R. A. Salvatore (Spoilers)
This is a thread talking about nothing but Salvatore's works. Favorite book, character, weapon, fight scene, etc.
I gotta say the Sellswords trilogy was at least in my top 3. As far as characters that's simple, Jarlaxle. My favorite weapon is Aegis Fang, because it's freakin brutal.
I gotta say the Sellswords trilogy was at least in my top 3. As far as characters that's simple, Jarlaxle. My favorite weapon is Aegis Fang, because it's freakin brutal.
Additionaly my saddest moment of reading his books...the part between the two chapters where everybody realizes that Drizzt's friends are all dead.
Although they mostly take place in the Underdark, "Homeland," "Exile," and "Sojourn" (the three books in that first trilogy) may be good places to start in terms of relevance to Baldur's Gate as well because Viconia's family, House DeVir, is mentioned several times in them and interacts with Drizzt's. It might be good background if you want to understand Viconia better, such as what her cultural background/home city, is, etc. and how some of the other groups perceive Drow. Viconia herself isn't in the books, as I think she left the Underdark before they start, but it seems relevant anyway.
I don't think Drizzt ever actually visits the Baldur's Gate or Athkatla areas during the books, so I can't think of any books that really fit geographically for the broader Baldur's Gate games. The main villain in the "Icewind Dale Trilogy" is the same villain that is in the Icewind Dale computer game though, and some of the same places are mentioned, so if you've played that game or are interested in doing so, than the "Icewind Dale Trilogy" might be a worth reading.
And for the ones who might not know...this premade character named Abdel refers to the maincharacter from the books of the Baldur's Gate Saga. So he kinda takes our place as the hero in the books
I have read them all as well, and I believe the end of the Neverwinter Saga is due out in March considering that Salvatore is supposed to be writing the first book for The Sundering that is the herald for D&D Next which is due out in August.
Also Jaraxle is my second favorite, and almost tied with Catti-Brie.
As Drizzt and his friends go - yes I really liked them too, enjoyed all their adventures and cheer for them with all my might. Well maybe aside from older Wulfgar. I found him really dull and annoying. He should just stay... well without spoiling too much: Later books should not be about him. Younger Wulfgar was my hero tho!
My favorite weapon will be of course Entreri's mighty duo: Vampiric Dagger and Charon's Claw, which have the most interesting magical abilities and the fencer using them is superb. Wulfgar hammer and Cattie bow comes close, but the duo is much more appealing in the end!
War of the Spider Queen was really good. I loved the first, second and fifth one I think.
I've bought some of the Demon Wars Saga but haven't read them yet.
Are there any books which are better?
Don't pick up a Salvatore book expecting deep captivating quality fantasy. Fix a date with GRR Martin&co for that! Salvatore books are essentially fan service to Forgotten Realms fans. I remember thinking Icewind Dale&Drow Trilogies fill their lot in life perfectly well in this regard.
If you didn't like the Drow trilogy it is without a doubt very wise to stay very far away from all the rest, it most asuredly does NOT get better thaan that:p
If I had to define style of his books I would say it's "easy fantasy". Salvatore books are written in a very easy, not complicated language and are smooth to read. You can literally finish a book in couple of evenings. Icewind Dale actually could interest a potential reader more as it is on the surface and you can easily put yourself in there as opposed to underground alien world of drow'ish city-state.
Also I would put Icewind Dale trilogy on the same level as Drow trilogy. It has a very special place in my heart.
All this talk about Salvatore books makes me want to reread them! I didn't do it in years... if I only had more time.
I bet everyone who has even a slight interest in adventures of Drizzt and his friends seen it, but it will not hurt to post it:
I love how this animation was made by a fan! So many details, which warms my inside. Like their walking order: Bruenor first who goes fast and strongly forward, Wulfgar a young barbarian that didn't seen a big world and looks around with great interest, Drizzt who is behind with hood on the head to avoid the sun, who waits from time to time for the slowest companion - Regis. Like in the book!
And how badass is Artemis taking all Companions of the Hall by himself?! Guy has balls! Hehe. Music which plays when he enters the stage - sooo Calimshan. Drizzt wounded him two times, Entreri only once = drow always one step ahead of him(notice that tired look of Calimport assassin). Details, details I love them all.
Never really liked Drizzt myself, he just seems like "i have everything maxed" kind of guy. And its annoying that he ALWAYS faces enemies who just enter the battle with fireballs in both hands (Fireballs, always these fireballs!)
Now then, favorite fighting scene? I suppose it is at the end of Lonely Drow. Favorite weapon gotta be Taulmaril.
Favorite book? Mine is Sojourn
"I don't like Drizzt, because he is awesome and mainstream"
He's far from being ideal and worked hard to end up "maxed"(remember how he acquired his speed bracers? It wasn't an easy victory). He was defeated many times by both his masters, outmaneuvered many times by Jarlaxle(and was somewhere said that Jarlaxle was quite possibly a better fencer in the end) and battled always on edge. I don't know what people want from him. One of the best fencer in the world, equipped with godly items and main hero of the books. He can't end up dying and I can't simply see how he is not likeable as character especially when you read all the books. So much physical and emotional development.
EDIT: btw I can't recall that many wizards Drizzt faced. The only wizard fight with many fireballs I can remember is Artemis vs Calimport guild battlemage.
Also I love Dannica and Pikel as well, to the point that I refer to all druids as doodads at this point. Cadderly's character is interesting as well. He's pretty much a Favored Soul before the class is invented. Also Twent and Bruenor are badasses in their own regard. Drizzt was cool at the start of the series, but I definitely feel that he's propped up by a top notch supporting cast. Even Regis grew to a character you really liked instead of just someone along for the ride as the books went on. I can't wait to see what directions Salvatore takes Drizzt in The Last Threshold (March 2013) and The Companions (August 2013).
about "entering the fight with fireballs in both hands" was referring to fire using enemies.
Obould : Flaming two handed sword
Valindra : Threw a fire ball in Gauntlgrym.
Hephaestus : Red Dragon, fire.
Errtu : Flame wall?
Anyways. This post kind of disagrees with my earlier post and thanks to it it may be seen as "trying to save my hide" type of post. Also, I think that Jarlaxle is more "overpowered" than Drizzt. Also the emotional development between Ghost King and Gauntlgrym was kind of weird. I mean, of course if you lose your friend and wife you change but he thought he had lost them and he didn't turn "grayish" sort of person. More like berserk mode against orcs. TBH I don't know how to express what i feel about Drizzt in english. This post doesn't make any sense, why did i even post this?
Also, part of why i don't like Drizzt could be it that he shows up in *almost* every book what Salvatore has done about FR. Maybe his emotional and physical development has turned him to the way what i don't like? Who knows.