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playable druids.

CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
Could you list games that have class feature, character creation, party to twaddle and druid class. Preferably some game with elves in them, but I would settle for just playable druid.
Acceptable responses should take into account I'm familiar with PF, D&D, Shadowrun....


  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    I mean, I doubt you are looking for an MMO, but Druids are the most unique and versatile class in World of Warcraft. They can fulfill all roles by way of their shapeahift ability, and also can eschew the use of mounts by using ground and flight travel forms. The canonic race for them is also a group of hibernating elves. The lore across the game for the Druid class is very fleshed out compared to others, and their quality of life when actually in game has no equal among the other classes
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,954
    Or, for an older Blizzard game, there's Diablo II. Druids in that game can focus on either shapeshifting or nature-themed elemental magic, with a sideline in summoning. No elves though; all of the playable characters are human, and the classic fantasy near-human races simply don't exist in that world.
    You control one character and can play either single-player or cooperative multiplayer.

    I've not very familiar with the sequel Diablo III, so I don't know if they brought the class back for that one.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    I mean, I doubt you are looking for an MMO, but Druids are the most unique and versatile class in World of Warcraft.

    I would suggest druid on D2.

    As for "mmo", the problem of mmos, is that everyone of then, except few old school like ultima online copy the things that I hate the wow, arcania, diablo 3, etc; games who has little to no regard to the narrative/game mechanic consistency. Stat stickie gear, cooldowns, repetitiveness resulting in a game all about cooldown managing and gear farming where your char is just a soulless clone of everyone else.

    Pathfinder Kingmaker druids are amazing. Shapeshift, deadly spells, cool domain powers, summon nature ally...
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited January 2021
    You could certainly roleplay a druidic character in Arcanum, considering they have a nature magic tree as well as elemental spells and summoning. That is the closest to a party-based RPG with character creation that I can think of, that hasn't already been mentioned.

    It doesn't have all of what you are looking for, but mages in the Mana series are essentially druids, even if they aren't called as such, and the story of many of those games revolves around nature and specifically the magic in it. All magic in that series derives from nature spirits that you communicate with and befriend.

    Legend of Mana is the best in that series and I can't recommend it highly enough. They recently remade Trials of Mana but honestly the SNES version of it is much better.
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