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Dorn & Neera's Quests: Am I stuck due to a bug? (SPOILERS)

AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
I'm fairly sure I've ran into some quest-breaking bugs, but on the off-chance that I'm wrong and I'm missing something, I've decided to ask first.

First, Dorn's quest. Dorn told me to speak to a woman named Taris in Nashkel. I found her at the inn there and spoke to her. She told me to search east of the Nashkel mines. I traveled to the Nashkel mines and on the way there I was "attacked by enemies", but what actually happened is nobody was in the area where I was attacked. Then I went on to the Nashkel mines area, searched east of the mine, and found nothing. I'm fairly sure something should have happened in that transition area, but perhaps I'm missing something.

Next, there is Neera's quest. I finished the whole thing, rescued Adoy, the Red Wizards teleported in and I killed them, then Adoy initiated dialog with me. His dialog was obviously missing some lines because I was able to express gratitude for a reward he never indicated he would give to me. When he was done talking he teleported away, and then Neera initiated dialog, but she had nothing new to say - she only had the same topics she typically has when I talk to her. Is that normal? It doesn't seem normal.

I just tought I'd ask about before submitting bug reports because I'm not sure these are actual bugs, although I suspect something is wrong.

Edit: I found out where I needed to go for Dorn's quest, it wasn't bugged.
Post edited by Adul on


  • tomhwilsontomhwilson Member Posts: 8
    where is dorn exactly?
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002

    where is dorn exactly?

    He's in my party.

    Or do you mean where to recruit him? In that case you should be attacked on the way after leaving Nashkel for the Nashkel mines. He's there.
  • MythagoMythago Member Posts: 23
    I don't have Dorn in my current party, but the same thing happened with Neera's quest.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Update: I kinda figured out from reading other people's bug reports that Neera's quest indeed is bugged at the end. However, Dorn's quest wasn't. I just haven't searched the right area.
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    Do we wait for fix then, or...?
  • YougfrrckYougfrrck Member Posts: 3
    This exact same thing happened to me with Neera. I was not sure what to do or if the save game was ruined to I was looking here trying to figure out how to enable the console to teleport out of the room after the encounter. I was given a belt by Adoy but when I identify it is has no magical properties at all. I am also trapped in the room by the door it is not able to be bashed or unlocked by a thief. Mind linking me other reports of Neera's bug and if you think I can do anything about it?
  • jameskerjamesker Member Posts: 99
    Same thing happened to me too, has anyone done this quest? (neera one) is it a case of being unlucky? or is it just a brick wall? the fight encounter is hard I don't want to keep doing it if its going to bug everytime
  • EldrythEldryth Member Posts: 56
    Her initiating dialogue again is a bug (I think), but it won't stop future progress- I got the next talk a while later. I don't know about Dorn's quest.
  • MenthroMenthro Member Posts: 85
    The non magical belt seems to fit though. Here is this powerful item of wild magic.....that is really just a belt :P
  • topymacijietopymacijie Member Posts: 30
    I've posted about Neera's quest in another page that was based on the same problem. My quest didn't end that way, so there must be a bug that only affects certain games.
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    Do you have to be evil to recuit Dorn?.. Im chaotic neutral with rep 12 and he told me to buzz off...i got na update in my journal called "How Rude" i think...but i cant find it journal is a pain to navigate it and dosent seem to update on the spot
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    So the supposed bug does not actually break the quest line or hinder her from future chats with you?
  • jameskerjamesker Member Posts: 99
    Ok just doing a few other quests, Ill try the neera quest again soon and hope it doesn't happen again, thx guys :)
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    With Neera all I got was a belt as well
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    I just got one of Neera's new romance talks even after the quest bugged for me, so I suppose it does not affect the friendship/romance.
  • YougfrrckYougfrrck Member Posts: 3
    My issue remains that I am stuck in the room were the fight occurred the door is locked and it is not unlock able by any means. Does anyone know how to turn on the console so I can maybe teleport out of the room?
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    Thx for the good news Adul.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @Yougfrrck According to this topic your issue might be solved by saving and loading after the battle:
  • CenerCener Member Posts: 45
    For Dorn quest, it's not in Nashkel mines map. But the East map just next Nashkel mines.
  • milczarpmilczarp Member Posts: 13
    Just curiosity - do I have to keep new companions all the time to trigger/complete their personal quests ? For example, if I decide to recruit Dorn in Act V, will it be still possible to complete his quest ?
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @Cener: Thanks, found it.
  • HeliasHelias Member Posts: 112
    I've got Dorn in my party. But how do I trigger his quest? When does he ask me to talk to the lady in Nashkel?
  • Jon1renicusJon1renicus Member Posts: 5
    Just talk to him at some point...I'm having trouble finding the camp outside BG for his quest now..
  • HeliasHelias Member Posts: 112
    He has "nothing to say to me".

    Could it be I broke the quest because I kicked him out earlier? It's still in my journal though.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    I have the same problem as Jon1renicus. I arrive at the bridge to Baldur's Gate and Dorn has his talk about "feeling" Simmeons presence, but after searching the entire area I can't find him. He is supposed to be outside the gates to BG, he isn't inside is he?
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @Jon1renicus and @Sceptenar They are supposed to be north of the bridge, a bit north of the road leading into the city. Close to the edge of the map.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    Thanks Adul, found him. Apparently you have to wait until the city opens to complete the quest...
  • M6k3M6k3 Member Posts: 180
    #Adul can you tell me how to start Nera Quest i add she to my part long time ago but i havent got any add in jurnal....she tries to talk to me capule of times but i dont talk witch her so its somethink i do wrong ?:D
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @M6k3 I'm not sure, I think the first thing that actually happened for me is that she told me to investigate Adoy and she marked a new area on the map close to Nashkel, named Adoy's Enclave or something similar. She initiated the dialog after some time.
  • M6k3M6k3 Member Posts: 180
    Thanks :) i just talk to her and i got quest :)
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