New .PRO files
in BGII:EE Mods
I have been trying to alter the projectile of a spell that shares the resource with and item projectile, I started out by creating a new .pro file copy pasted the stats of the original .pro file over into the new one I was making, then change the .bam file and the colors to what I liked. Now here is the problem I can not find the .pro file I just created on .spl spell ability projetile tree list. Only the original .pro files from the game, How can I make the new file I made visible on the list. I can not find any importer for the file or any other tool that will make it visible. By default near infinity puts new files in the override folder, I am pretty sure that it is because the folder is not included by the file explorer.
Thank you so much, lol did'nt even know that it was possible to add to the IDS files this is gonna make a lot more possible for me to edit
But also noticed that the spell didn't share any item or other spell, atleast as of yet. So I just changed the original .PRO file .BAM resource. Now at least I can changed it back again so it won't conflict with anything in the future. Thank you again.
It worked to put .PRO file on the IDS lists, but for some reason I can't explain it will not show the animation when I use the spell, all of the flags and effect works, just not animation itself. I have checked it 5 times now to the original file and I can not find any irregularities in between the two, colors and smoke trail, everything is the same. So for now I will go back to use the old .PRO from the original file.