Possible way to mod on the iPad

Normally modifying the files of an app on the iPad is impossible, so modding the game would also be impossible.
But there are some apps (one example is PhoneDisk, but there are others) that allow you to mount the iPad as a disk on your computer, and add/modify files, *without* jailbreaking the device.
I have already used this myself to add new MS-DOS executables to the iDOS app, and it worked great! I now have The Lost Vikings on my non-jailbroken iPad =D (for those interested, unfortunatelly iDOS was removed from the AppStore).
Maybe if the override folder be put on the right place, this approach would also allow us to mod BG:EE on the iPad (at least, mods that doesn't need deeper changes on the files)?
But there are some apps (one example is PhoneDisk, but there are others) that allow you to mount the iPad as a disk on your computer, and add/modify files, *without* jailbreaking the device.
I have already used this myself to add new MS-DOS executables to the iDOS app, and it worked great! I now have The Lost Vikings on my non-jailbroken iPad =D (for those interested, unfortunatelly iDOS was removed from the AppStore).
Maybe if the override folder be put on the right place, this approach would also allow us to mod BG:EE on the iPad (at least, mods that doesn't need deeper changes on the files)?
Could you give us a link to this PhoneDisk app, I can't find it at App Store.
BTW: if devs want to address modding iPad version - there can be great things done with files exchange via iTunes. But this approach would probably need mods packed to some module files and not modifying the core game files, just be read as an override.
And I haven't thought about it but depending on how it is done even with file exchange on iTunes could be possible...
Please see there for all that the community knows about customizing BG:EE for the iPad.