due to baldness)

    Looks about right. Can't have One Punch Man without the muscles of a demigod after all. :p

    @Kamigoroshi Wisdom to high, Satami is neither intelligent or all that wise.
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