A simple mod request regarding carsomyr...

Hi. As i mentioned in the title i would like someone to mod carsomyr so that it can be used by evil characters and warriors. Is it hard to do? I m even willing to pay for time/service.
This isn't really something you should offer payment for.
It's not difficult to do yourself, I haven't really learned to make a weidu mod that you can install but I've edited items in my own game and that was simple enough.
What I will mention first though is the Item Upgrade mod allows you to merge Carsomyr with the Soul Reaver to upgrade the Soul Reaver to a +6 weapon with Carsomyr's abilities on top of its own, so that might be good enough, and I would recommend the mod, I think it makes a lot of cool additions.
If not, then basically, download Nearinfinity, install whatever you need to run that, and then when you have it up, open the chitin.key file in your Baldur's Gate 2 installation folder.
You can search for both versions of Carsomyr using their references which can be seen in the screenshot. And I've highlighted where you need to make changes, it is literally tickboxes. You can also edit the item lore if you want, but I imagine that won't matter too much to you.
If an item is bolded in that list, it means that it has been altered in some way, I have a number of mods installed, hence a lot of them already are bolded, but assuming a clean install, you will know it works if it turns bold and a copy of the item file is made into the override folder. Then it should work. Just make sure to do it for the Carsomyr +6 item as well so you can upgrade it and still be able to wield it.
Blackguards only though sorry