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Questions about Neverwinter

FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
edited February 2021 in General Discussions NWN:EE
I need to ask those since i didnt find the answers in the FAQ:

1 - I can run the classic edition with the GFX at maximum but i cant do this with EE, i need to set GFX at Low, i have a intel hd 2000 (computer bought at 2012, cant buy a new one). Does anyone know what changed to demand such power? Or is it just a SERIOUS lack of optimizations?

2 - Tried to change UI to make it bigger but i couldnt, tried with 1600x900 (max my monitor supports) and 1280x720, only the "1" option is available. Is there a way to change it?

3 - Why beamdog didnt use the fixpack from nwvault? I deduced they didnt since there is a EE version

4 - Is it planned an update to at least use bigger fonts for everything like in Baldur's Gate?

5 - The introduction video of furiae looks AWFUL here, is it because of my card or the video is really bad?


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Hi! The fractional UI scaling and TTF (TrueType Font) support will be coming to Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition with the next update.

    For the Community Patch: Obviously, 1.72 happened after the EE was released.

    NWN:EE got a lot of optimization/performance updates. Try tweaking different graphics settings in the new in-game UI.
  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    edited February 2021
    Not everyone cares for the so-called "community patch." While it is certainly a substantial bit of work, it is one person's project and in many aspects reflects the creator's own preferences. "Community" is largely a misnomer.
  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
    Hi! The fractional UI scaling and TTF (TrueType Font) support will be coming to Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition with the next update.

    Good to know, i hope we'll be able to choose the size of fonts as well.
    For the Community Patch: Obviously, 1.72 happened after the EE was released.

    I see, there isnt any mention in the FAQ about this, it would be good to have one.
    NWN:EE got a lot of optimization/performance updates. Try tweaking different graphics settings in the new in-game UI.

    Did that, didnt work though. Had to stay with low settings, a pity since i like said, i can run the game on maximum on classic edition, then obviously something is wrong here.

    Aside that, i found problems:

    1 - I cant use the print screen key to take pics of the game on fullscreen, if i do it it shows the desktop, only works on windowed mode:


    2 - The 2nd problem is shown in the pic, i cant see the movies of dark ranger's treasure and winds of eremor (only saw the credits in eremor). The wbm files are in their folder.

    3 - The volume of the music in the credits of eremor doesnt match the one from the rest of the game, it's too loud and forced me to quit. It's annoying having to change the volume just to see the credits so it's better to see them at mpc.

    4 - I saw in the site that several graphical things were improved in the game but the audio/video quality it's the same of the classic edition. Tried 1280x720 aside the 1600x900 to see if the speed would be bigger and i found that the fonts of the opening video look bad with that resolution, a problem i dont remember ever happening with the classic edition.
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