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Severe Pathfinding Issues in BG:EE 2.6

thyseusthyseus Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
Hey folks,

after the update to EE 2.6 dorn always moves just 1 step and then stops. I need to click about 50 times to get him from one side of the map to the other. All other characters move fine. I can share my savegame if necessary. Is this a known issue and what can i do about it ? I am in Chapter 5 in the middle of Baldurs Gate.

Thanks a lot !


  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,785
    That sounds like a stutter bug: Dorn is trying to initiate a dialogue but the engine doesn't find a true one so the script keps firing, making him interrupt his actions.
    Are you on BG:EE or BG:SoD, if you have mods installed, please post your weidu.log in a spoiler. To investigate which script block is stuttering, you could install the Stutter Debug Tool. Here is a slightly outdated explanation what to do with it. You'd need Near Infinity to identify the looping script block, too.
    Post the looping script block here.
    [Don't forget to uninstall the Debug Stutter Tool when it's no longer needed.]
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