Summary of BG3's Setting?

My google-fu has been pretty weak this morning. That or the very few articles, including wikis, that I'm finding have very little to say on the matter. I'm basically looking for a summary (canon) of what has happened in the 100 years since the BG novels and what took place within Descent Into Avernus.
Posted byu/Questionable71
1 month ago
Rocket Like
Everything that has happened to Baldur's Gate between the events of BG1 and BG3.
Baldur's Gate 3 takes place roughly 124 years after the events of Baldur's Gate 2. Lots of major events have taken place between that span of time. Some affected the Forgotten Realms as a whole and others affected only Baldur's Gate and the surrounding regions. This post will serve as a timeline detailing everything that has happened between now and then, for those curious as to what has happened.
1368 DR. The events of Baldur's Gate 1 and its DLC take place. Bane, the God of Hatred is revived from the dead.
1369 DR. The events of Baldur's Gate 2 and its DLC take place. Sea Monsters attack Baldur's Gate trade ships, ceasing all trade between Baldur's Gate and the continent of Maztica. Several Bhaalspawn are killed allowing Bhaal, the God of Murder to regain power.
1370 DR. Gorian's Ward (the protagonist of BG1 & 2) refuses to ascend to divinity and instead retires to live a peaceful life within the library fortress of Candlekeep.
1372 DR. Bane fully regains his power as the God of Hatred and begins rebuilding his religion across Faerun. The Great Wizard Eliminster is taken captive by Nergal, former Archdevil of Avernus before being rescued by a group of adventurers. 3rd Edition D&D adventures take place.
1373 DR. Bahamut, the Dragon God of Justice is freed from his prison.
1374 DR. The events of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance take place. The Thieves Guild within Baldur's Gate is dispanded. Mask, the God of Thieves is killed and absorbed by Shar, the Goddess of Darkness. Faerun is bombarded by multiple asteroids and meteor showers. Erathan, a scholar from Candlekeep writes, "The Kingdoms of Men: A Guide to the Great Powers" a book about the complete history of humans on Toril.
1375 DR. Vhaeraun, the Drow God of Thieves is killed by Eilistraee, the Drow Goddess of Freedom. 3.5 Edition D&D adventures take place.
1376 DR. Mordoc SeLanmere, a human-vampire, attempts to destroy Baldur's Gate and turn its residents into zombies. He is stopped by the combined forces of The Harpers and The Flaming Fist mercenaries.
1377 DR. Kiaransalee, the Drow Goddess of the Undead is destroyed by Eilistraee.
1379 DR. Eilistraee is killed by the mortal Halisstra Melarn, a drow priestess of Lolth.
1383 DR. The Dwarven gods Laduguer, Deep Duerra, Gorm Guthyn, and Haela Brightaxe are killed in a civil war between members of the Dwarven pantheon. The Dwarven plane of Hammergrim is absorbed into the Astral Sea.
1384 DR. Tyr, the God of Justice is tricked by Cyric, the God of Strife into killing Helm, the God of Guardians. Tyr blames Cyric for Helm's death. Tyr is then killed by Orcus, an Archdemon from the Abyss.
1385 DR. An apocalyptic event known as the Spellplague wrecks the Forgotten Realms. Mystra, the Goddess of Magic is killed by Shar and Cyric. All spellcasters in the multiverse lose the ability to cast spells as a result of the Spellplague. Savras, the God of Wizards is killed by the Spellplague. The World Tree Cosmology is destroyed as a result of the Spellplague. Multiple planes of existence are absorbed into the Astral Sea. Asmodeus, the Archdevil of the Nine Hells absorbs Savras' divine power and ascends to godhood. Cyric is blamed for the Spellplague and is imprisoned by the other gods. Multiple Earthquakes, Tornados, Tsunamis, and Wild Magic Storms wreck the Sword Coast including Baldur's Gate as a result of the Spellplague.
1386 DR. The Sea of Falling Stars collapses into the Underdark as a result of the Spellplague. Many Underdark residents flee to the surface. Portions of the planet Abeir fuse with Toril as a result of the Spellplague.
1395 DR. The Spellplague ends. The ability to cast spells returns to the multiverse, however many spells no longer function the same as they once did. Multiple regions across the Sword Coast become infected and cursed with Wild Magic as a result of the Spellplague, these areas become known as Plaguelands.
1409 DR. Orburt Lewel orders the petrified statue of Minsc and Boo to be placed on display within Baldur's Gate.
1425 DR. Velsharoon, the God of Necromancy is killed.
1444 DR. Bored from retirement, Gorion's Ward joins the Flaming Fist mercenary company. A powerful Vampire Lord conquers the nearby city of Elturel. A priest of Torm, then makes a pact with the Archdevil Zauriel in order to liberate Elturel from the undead. The city is saved when a second sun appeared over the city and destroyed the undead. The priest takes credit for the city's salvation.
1452 DR. A druid by the name of Torimesh creates Insight Park within the city of Baldur's Gate. Gorian's Ward becomes the leader of the Flaming Fists and is crowned Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate.
1479 DR. Lendris, a small town outside of Baldur's Gate is terrorized by an unknown undead assailant. Eliminster revives Mystra, allowing her to resume her duty as Goddess of Magic and reverse some of the effects from the Spellplague. Eliminster is killed but his spirit lives on within the body of Amarune Whitewave. Coran (a party member from BG) joins the Parliament of Peers within Baldur's Gate. Baldur's Gate experiences a Golden Age and begins expanding its territory into the surrounding countryside, the Outer City District is expanded. Baldur's Gate ends its rivalry with Amn and allies itself with the country of Elturgard.
1480 DR. 4th Edition D&D adventures take place.
1482 DR. The events of Murder in Baldur's Gate take place. Gorian's Ward is attacked by Viekang, the last living Bhaalspawn on Toril. The winner of the Battle is unknown, but the victor is forcefully transformed into the Bhaalspawn Slayer, an avatar of Bhaal. The avatar is quickly killed by Flaming Fist mercenaries and a group of adventurers. Gorian's Ward dies, causing an event known as the Second Sundering to occur. Bhaal revives himself from the dead as a result of the Sundering and reclaims his position as the God of Murder.
1486 DR. Helm is revived by his champion Kleef Kenric, and resumes his position as God of Guardians. Minsc and Boo are freed from their petrification by the Wild Mage Delina.
1487 DR. Candlekeep is attacked by several groups of people seeking the knowledge within the keep. Elminster aids the monks of Candlekeep in driving them off. Asmodeus loses a portion of his divinity as Azuth, the new God of Wizards ascends to divinity. The Second Sundering comes to an end and the gods Mystra, Lathander, Mask, Bhaal, Helm, Tyr, Eilistraee, and many others return to life and reclaim their place in Toril's pantheon. Mystra heals the Forgotten Realms and removes any remaining traces of the Spellplague.
1488 DR. The gods can no longer answer the prayers of their followers directly, instead they can now only speak through their champions and clerics.
1489 DR. The Era of Upheaval ends. The gods lose a large amount of their influence over mortals. Tiamat attempts to escape the Nine Hells but is stopped by a group of adventurers. Various new priesthoods, cults, and clergies form as a result of the Second Sundering.
1491 DR. The Elemental Evils attempt to invade Faerun but are stopped by several groups of adventurers. Deities no longer grant mortals the power to resurrect the dead, except under extreme circumstances. Mystra rewrites the way mind control spells work in order to make spellcasters more resistant to their effects. Oreioth, a necromancer from Baldur's Gate is exiled to the town of Red Larch. 5th Edition D&D adventures take place.
1492 DR. The events of Descent into Avernus take place. The city of Elturel is pulled into the Nine Hells. Zauriel is redeemed by a group of adventurers and the city is returned to Faerun. Zauriel leaves the Nine Hells and returns to Mount Celestia. (<Descent into Avernus spoilers, but Larian has already announced which ending is canon for Baldur's Gate 3.)
1492? DR. The events of Baldur's Gate 3 take place.
And thus the entire Bhaalspawn Trilogy is rendered meaningless by the stroke of a pen at WoTC.
-Some idiot at WotC
The Novels (ugh) take place in 1368, including (as far as I can see while quickly skimming through it now) Shadows of Amn (which starts in the late summer of the "Year of the Banner" aka 1368).
Throne of Bhaal also starts in Marpenoth, 1368, as absurd as that may be.
This is however supported by what is said in the Grand History of the Realms.
I would say we don't have a clear and consistent answer for what year these events took place in.
Especially when you consider that Murder in Baldur's Gate states that these events occurred "nearly a century ago" even though that adventure is set in 1482. So it would be more than a century.
Even the Baldur's Gate games have never been consistent on this. Baldur's Gate 1 originally was actually set in 1370, which was supported in letters and in Sarevok's original journal (as well as several events referenced in the game like the fall of Zhentil's Keep and the uprisings in the south of Amn). Then Baldur's Gate 2 was released and declared to be 1369. Forcing Baldur's Gate 1 to be retconned.
Then of course the Throne of Bhaal expansion was released. But it starts of Mirtul 2, 1369, even though that is the same starting date as Shadows of Amn.
So in short... we shouldn't pretend for a second that there is consistent canon here.