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[Infinite Dungeons] - no special/magic item in loot?

moonbear87moonbear87 Member Posts: 2
edited December 2020 in NWN:EE Modules
I used to play Infinite Dungeons before and I remember finding special/magic items from OC, SoU and HotU in loot, some items even better than the original ones. Recently I bought NWNEE on Steam and the Infinite Dungeons DLC, started playing ID and several levelups through the game not a single special/magic item to be found in loot or at merchants! Just those random generated ones. The module works fine, no crashes, everything is as I recall it, but it gets kinda boring without these items

Anyone else had the same or similar issue? Am I missing something, what can I do about this?

Thanks in advance
Post edited by Arvia on


  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I go into the character creator modules and set my own custom gear before starting infinite dungeons. I keep it at a lowish enchantment because you can upgrade them at the forge as you progress, but I like having gear with a unique flavor that suits my character. A ring of Web once per day for an archer, for example.

    I never played it in the Pre-EE days however so I can't say.
  • donnybaydonnybay Member Posts: 3
    Infinite Dungeons in NWN:EE only has random loot, with odd omissions like no composite bows or anything else with a Might bonus. The gem recipes are mostly useless as well. Some of the random loot is laughable, like the Full Plate armor that grants Heavy Armor as a feat. However, I love the Monster hirelings and quest companions, whom I equip with damage and spell resistance items, and watch them wreak havoc on their fellow monsters.
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