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Story mods that work with BG2EE ToB?

ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
I’ve just finished SoA and I’m currently in chapter 8. I’m planning to play the following mods in conjunction with the expansion. I’d like to know if it’s possible to do so, as some other mods don’t allow it. I have the Enhanced Edition installed. The mods in my list are:

Epic Endeavours
Fishing for Trouble
Liberation of Hlondeth
Region of Terror
Return to Trademeet
The Darkest Day
Test your Mettle


  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    I don't think any of those are for the ToB portion of the game - you should play them before switching over. Quest mods for ToB include Reunion, Tales of Anegh and Wheels of Prophecy.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited March 2021
    It's a shame there aren't more TOB centric mods. I feel like it's the part of the Baldur's Gate experience that could most use some expansion from a few clever modders.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited March 2021
    Some npc mods have small quests and encounters in tob which has added some new experience actually. For example, I appreciate the contents added in tob for Xan, Sirene, Yoshimo in my current game. I think story wise this fit the main story better because the main quest in TOB is supposed to be urgent.

    It would be great if we can have some mods adding big quest between soa and tob, just like how scs mod can move watcher’s keep to that time point. The party should have some time for questing around the elven city after killing irencius.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited March 2021
    marcnivar wrote: »
    Some npc mods have small quests and encounters in tob

    Afaaq, the Djinni Companion is another mod like that.
    Afaaq's companion quest-line has a ToB portion, and as part of that you even get to visit new maps.

    From the same mod author, Golem Construction for Spellcasters has a short quest ToB with a new map, involving your party's golems.
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