Compatibility with CrossOver Games

Hey all,
Can anyone confirm whether or not the enhanced edition is compatibile with CXG? Any information is much appreciated.
Can anyone confirm whether or not the enhanced edition is compatibile with CXG? Any information is much appreciated.
I did try installing Windows 7 on my MBP. Guess what, didn't work. The I tried all the tricks from this forum like: copying the game content to c: and so on and so forth. NOTHING WORKS... oh sorry.. I got carried away.
On a side note, if you're using a MBP you can click:
the Apple in the top left corner of your screen --> About this Mac --> More Info --> Hardware
to see what kind of processor and graphics card your Mac is equipped with.
There's an annoying graphics glitch at game start where the screen flickers white, but when you click on "baldur's gate" or any button within the game for that matter, the display becomes normal.
I fear my setup doesn't like alt-tab overmuch though, nor windowed mode.
Apart from this, the game works OK, although I'm definitely waiting for the OS X native version.
See my screenshot below:
macbook pro 13" with core i5 and intel HD 3000 graphics
@hein Is it not a file you can simply download and open/install with CXG?
Wondering if there are any other applications you need to install first (for the downloader). I tried with directx and .net.
(Never did get the downloader to run on os x though.)
Looking at crossover a second time, here's what I apparently have installed (on a win vista bottle):
Baldurs gate EE
CrossOver HTML engine
Microsoft DirectX Runtime - Modern
So, no .net framework at all as far as I can see (sorry for misinformation). I can't remember which one I installed first (and I think the HTML one came automatically), but it would seem logical to install the DirectX runtime first, so I assume I did that. But could also be the other way around.
I did try quite a few things before it worked and I think I got an error message even on the last try - which worked anyway.
Can you, please, provide us with any additional configuration changes in CrossOver ? What version do you use, and what's the version of MacOS ?
I've tried installing BGEE in CrossOver several times with different options and additional programms, but still getting exception errors. Or BGEE launcher simply closes after showing icon in Dock.
I've noticed, that after BGEE launcher has been installed in bottle, setup is trying to install Framework 3.5 and installation process failes with same exception errors every time. Is there any chance to install Framework 3.5 in bottle successfully?
A search today reveals this page, where .NET Framework 3.5 is listed as "Known not to work" under Crossover on Mac.
Have you tried looking in the install map for any other exes to run it from? Maybe there's an updater that starts automatically from the original short cut? Not sure if I changed that.
It does work very well here except for the start up menu which flickers. Disappears when you enter a game though.
What version of Crossover are you running, and what are you running for .Net 3.5 compatibility?
The launcher crashes, and if when I switch from full screen mode, I get a white screen and can't recover...but its progress, right?