Campaign Database and updating module in toolset

How does the campaign database persistense work if I choose to script a database, and then make updates into the module in toolset?
Will it be erased, or is there any way to keep player information?
And is the campaign database still "slow" as people claimed it was in 1.69?
Asking here because search engines didnt produce satisfactory results or I just didnt know what to look for
Thanks in advance.
Will it be erased, or is there any way to keep player information?
And is the campaign database still "slow" as people claimed it was in 1.69?
Asking here because search engines didnt produce satisfactory results or I just didnt know what to look for
Thanks in advance.
The Campaign Database is given a name. There are two lots of functions I think and one lot auto-names it the same as the module, where-as the other asks for the database name. This database is saved in the /database folder, and so long as it's not deleted (By script or manually) it remains there.
Editing a module will only break this continuation if it changes the module name (in the auto-named case) or if you change the name which you gave to the database in the calling scripts.
I've been using a system made by Knat called Natural Bioware Database Extension (NBDE). Think I found it in the vault.
Anyway, what it does is it stores all the variables that would be written to the database on objects. Then when called to, it saves those objects to the database. Essentially it can write thousands of entries with one entry. There are a bunch of other benefits it claims. Anyway it doesn't seems to work with locations, or vectors. And it also would not work with any SQL queries.
Just sharing to give you an idea about it.
If an old module uses it, it's fine to keep using - but highly recommended to avoid in new setups.
If variable name length really ends up being unsolvable by just using smaller names my recommendation is to make use of the full sqlite implementation. It does require acquiring a familiarity with sqlite commands but it can fill in far more gaps/additional functionality than NBDE
So I should Get persistence even on a virtual server currently?
Shutting down the host, and rehosting will preserve player locations etc if I create functions for these?
This is new for me and im trying to get into this because its very interesting, but I havent found a good tool to learn about neverwinter's database so im asking these dumb questions here
Calling SetCampaignInt("Dude", "Thing", 1); in a script, will create a file in that folder named 'dude.sqlite3'.
It is that file that stores the data. So long as that file is being persisted, (You did say virtual, throwing doubt into my understanding of how you are doing things...) your data—like locations—should be in it.
Im currently trying to get the module to save player location into a database OnClientExit but having no luck:
I made an include file:
//Database Include file:
const string DB_NAME = "THIS_DATABASE";//Test Database
const string DB_PC_L_LEAVE = "DB_PC_L_PLAYER_LEAVE"; //String into database for last place of exit
location GetPCStartLocation(object oPC, string sLocationID);
void SetPCStartLocation(object oPC, string sLocationID);
location GetPCStartLocation(object oPC, string sLocationID){
return GetCampaignLocation(DB_NAME, sLocationID, oPC);
void SetPCStartLocation(object oPC, string sLocation){
SetCampaignLocation(DB_NAME, sLocationID , GetLocation(oPC), oPC);
And then OnClientLeave:
#include "dbmodule_test"
void main()
object oPC = GetExitingObject();
SetPCStartLocation(oPC, DB_PC_L_LEAVE);
Getting errors here while compiling.
Could you lend me a hand what I am doing wrong here.
I am not new to neverscript, but I am new to these databases.
Change to
Is this "resetting" the server ? The players start from the editor set start location after this.
Shouldnt variables placed into a campaign database persist and save "quest status" even after driving server down?
Alrighty. So, I was able to save and get locations through server resets using Get/SetCampaignLocation();
The only thing I did different was I did not use oPC as the last parameter: I set DB_NAME to be a database that only stores locations. I use sLocation as the unique identifier for the player. So in this database each player gets one, and only one, location.
This worked calling SetCampaignLocation() in the OnClientLeave script, and it also worked using test module from the toolset.
(I use GetTag(); to get the unique identifier, but this only works if you have a tagging system setup. Check out this post for details of how to set that up.)
This code of yours, from that playerhouse thread. Is it an include file you wrote?
I mean that a player wont get Tagged everytime he enters?
And then yes, you need to add the if statement from that same post in your OnClientEnter script.
By default GetTag(oPC); will return "". That will have a length of 0.
So its possible for a module to have more databases than one?
I thought that ppl generally made an #include file where they implemented the database name as a string constant, and implemented all database functions into there.
When I made all my database functions, that wasn't really an option. (And I still don't love SQL)
I made one database for each variable I wanted to keep track of. For example, I made a kill tracker that tracks kills by challenge rating. That means I have 7 databases just for all the different challenge ratings, and it works fine.
Now, I could have made just one database, and added a suffix or prefix to the unique identifier for each rating, but I didn't learn that until much later.
Posting my OnClientEnter, OnClientLeave, and Include files from my test module
Include Files:
Here I'll add loads of comments.
The database include file. I joined the two include files:
The OnClientEnter script:
Good to know that you can create a database for each of the identifiers you want to store in that certain database itself.
I think im still doing something wrong here.
Are you running this on a dedicated server?
The difference is I do not teleport the player until they choose to leave the server lobby area.
You can try putting the teleport lines in delay commands.