I may have borked my windows bg1 install. Went ahead and deleted both "setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.exe" and "enhanced-powergaming-scripts" and download and ran the newer version and uninstall the previous one. It threw a warning since it couldn't find the /backup/14 of the previous install. Dumb me.
@Kensei_xXx What are these mods in your build? Can you send the links?
~DROWPETS/SETUP-DROWPETS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Mod: "DROWPETS" installieren?: V 1.0
~HDRAIN/SETUP-HDRAIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // I: Stufenentzug fuer Hexxat installieren?: V 1.0
~HDRAIN/SETUP-HDRAIN.TP2~ #0 #1 // II: Soll Hexxat den Umhang von Dragomir (tagsueber und drauГџen) automatisch ausruesten?: V 1.0
~HDRAIN/SETUP-HDRAIN.TP2~ #0 #2 // III: Soll Hexxat den Umhang von Dragomir (nachts oder drinnen) automatisch ablegen, sofern ihr Inventar nicht bereits voll ist?: V 1.0
~FAM/SETUP-FAM.TP2~ #0 #0 // Bessere Vertraute: V 1.0
Hi, I have ecountered a problem with this mod in Icewind Dale EE. Even if I disable every script option apart from attacking an enemy, all party members start casting spells as soon as they see an enemy. Previously I used EPScripts in BG/BG2 EE without a problem. What may be causing it? I'd rather play with this mod since it's awesome but ATM I can't use it due to this problem.
That is an odd one. Did you set scripts to none first and then reassign them to each player, individually? Are they casting offensive spells, defensive, spells, or anything in particular? What is one spell you are seeing it is casting? I added some new spells recently, and I may not have added the correct checks in there.
Yes, I tried to change scripts to none, then to the default attacking one and also to restart the game... Everything to no avail. Characters seem to cast some defensive spells/self-buffs - berserker uses rage immidiately, same applies to a druid (Armor of Faith), but dwarven defender doesn't use his stance and mage doesn't cast anything (has 3 spells prepared: sleep, magic missiles and blur).
Yes, I tried to change scripts to none, then to the default attacking one and also to restart the game... Everything to no avail. Characters seem to cast some defensive spells/self-buffs - berserker uses rage immidiately, same applies to a druid (Armor of Faith), but dwarven defender doesn't use his stance and mage doesn't cast anything (has 3 spells prepared: sleep, magic missiles and blur).
Of course, thank you for looking into this. I also reinstalled Enhanced Powergaming Script but the problem still persists.
I'm guessing it's due to you installing SCS ease of use ai with my scripts. They shouldn't be installed together. IWDEE doesn't do advanced ai like BG does.
~DROWPETS/SETUP-DROWPETS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Mod: "DROWPETS" installieren?: V 1.0
~HDRAIN/SETUP-HDRAIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // I: Stufenentzug fuer Hexxat installieren?: V 1.0
~HDRAIN/SETUP-HDRAIN.TP2~ #0 #1 // II: Soll Hexxat den Umhang von Dragomir (tagsueber und drauГџen) automatisch ausruesten?: V 1.0
~HDRAIN/SETUP-HDRAIN.TP2~ #0 #2 // III: Soll Hexxat den Umhang von Dragomir (nachts oder drinnen) automatisch ablegen, sofern ihr Inventar nicht bereits voll ist?: V 1.0
~FAM/SETUP-FAM.TP2~ #0 #0 // Bessere Vertraute: V 1.0
I deleted my WeiDU Log from the previous post, so that other Players don't get confused about the random installation order.
Can you provide your weidu log please?
I'm guessing it's due to you installing SCS ease of use ai with my scripts. They shouldn't be installed together. IWDEE doesn't do advanced ai like BG does.
Is there any chance of adding support for priest of tempus' holy power? (OHTMPS1).
Branwen would be very thankful.
Yes, I think that should be completely doable for the next update.
EDIT: And yes, it was completely doable and now part of the next update.