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NWN:EE on Google Play & App Store feedback thread 4



  • ShockwaveS08ShockwaveS08 Member Posts: 1
    Is it possible to add gamepad support in a future update to NWN:EE on Android/iOS? Since there were control schemes designed for the Xbox One and Switch platforms, it strikes me as odd that mobile players cannot enjoy NWN without their thumbs cluttering the screen.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    It's definitely been on the list of what explore for a good while now - not just controller support, but maybe opening the game up more for screen readers. It's an involved and complicated topic though, so we haven't had a chance yet to slot it all into any development. The NWN UI system is almost uniquely unsuited to gamepads as it is. The console UI is almost a complete rewrite, so it's unfortunately not as easy as just copy/pasting it over (to PC/moblie). Have you considered using controller emulators in the interim? And / or maybe a trackball?
  • abaraxasabaraxas Member Posts: 1
    Can we expect more curated content like eye of the beholder and reptile god on the official server?
  • GlognarGlognar Member Posts: 6
    What's the status/ETA on mobile support for .35?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Glognar wrote: »
    What's the status/ETA on mobile support for .35?

    Currently, TBD. Once we have more info, we'll share it.
  • Shodan417lShodan417l Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2023
    There is a problem Ive encounered. In the recomended for download community modules there is one called Aielund Saga. Well, you can't finish second act because of gamebreaking bug - from what I understood from browsing internet, its a problem with mountain tile in the area after deep Stoneguard mountain. Game just crashes. How do I fix this? Will there be a patch or something? Is it just a mistake that this module was added to downloadable list, since you can't play it on Android? Should I just delete it and get over it?
    Well, thats just great - Siege of Shadowdale has the same issue... Fantastic...
    Post edited by Shodan417l on
  • ryalisticryalistic Member Posts: 1
    I'd like to know if there has been movement on .35 working with the mobile versions? I play android and many of the PWs I play now use .35 elements, which causes crashes and periods of unplayability. I know it was TBD in May, but is there an update at all yet?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition just got a small patch on Google Play!
    • Updated Android API to the latest required version
    • Implemented first steps to solve user permission challenges on Android 13 OS and higher
  • GlognarGlognar Member Posts: 6
    Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition just got a small patch on Google Play!
    • Updated Android API to the latest required version
    • Implemented first steps to solve user permission challenges on Android 13 OS and higher

    Sadly still not compatible with the increased allowed file size of nwsync files of .35.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Yeah, this was an emergency update because of Android requirements.
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    edited October 2023
    Hopefully iOS will follow. I haven’t played because I’d like to use the update. And please give us resolution change.
    Post edited by Allanon81 on
  • ArdmorArdmor Member Posts: 15

    Tell me, is it possible on Android to somehow check whether the scripts work or, if they don’t work, to find out the cause of the malfunction?
  • bjr1822bjr1822 Member Posts: 1
    Now that Google has irrevocably broken the ability to copy saved games over from one device to another when you get a new device (because they don't allow access to the directory containing the saved game files on new Android versions), can Beamdog update the game to properly migrate data when doing device transfers (like via Smart Switch)? Other apps/games seem to do just fine doing that. Or support cloud saves on the devices (OneDrive or Google Drive integration, or integration with Google Play)? It's a pretty big deal in a game where so much time can be sunk into a playthrough just to have the fact I got a new device force me to start over.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    We're taking steps in order to create an update for the mobile version of NWN:EE.
  • ArdmorArdmor Member Posts: 15
    We're taking steps in order to create an update for the mobile version of NWN:EE.

    I really hope that the update for Android will come out this year)
  • ArdmorArdmor Member Posts: 15
    We're taking steps in order to create an update for the mobile version of NWN:EE.

    Will the update support multi-classing up to 8 classes, both on PC and displaying the area of spells?
  • KopfenjagerKopfenjager Member Posts: 9
    Every time I try too play NWN EE, (downloaded from Google play) it trys to download, but all it does is time out and say "data download failed" "Error:the manifest server did not respond" What going on? I haven't played in over a week.
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