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Your Wild Mage Moments

ShellyShelly Member Posts: 14
edit: There are no spoilers in this post, but let's keep spoilers in mind as we post these. :)

Hello, all.

Does anyone have an amusing "wild mage" moment that they would like to share?

Mine: The house in CandleKeep with the rats and the two or three cats. I go in to take out the rats and use Magic Missile to take out the rat furthest from me.

A glitter effect appears over every living thing in the room (including my character) and all of the rats and cats get hit by something, and die. I scroll up in the text box. Everything got hit for about 2pts of damage.

The cause? Wild surge: Gender Swap. Those poor rats and cats. Their final moments.. O_o WUT? *dead* lol

In the end, there was no indication on my character profile that the gender had been changed, but my character died not long after that. My save was prior to the house, and the second time through there was no surge of wild magic shenanigans.


  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    In BG2, years ago, my wild mage playthrough had two...very memorable surges. The first was a gender swap, and my charname became a man for an in-game day. When that happened, it triggered the Aerie romance. So for the entire game, Aerie was trying to romance my female PC. Anomen suddenly showed no interest. Mod NPC's like Kulyok's Xan were not affected, however since I was escaping Spellhold at the time and playing non-bonded, he broke up with my Bhaalspawn within a couple days. One of your party members ususally chews him out for leaving you when you need him the most. This time, it was Aerie. The next day, she made her first move and started the romance, I'm not even kidding you. Around the same time as the gender swap, I got a Color Change wild surge that accidentally stuck, and casting Dispel Magic wouldn't get rid of it. My character was bright glowy neon orange all over--clothes, skin, hair--for a good chunk of the game. All throughout the Sahuagin city and most of the Underdark. It even stuck once they all got disguised as drow. Finally when we were fighting beholders, one of the eyebeams dispelled it. Aerie was still going at the whole romance thing. However, it was still in the stages where it could still be perceived as, you know, close friendship, so my charname remained oblivious to what was going on.
  • RapscallionRapscallion Member Posts: 81
    I cast Magic Missile at a Wolf and it was successful. I was disappointed.
  • ShellyShelly Member Posts: 14
    Love the responses.. glowy characters, and OMG a pit fiend. I have actually been wondering if that would be possible. lol Now I'm just waiting for that area of effect polymorph other accident that I've been fearing as the "worse case scenario".

    Some of the seemingly random statements have been amusing. Like, "Wild Surge: I heard that bird magic is the most difficult magic of all". I have no idea what that did, if anything.

    Oh, and a wild surge caused an area of effect hiccup spell. This was actually quite useful because it made the mage that I was fighting unable to cast between their hiccups! Of course, my party continued the hiccupping for awhile after that encounter..
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    Mine was "Oh no my gold!" lost 10k gold into the void when Neera tried to cast shield on herself
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    The first time I cast shield with Neera, she proceeded to summon a greater demon right outside the red sheaf inn. The temptation was to whistle nonchalantly and back away slowly.
  • topymacijietopymacijie Member Posts: 30
    I am in the carnival in the midst of a small tent fighting a mage who has captured a helpless female mage. Neera casts magic missile, and lo and behold, a large winged demon is summoned and begins attacking everything in sight. It kills the mage, then turns on my party. We run to the edge of the map, as it follows us the entire way taking swings at us whenever it gets close enough. After going to Nashkel, and then returning to the carnival, it finally unsummons itself back to whatever hell it came from.
  • GreedySadistGreedySadist Member Posts: 15
    Well, lets just say that in a nice journey inside Nashkel Mines i magic missiled a kobold and result was : Fireball killed my entire party
  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    Ah, the demon. My most memorable wild mage moment came in BG2, where my WM main was trying to cast some sort of spell at the shades in the first crypt area in the abandoned temple to Amaunator. Enter pit fiend, so I exit through the door and shut it behind me. The fiend turned and devoured the shades. Good times. (This was before I updated to SCS2 and all demons could suddenly teleport to the party, which admittedly fits the P&P powers.)
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    lol, I see the sex-change misspell is more common than I thought, it happened to me too.
    Also one time in a forest area i started fighting a bunch of gnolls, I was a lvl 1 party and all very badly wounded, I cast that wild mage spell with Neera(forgot the spells name) and it summoned a hoard of squirrels who started bolting all around. Lucky for me, the gnolls started chasing the squirrels XD
  • lelag200lelag200 Member Posts: 125
    When the sex-change misspell happens, is it only temporary?
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    edited November 2012
    somewhat of a spoiler below...

    Fighting Muluhay(sp?) with my whole party at level 1 still. Got him and his first round of minions dead. Only 2 minions left from the second wave. Have probably been fighting for over 10 minutes due to having to constantly pause and kite things around with my bleeding level 1 characters. Might as well finish one of these last 2 skeletons off with a magic missle from Neera, right? FIRE BALL..............
  • karpaszkarpasz Member Posts: 74
    While trying to defeat some nasty xvarts and ogre south of FAI, PC (Wild mage) cast Reckless Dweomer (magic missile) - summoned demon - same thing on demon, summoned 'COW'. Epic win.
  • diggerbdiggerb Member Posts: 132
    She's a menace! Level 3 of Nashkel mines, there's a spider in her face, and I have her cast Larloch's Minor Drain. She just explodes in a fireball, wiping out my entire party but leaving one of the spiders alive.
  • joshykinsjoshykins Member Posts: 95
    Neera fizzled a spell out on me and it sapped 1500 gold from my inventory! That;s when I decided that perhaps she should go back to town. And never come back.

    On my next playthrough, I'm gonna give her a serious chance lol
  • KholdstareKholdstare Member Posts: 160
    Neera summoned a Nabassu on top of that group of amazons waiting for you outside Mulahey's cave. It was very satisfying considering they were slaughtering my party left and right earlier.
  • forest39forest39 Member Posts: 17
    Neera is certainly an entertaining character to bring along, though dangerous, never know when a rogue magic missile will turn into a pit fiend, a fireball, or even worse, a cow
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    So far the biggest issue, (I have yet to get pit fiends or cows) has been a miscast that took away the party's saves. We were fighting ghouls and suddenly they had instadeath hits. :P
  • donhendonhen Member Posts: 5
    I was down at the bottom of the Mines, going after Mulhaney. We charge in and as Mulhaney calls in reinforcements my PC-fighter quaffs a haste potion and Neera casts magic missile ... and gets the aoe fear effect. I started laughing hysterically as Mulhaney, my PC and the 3 other party members and 3 of the Kobolds start running around the level like headless chickens ... and I had just had a haste potion, so I was going twice as fast :-D

    I fired her right after that and picked up Xan. It only took me until I got back to the inn to fire Xan and beg Neera to come back to me. I'd rather have cheerful and dangerous over depressing anyday.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    I was in the final bit of the 3rd floor of Durlags Tower and I went to cast confusion on the group of enemies and spawned a portal to hell everything died including the demon it was interesting I just sat there wide eyed 0_0
  • ShellyShelly Member Posts: 14
    Hello again! These were some entertaining stories. :) I kind of vanished for awhile since the end of the semester rolled around (ugh finals week) and I got caught up in playing BG.

    My main character is a wild mage and I also have Neera in the group. Things get interesting from time to time. I've had random green ooze (no idea what it did), pillars of fire (sometimes worked out MUCH better than the magic missile would have!), random fireballs (oh my god ow), at least one demon spawn (Neera, what are yo- Ohhh I'll just leave this right here 'kay, bye) and a few cases of hiccups.

    Just can't wait until I do a random buff at an inn (9 hour shield spell, perhaps) and a demon spawn slaughters everyone. I wonder if I'd get blamed for that? It's not like it's my fault... entirely..

    One of the more amusing things that happened since my last post was with the squirrels. Like someone else has mentioned, I was fighting a large pack of wolves when hear the "uh oh noise" as I (politely) call it. The squirrels popped in and the wolves began to go after them! I didn't even know that kind of logic exists in Buldur's Gate. I was very impressed. The wolves weren't a risk to my party at this point, but it was still nice to be able to pick them off.

    The cow thing has happened, finally. I think that it was supposed to be a magic missile. I just remember that it was an uneventful encounter with a critter as I marched across some map, and I was barely paying attention. The next thing that I know I see a cow drop from the sky and squish the critter! XD

    I've lost tens of thousands of gold in one surge. It was a serious face palming moment and it made me wish that BG had a bank of some sort. I also apparently gained a random item because it said that something appeared in my pocket, but I could find nothing new in the inventory of any character.

    Probably one of the more annoying situations was when my PC misfired and weighed herself down. It happened right before a large fight with a certain merchant group. All those buffs and no where to go. She couldn't get close enough to chuck plasma at the baddies, or dispel invisibility, or do anything else much useful so I just imagined her standing back making faces. "Teleport Field" helped a little with the distance problem.

    There have been a few "roll twice" moments when all kinds of effects went off. They've been brief moments of panic, but so far the group has survived. ^_^
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    Yeh I just literally had about an hour ago a "Whoops is that a pit fiend?" moment with Neera.

    Needless to say I ran like mad lol.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited December 2012
    Shelly said:

    Mine: The house in CandleKeep with the rats and the two or three cats. I go in to take out the rats and use Magic Missile to take out the rat furthest from me.

    A glitter effect appears over every living thing in the room (including my character) and all of the rats and cats get hit by something, and die. I scroll up in the text box. Everything got hit for about 2pts of damage.

    The cause? Wild surge: Gender Swap. Those poor rats and cats. Their final moments.. O_o WUT? *dead* lol

    In the end, there was no indication on my character profile that the gender had been changed, but my character died not long after that. My save was prior to the house, and the second time through there was no surge of wild magic shenanigans.

    Most likely you got 'area effect' surge. And every rat was hit by a magic missile in effect. Wild surges were sometimes wonky before this patch and what the combat log said was wrong.

    Anyway, we were battling Karlat, and my wild mage used NRD to cast something on him. I got 'pretty sparkles' Hillarious, but ineffective. Then Neera did her mojo like, 'Pfft, ameteur, watch this!', and she got:Roll four times more:Gems!, Gender Changed, Held, Ooops is that a Gate?

    So Karlat was first showered by pretty sparkles, then found some gems in his pockets, and then was magically unmanned, got magically paralysed and was torn apart slowly by a demon from hells. Humiliation in its finest. Yeah, wild magic is fun. :D
    lelag200 said:

    When the sex-change misspell happens, is it only temporary?

    Yes, temporary. Some color-change wild surges are permanent, but can be dispelled.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Neera recently summoned a pit fiend by mistake in my playthrough for the first time. Seemed like terrible timing since it was in the middle of being swarmed by werewolves in TotSC. However, Branwen happened to be halfway through her cast of Protection from Evil 10' radius, so summoning a pit fiend actually worked out perfectly. The fiend helped mop up the werewolves, and my dudes were powerful enough to take it on successfully afterwards.

    Too bad summoned pit fiends are worth no xp or loot.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Turned Bassilus into stone and lost out on the electric Warhammer :(

    I ditched her for Dynaheir in the end
  • zippinuszippinus Member Posts: 2
    Mine had to be right after I picked up the idol in the tomb. I went outside to find the doomsayer waiting for me and engaged it. All was well until Neera fired up a Dwemer. I prepared for problems by using a Chaos Shield first, but it may have actually backfired. The first Dwemer (Magic Missile) cast double HP on the nearly dead doomsayer, and I thought "oh well, no real problem. we're winning pretty handily anyway. just a small delay." So, despite (or because of) the last attempt, Neera fires up another Dwemer (Magic Missile). This one casts Globe of Invulnerability on the doomsayer. I seriously sat there for a moment thinking, "Really game? Really?"
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    First, I dunno what it was, facing Bassilus. A white flash under both me and Bassilus, both of us died instantly.

    Second, fighting the spiders in Beregost, summoned the pit fiend.

    On youtube, Mynameisnotlilly rerolled his character as a wild mage for BG2. He got color change, birds, and cow, that I can remember.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    Pitfiend pitfiend pitfiend... Can't anyone come up with anything different and unusual? I was casting Nahal's in ulgoth's today, trying to get the "refreshed" wild surge so I didn't have to rest to ID crap. I was only casting innocent spells so as not to get the locals mad (such as knock and mirror image). I tried casting know alignment on Shandalar and suddenly he gets held! I'm like: "Did that just happen!?!" so I commanded my entire party to start waling on him with swords and spells... Easiest 26000 exp I ever made...
  • JarlealeJarleale Member Posts: 114
    Not using wild magic much, but when I used it, Neera casts chaos shield on herself and explodes into small chunky bits. It said polymorphed or something in the console... Polymorphed to minced meat?
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