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Graion's Soundsets for (BG/SoD/BG2/IWD/EET)EE 2.6+ (Last update: 2024-12-20)



  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2021
    @Cahir Fair point, I didn't thought about this before, however with everything considered I think I'm gonna say that I'm only accepting subtitle translations for my mods distributed in this thread. The PST and the BGNPC packs have manually edited sound files compared to their base games and only the BG/BG2 PC soundpacks lacks audio files in the override folder.

    In order for a voicemod to provide multiple voiced translations, it needs to
    - ensure that the dual-character file suffixes vary between the languages (say, _ for English, # for Polish), and/or ensure that only the installed language gets copied over to prevent overwriting each other in the override folder
    - ensure that it special-cases missing files from any translation (the WeiDU doc implies I can use an ACTION_IF LANGUAGE IS syntax for this effort but I haven't tested how would this look in practice).

    The latter combined with my own changes in some of the sounds within the sets sounds like a nasty maintenance burden at best and a major issue at worst.

    My suggestion would be to recreate the mods completely if they'd use a dubbed set on the EE Soundset Tool. That would prevent whatever random changes I did to not scramble with the translation effort. I've just pushed a new pull request to support this - - with backporting the UI feature in a more straightforward method, which would bring the template feature-complete compared against my soundmods.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @Cahir Fair point, I didn't thought about this before, however with everything considered I think I'm gonna say that I'm only accepting subtitle translations for my mods distributed in this thread. The PST and the BGNPC packs have manually edited sound files compared to their base games and only the BG/BG2 PC soundpacks lacks audio files in the override folder.

    In order for a voicemod to provide multiple voiced translations, it needs to
    - ensure that the dual-character file suffixes vary between the languages (say, _ for English, # for Polish), and/or ensure that only the installed language gets copied over to prevent overwriting each other in the override folder
    - ensure that it special-cases missing files from any translation (the WeiDU doc implies I can use an ACTION_IF LANGUAGE IS syntax for this effort but I haven't tested how would this look in practice).

    The latter combined with my own changes in some of the sounds within the sets sounds like a nasty maintenance burden at best and a major issue at worst.

    My suggestion would be to recreate the mods completely if they'd use a dubbed set on the EE Soundset Tool. That would prevent whatever random changes I did to not scramble with the translation effort. I've just pushed a new pull request to support this - - with backporting the UI feature in a more straightforward method, which would bring the template feature-complete compared against my soundmods.

    Thanks for replying, that's understandable, and to be fair, I expected this may be your stance. Unfortunately I have a zero (well, 0.5%) knowledge about WeiDU, so I'm not capable to prepare any mod my myself :(
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited August 2021
    Regarding this

    Icewind Dale II supports 2 "Critical Hit" responses. EE games only support a single response which led to one of these responses getting unused and cut.

    What about randomly choosing one of the two at installation time...?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    I'm not a fan of introducing randomization on that level because the result would lack consistency. Even a component to set the alternative one would make more sense IMO, I just haven't had the motivation to set that up.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, will this mod also work on 2.5 EET?
  • royalprotectorroyalprotector Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2021

    A few sounds in Nathyrra's soundset don't seem to work (as in, they have no sound). Tested in BGEE.

  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    @royalprotector Thanks for the heads-up. The following lines should have been fixed to play audio in response to the selected character being ordered to move in the most recent update, which can be found at

    "Careful! Enemies are near." nathyrat @41805 cd_action5 #t
    "We should stay close here." nathyrau @41806 cd_action6 #u
    "I think this may be a mistake." nathyrav @41807 cd_action7 #v

    Looks to have been a problem with the audio file conversion. I checked a few other actions including stealth and dying, but have by no means been through all of them, so if you come across any more, let me know which ones and they'll get fixed.

    Damn thing still installs voice sets higgledy-piggledy all over the selection screen after giving every line a contiguous unique ID not used by any other mods and I still don't know why.
  • royalprotectorroyalprotector Member Posts: 42
    Thanks for the update!
  • TelasharTelashar Member Posts: 2
    Question. I presume I just might be too stupid, but that sadly doesnt change my situation. After installation of the voice packs, I get "invalid:(numbers)". In the selection voicelines do play properly, but in game its just 1 line every 20-30 actions, and invalid message in chat.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    @Telashar Which language are you playing the game at and which language have you picked when you ran the installers first? Your game folder should have a weidu.conf file with a `lang_dir = en_us` statement (these mods only support the English language).
  • TelasharTelashar Member Posts: 2
    Wow, that was actually it. Everything was in english so I didnt expect this to be the problem. But yeah, in .conf file I really had different language. Thanks for fast help.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited January 2022
    So I started working on an NWN set on my own mostly because I accidentally realized that Sharwyn's HOTU set was Emily's placeholder voice.

    I completely forgot @ggallegher's pack, but it does a fair amount of response reshuffling to be closer to the pre-2.6 soundsets instead of just covering what can be done which I find inappropriate... and it was missing the Sharwyan-HOTU set... (also sorry for the late response, but yeah, the voice menu orders the sets alphabetically, which is why I'm prefixing them to group them together). Currently I'm mainly doing NWN1 sets, but NWN2 will be part of the NWN pack longterm because most of the NWN2 sets are recycled from NWN1.

    Also PST got a bugfix release to fix the rare select responses played as ordinary action ones in BG2/EET.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    So cool, GraionDilach! What you're doing is so valuable!
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    NWN pack updated with 10 more sets. I decided to write timestamps into the topic, because this is getting confusing. At this point, I really dunno how to keep this under better control.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    NWN pack updated with 10 more sets. I decided to write timestamps into the topic, because this is getting confusing. At this point, I really dunno how to keep this under better control.

    Thank you!

    Perhaps we'd start a new topic with a summary?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    The first post is always the summary.
  • boofboof Member Posts: 22
    Really appreciate these.
    Was pumped to see the nwn pack, more specifically the sociopath voice as I always found it funny, but then saw you didn't include the, "I want to see... suffering." line, and it made me a bit sad.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    boof wrote: »
    Really appreciate these.
    Was pumped to see the nwn pack, more specifically the sociopath voice as I always found it funny, but then saw you didn't include the, "I want to see... suffering." line, and it made me a bit sad.

    Uhmmm... I have that line included as a battle cry already in 0.2.0. It is an attack line in NWN afterall.
  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2022
    Hello thanks for this! Seems to be working fine in BG2, but I'm getting this issue with BG:EE/SoD where the soundsets are showing up in the menu as garbled text:
    Likewise, voice clips from the sound set do not play in game and subtitles are random dialog.

    I uninstalled an older pre-2.6 voice-set comp, had the same issue, and then just did a clean install of the game and still have the issue. Damned peculiar, where am I going wrong?
    Post edited by terzaerian on
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    If you got the game from Steam or GoG, you need to install DLCMerger first before any other mod on top of SoD and this mod is no exception. I'll probably add a safeguard detection for this, I guess.
  • boofboof Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2022
    boof wrote: »
    Really appreciate these.
    Was pumped to see the nwn pack, more specifically the sociopath voice as I always found it funny, but then saw you didn't include the, "I want to see... suffering." line, and it made me a bit sad.

    Uhmmm... I have that line included as a battle cry already in 0.2.0. It is an attack line in NWN afterall.

    Weird, I went through every one of the files and didn't find it. I guess it's a bg2 only sound?

    edit: OK I found it it override. I was looking in the lang folder before.
  • jacklhowardjacklhoward Member Posts: 16
    If you got the game from Steam or GoG, you need to install DLCMerger first before any other mod on top of SoD and this mod is no exception. I'll probably add a safeguard detection for this, I guess.

    Does the installation order matter for this mod? Can I put it anywhere? I understand that it edits dialog.tlk file, would it conflict with other mods?
  • TarlugnTarlugn Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2022
    Hello! Most inspiring work of art, haven´t seen the like since original dvd copy.

    I´d really like to get the nwn soundsets working, as it is the last game of that era, that I haven´t replayed ever. However, when I attempted to install them by double-clicking setup, all I got was a black screen, with notice that I should install them from Infinity folder? So, I placed the files inside the files/bgee, and tried again, only to see the notice 2nd time. I have bgee, sod and bg2ee on Steam, if that makes a difference? I am not familiar with Weidu except for the name, so I might be lacking the necessary programs and the know-how.

    Edit1: At first, I was going to @GraionDilach , but then I searched the internets for the installer notice of "must be put in Infinity folder". Turns out it _has_ to be the very installation folder with chitin.key s etc, or it won´t work! And since I tried to find it with winsearch, but didn´t find it, I looked up some more, and turns out Steam has this most basic function, let´s see if I can post the image..


    Edit2: So, I just thought to share this, since it might not be apparent at first in this time and age what to do, since I don´t usually mod, and download my games off steam or gog, without ever having the need to download even the most basic thing, such as patches of old to the original dvd version.

    I got the soundsets working, avaible to be selected at character creation. Their names were most descriptive though, let´s see if I can conjure up a screenshot laters - they weren´t the names of the soundsets, but rather randomish paragraphs from here and there.

    Edit3: Huh, had I looked the latest posts on this topic before posting myself in the first place, I could have avoided the issue with funky soundset names, and them not playing in the game, since the issue was exactly the same as few posts above this.
    Anyhow, now I might start modding for real (my only mod way back was tutu, if memory serves) - at the least, I might press that create party button now, and go custom like never before, since these nwn soundsets sound still fresh, as they have not been subject to rehearsing for 20 years! Thank you!
    Post edited by Tarlugn on
  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2022
    @GraionDilach i have a request for an "unvoiced" soundset to be used for charname, i.e. all sounds are simply silence. It's strange the BGs don't include this by default
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2022
    @cdds Just install the EE Soundset Tool as is. It is a dummy soundset by default afterall.

    @Tarlugn Do note taht I haven't finished putting everyone back to the NWN pack (I really shoulda finish that these days, alongside the BGNPC pack). If you find someone specifically missing in particular, I can prioritize.

    These are specifically listed on my to-do list atm afterall.:

    Deekin Scalesinger
    Deekin XP2
    Dorna Trapspringer
    Female, Brutish Thug
    Female, Cold Killer
    Female, Guardian Reserved
    Female, Noble Scholar
    Female, Playful
    Human, Male, Desert Warrior
    Male, Good Wizard
    Male, Large Rowdy
    Male, Pious Scholar
    Male, Power-Hungry
    Male, Stealth Specialist
    Male, Typical Fighter
  • LlewrenLlewren Member Posts: 61
    Hey! Love the mod. I was wondering if there are plans to add more SoD NPC voices to the list? Corwin, Glint, and M'Khiin in particular. I'd love to use them but I am truly helpless when it comes to voice files in IE games.
  • ahungryahungry Member Posts: 29
    These are great, thanks!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2022
    PSTEE Pack: Nameless One and Nodrom are missing the N sound.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited October 2022
    Llewren wrote: »
    Hey! Love the mod. I was wondering if there are plans to add more SoD NPC voices to the list? Corwin, Glint, and M'Khiin in particular. I'd love to use them but I am truly helpless when it comes to voice files in IE games.

    Yeah, I just got sidetracked. I should get back to these.
    Endarire wrote: »
    PSTEE Pack: Nameless One and Nodrom are missing the N sound.

    Neither of those characters have anything appropriate to say in the forest in the entirety of PST. There's no "n" sound for them. That's partially what the "There might/will be differences in voice organization." disclaimer should cover. I'm pretty sure you can dissect a lot of similar issues in NWN, because every NWN character literally have different amount of voices recorded and I always tried to maximize the amount of lines within the sane limitations and attempting to ensure the lines remain meaningful in their new position when repurposed.
  • Jon_DMJon_DM Member Posts: 9
    Great job with all the soundsets!
    Any plans of making one for Jon Irenicus?
    I've found a couple:
    But they are not working 100%.
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