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Dorn at lvl 12 when recruited

So my PC is currently above 1,25m exp and now I’m rounding out my Evil party. As I’ve recruited other NPCs they’ve been at their ”base” level, allowing me to level them up and assigning proficiencies as expected (Yes Korgan, put an axe in that other hand as well, trust me. Now go practise on Nalia and Anomen here in the Coronet a bit and I’ll come back to pick you up later).

But then I ran into Dorn who joins the party already leveled up to 1,25m exp and with proficiencies assigned to Bastard Swords (was hoping to put them into flails for FoA + DoE combo eventually).

Has anyone experienced this? Running on IOS so changing in EE keeper is not an option.


  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Yeah I had something similar with Dorn in my last playthrough, albeit not at such a high level. Had my charname imported from BG1, 161k xp, so after clearing out Irenicus' Dungeon and the circus he was a little bit over 250k. So then I went recruiting team evil. Korgan, Viconia, Edwin and Clara/Hexxat all worked as expected: started with exactly 250k xp and could be manually leveled up a bit. Then I went for Dorn (AFTER solving the fallen paladins quest^^), but he somehow started with exactly 400k and was already "auto-leveled". The two pips in crossbow later came in handy against mindflayers, but yes, the one pip in bastard swords wouldn't have been my first choice either. But then again, with stuff like Foebane it does kind of fit into the whole demon hunter theme I guess...
  • OnePotatoOnePotato Member Posts: 8
    Yeah that sounds like the same issue.

    The high level came from importing from SoD, being pretty pissed with Imoen and the ”cannon” party for the circumstances leading up to the start of BG2 (Why had she gathered this group of incompetent fools, rather than my tried and proven group of unsavory anti-heroes, and sure enough it took about five minutes for these indescreet goody-two shoes to get us into an ambush... and yeah that’s a pretty harsh and narrow perspective on the matter but that’s my Evil, Wisdom 8 explanation of events that sort of works in my head) and deciding that this time it was better for the fledgeling half-god to trust in his own ability to get out and go solo (Playing FMT so had to try it at some point). A few short quests later I was up at 1,25m exp and realised that if i want a party that’s not underleveled in relation to the PC I should probably get going.

    And you’re right, it’s hardly the end of the world having bastard sword proficiency it’s just a bit wierd that Dorn doesn’t follow the same level-up sequence as other NPCs. I wonder if anyone has had a different experience?
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Yep, definitely felt kind of odd seeing Dorn "behave" in such a way, but seeing as how he was quite a bit ahead of everyone else in my crew it was fine by me. No idea what might cause this or if there are more such cases throughout the game. Being still quite noobish here (only started the Baldur's Gate games back in december, but love love LOVE them :smiley: ) I haven't even touched some other companions like Haer'Dalis or Mazzy and didn't even buy Neera yet (Android).
    Neither have I tried SoD yet, so also no idea about what happens between BG1 and BG2. But right now I'm considering a new playthrough, possibly going all the way through this time, is SoD worth it? I stopped that evil playthrough pretty early in ToB because a) this evil crew just feels WAY too insanely powerful to the point of feeling too easy compared with my first playthrough and b) I just feel bad about some of these horrible evil deeds of mine (sorry Adalon, sorry Hexxat... oh dear Lathander, what have I done?!). So to clean up all this stinking filthy guilt I collected there I'm now planning to roleplay something like a lawful good dwarven fighter/cleric :smiley:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Thanks for the info @JuliusBorisov ! So if I understand this post right, it's basically just an issue with the EE characters, correct? Still a bit weird because I could have sworn that both Clara and Hexxat worked just like the other regular vanilla characters (starting with 250k xp and ready for some level-ups right after recruitment) and only Dorn was a little "off" (400k xp and already leveled). Maybe I just got something mixed up there...
    But like @OnePotato said, either way shouldn't really be too much of an issue in the long run. I guess I might just pick up Rasaad for my next party and see how it works with him post-recruitment, absolutey no harm done if Mister-weapons-are-for-losers picks up one or two weird pips ;)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    There will be a beta for the 2.6 patch on mobile in the near future, hopefully, this will be tested and if there is feedback about the wrong behaviour, it'll be fixed.
  • OnePotatoOnePotato Member Posts: 8
    @JuliusBorisov Ah that might be it then, will like @LelandGaunt try and pick up another EE NPC and see if it is the same with them. @LelandGaunt Yeah I’m thinking about doing a parallell squeeky-clean run, just for concience-soothing purposes ?
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    @JuliusBorisov : ah there's an upcoming patch in the making? Cool, good to know, well then I'll keep an eye out and check if something similar happens again. Though that might take a while if I start from BG1 again (and maybe even check out SoD this time)...
    @OnePotato : yeah I just had to try out the path of the dark side now. Granted, in the beginning (basically all of Athkatla city) I went mostly good to keep my reputation balanced. Iirc I never bought anything with a discount but also never had to pay extra for anything (10-12 most of the time). But later I went for quite a lot of the rather grim contents. Unfortunately not really too much rewarding stuff, but it sure had it's moments. If you never tried it I definitely recommend siding with Bodhi, that was actually really really nice imo though I better won't say more to avoid spoilers. But alas, there came the inevitable day where my inner softy voice started yelling: "Enough you heartless monster! I will not sit idly by anymore and watch you slaughtering all these wonderful fictional creatures of pixel light, enough I tells ye!" or as some wise old axe-wielding dwarf might have put it: "you call this civilization?! Blasted bloody humans..." ;)
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    To elaborate:

    Before the EE, all of the standard NPCs came in multiple different versions, joining at a level that approximately matched the protagonist's. The EE changed this system, making it so that now you always get the lowest-level version of that character and they gain XP through a trigger to catch up. So, if that high-level protagonist were recruiting Anomen for the first time, you would get him as a level 7/8 fighter cleric, who would then go up to 1.25 million XP as a cleric and be able to level up to cleric 13 immediately. Before the EE, the version of Anomen you got in that scenario would be level 7/12, with 900K XP as a cleric and specialization in hammers as his level 12 proficiency.

    For the new EE characters, the EE applied this new system to Dorn, Neera, and Rasaad in BG1, then to Hexxat, fake Hexxat, and Wilson in BG2. Dorn, Neera, and Rasaad in BG2EE use the old system of multiple versions you can get ... and then have a standard XP trigger on top of that..

    Incidentally, Neera and Rasaad in BG2 had their hit points generated with "always take the maximum", unlike the other recruitable NPCs who used random rolls.
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Very interesting, that makes the whole thing a lot clearer, thank you very much @jmerry !
    Just out of curiosity: is there a specific reason why some of the new characters use the new system and some of them don't (and then again sometimes even differing between BG1 and BG2)? Like I said before, personally I don't really think it's a "big deal" or anything, at worst a little confusing for me as a beginner: just when I think I finally "understand" the system, then along comes Dorny and casts Chaos on my head :smiley:
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