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Need help figuring out what I'm doing wrong with creating a new item

NaeyemNaeyem Member Posts: 5
edited December 2020 in General Modding
I'm very new to modding and I'm trying to start off making a custom +3 sword using near infinity and weidu and I can make the item itself just fine but for some reason the ingame text wont cooperate. No matter what I put in the .tp2 file the ingame name and description is always "(placeholder) Story Ring". I'll attach the files to this post, if someone could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it.
mymod.7z 935.6K


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,011
    you need to edit the dialogue.tlk file and match the string numbers to the correct columns for the item

    so for example, lets call your weapon; awesome sword +3

    you go to the dialogue.tlk file and make a string reference and write in;

    Awesome sword +3

    then you will notice what number that string reference is - it will be placed somewhere at the top

    then you take that number ( lets say its 70014 )

    and when you go to the properties tab for item name, you will have to put in the string reference number in the dialogue box on the bottom and then update that, and now you will have an item name

    for the unidentified version and the identified version you will have to follow the steps up top to complete those in game text

    but when it comes to weidu i got nothing, weidu to me might as well be written in klingon for how much i understand that program
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    HI @Naeyem, not sure if this is still relevant but... here some observations.

    - In the mod attached, the setup file is named incorrectly: setup-mymod.exe.exe should be setup-mymod.exe
    - The item being called by mymod.tp2 to copy (COPY ~mymod/myitem.itm~ ~override/myitem.itm~); The item name in the 'mymod' folder is actually called 'mymod.itm'

    Once I renamed both of those files, I had no problem installing the sword and ingame name / description was as written in the .tra file (Sword of Ren +3, etc).

    I was going to make some suggestions about structure, however in the debug file attached, it is talking about a different mod called myitemmod; it looks as if you have implemented structure in that one.

    Not sure if you uploaded the wrong one to look at though...

    All the best
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