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de’Arnise, Umar Hills, Windspear Hills - Unreachable


I’ve searched around the internet, and most suggest leaving the city gates and these places will automatically be accessible. I’ve tried that and also have travelled to the graveyards to complete Hexxat’s quest - but still these places remain ‘unreachable’.

Am I missing something?


  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Have you activated the quests by talking to the quest-granting NPCs in Athkatla?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    What did you do at the gates? Did you go to the area with that label on the map and then turn right around to exit where you entered? Because that isn't enough. You need to go through the literal gate to leave the city.

    Oh, and talk to Flydian while you're there - he'll open up another place outside Athkatla for you to go.
  • mangoaksmangoaks Member Posts: 9
    Have you activated the quests by talking to the quest-granting NPCs in Athkatla?

    Yes, I have Nalia in my party and she has reminded me a few times to rescue her father.

  • mangoaksmangoaks Member Posts: 9
    jmerry wrote: »
    What did you do at the gates? Did you go to the area with that label on the map and then turn right around to exit where you entered? Because that isn't enough. You need to go through the literal gate to leave the city.

    Oh, and talk to Flydian while you're there - he'll open up another place outside Athkatla for you to go.

    When I exit the city the map opens up and I can click on and go to the different parts of Athlatka as well as Watcher’s Keep but not de’Arnise, Unarmed Hills and Windspear Hills.

    Are you saying I can literally walk out to the wilderness?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    I'm saying that there are two exits to the City Gates map. One of them (the one under the actual gate) leads out of the city. The other (the one you came in at) doesn't. Always assume the simple answer based on an obvious mistake over the weird bug you've never seen before.

    And if it is that weird bug, Watcher's Keep should be a back door to those areas - travel to WK, and then travel again to where you really want to go.
    mangoaks wrote: »
    Unarmed Hills
    And autocorrupt strikes again. I'll have to remember that one - might use it intentionally sometime.
  • mangoaksmangoaks Member Posts: 9
    Ok I see the issue now. City Gates means literally City Gates on the map, and the exit to de’Arnise is from there. I had thought that I can exit to these other parts from any where in Athkatla, eg. Graveyard, which is actually the closest part to the wilderness, closer than City Gates. Thanks jmerry!
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    mangoaks wrote: »
    Ok I see the issue now. City Gates means literally City Gates on the map, and the exit to de’Arnise is from there. I had thought that I can exit to these other parts from any where in Athkatla, eg. Graveyard, which is actually the closest part to the wilderness, closer than City Gates. Thanks jmerry!

    Once you've gone through the gates once, you can exit from anywhere to anywhere. It's only the first time that you need to go through the gates.
  • mangoaksmangoaks Member Posts: 9
    That I didn’t know. Will try it out. Thanks for the tip!
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