Beamdog Forums : Dark Mode
Member Posts: 353
Not sure where else to post this but at night even with brightness lowered all the way this forum is super bright. Need Darkmode option please.
Post edited by Arvia on
You might want to move this to "Site Resources" and report it to Vanilla...?
Not sure what you mean by too bright. I assume you're talking about the mobile version, which has a white background?
Maybe it would help you already to switch from mobile version to "full site" (It's on the menu bar on the left, all the way down just above sign out). That changes the view to the full PC/tablet version, which has a black background and besides a lot more options compared to the mobile version. It can however only be done when you're signed in. And of course you'll have to zoom a bit, but at least it's dark.
To change back to mobile site that option will be small and central on the page when you scroll all the way down, right above the Beamdog/Wizards/Vanilla logos.
If you meant something else, then sorry for misunderstanding, but maybe this information is still helpful for some people who only know the mobile version.