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Rak shape. Beamdog destroyed it.

A_Hairy_SackA_Hairy_Sack Member Posts: 6
edited December 2020 in General Discussions NWN:EE
The rak shape wasn't even that good WITH empowered and maximised ice storm maybe the original game it was good. But on the servers where the majority of people play, the rak is is utterly useless. It can't do any damage and that's with a level 40 character. Is there anyway to change the rak shape for servers so that shifters can actually be useful? Because every server I've been on rak shape can't be used as it's like throwing a ice cube into a massive fire pit.

Beamdog please change back the rak shape to where you can use empowered or maximised ice storm. Even if it's just for the servers. You destroyed the rak shape. Please fix your mistake and redact the change you made. Even with empowered and maximised ice storm the rak still isn't op or good, it would only allow it to make it somewhat viable. Until this is done rak shape on any server is worthless.

Thanks for reading. Please do the right thing. Allow rak shape to be useful again.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Sorry, what is that issue?
  • A_Hairy_SackA_Hairy_Sack Member Posts: 6
    The issue is rak shape can't use empowered or maximised ice storm as beamdog decided to patch it and now the rak shape is useless it can't perform on any level 40 servers as it only does 7 damage. Is it possible to allow a server to choose to allow the rak shape to use maximised and empower ice storm so that the rak shape can be used again. Let the servers decide instead of taking it away.

    On the original neverwinter nights you could use rak shape and use empowered and maximised ice storm. It wasn't even that strong. It was ok but now they can't even use that so it's a shape that can't be in used anymore as it's too weak.
  • A_Hairy_SackA_Hairy_Sack Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2020
    Short version: let servers decide whether they want the rak shape to be able to use empowered or maximised ice storm like they could on the original neverwinter nights. There was no need to nerf the rak shape into the ground as it was never a top build.

    Beamdog hardcoded to stop the rak shape using empowered and maximized ice storm. Beamdog went out of their way to change it in 1.69 where you could maximise rak spells (for no reason at all, while there are still tons of bugs elsewhere, still hardcoded). This was a mistake. Beamdog should of never done this as rak shape wasn't even good when they could use it. Many many many people agree with this statement. Including DMS. The rak shape was ruined by doing this.

    You should remove the hardcode or allow servers to choose whether a rak shape can use the 1.69 version where the rak shape could maximise their spells.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    We didn't make any specific change to that. If there is something changed it might just be a regression. Please file this at so that we could investigate.
  • A_Hairy_SackA_Hairy_Sack Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2020
    Well rak shape in 1.69 could use maximised spells and since nwnee they can't. Everyone thought you hardcoded it so that they could no longer use maximised spells to nerf the already weak rak shape. Everyone was confused at why beamdog would of done that. If it was a simple mistake or regression on your behalf it would be great if you could fix it as the rak shape is a laughing stock. I'll use the link so that you can investigate
  • A_Hairy_SackA_Hairy_Sack Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2020
    Hey Julius what should I put the request under? General? A bug? Or other questions, feedback, support?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    If you think this as a bug, then file it as a bug.
  • Old_GithOld_Gith Member Posts: 152
    I wasn't aware of a change either. According to my recollection, your character must have the metamagic feats in order to access this ability (Rak form doesn't have innate metamagic). Further, you need to have the metamagicked spells quickslotted. It is based on your caster level (not your Shifter level), so the more caster levels, the more damage you can output.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    I reported this 3 years ago. I was told this is intentional and a bugfix.

    Always wondered why nobody else reported this, probably the action versus roleplay game experience gap.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    I don't play casters or shifters, so I'm a little confused about this. What exactly is a "Rak shape"? Is that short for Rakshasa? Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • ChreelisterChreelister Member Posts: 30
    A 1.69 server I play on and I don't know why this wouldn't work on EE servers, has a fix, that detects if the caster has Empower or Maximize, and then automatically adds an Empower version of the spell. Should be easy to still script up in EE, I would think.
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