Slings get both str and dex bonus

Not only do slings get both a dex and str bonus to tacho, they also get the str bonus to damage.
I this a new feature or was this in the original?
Also, I checked throwing daggers and axes but those don't get the strenght bonus, so it seems only slings do. Shouldn't daggers and axes also get this bonus if slings do?
I this a new feature or was this in the original?
Also, I checked throwing daggers and axes but those don't get the strenght bonus, so it seems only slings do. Shouldn't daggers and axes also get this bonus if slings do?
Theres also a +2 sling bonus to damage that I don't understand. Where does that come from?
EDT: Realized it comes from weapon spec...still description could be more clear
Makes me wish I could make a halfling archer focusing on slings :-)
According to the character pages:
17 strength Halfling Swashbuckler is getting -1 from strength
18/67 strength Dwarven Fighter/Cleric is getting -0 from strength
19 strength Orc Cleric is getting -3 from strength
However, the actual THAC0 of the Dwarf is 15, which I'm not sure makes sense unless I'm actually getting the -2 bonus from Strength in spite of the stated 0.
Also, to check THAC0 attack a creature of which you know AC and check the results by displaying to hit rolls.
Actually, Slings get Strength bonus damage. But Throwing Axes that I tested along don't get this bonus. So basically, the effects of Strength on damage are completely inverted.
But I'm reading that the adjusted to-hit/dmg/ac type numbers in the icon display are not showing correctly.
Not sure about actual rolls and logs from combat.
But after reading several threads on the topic, I gather that this might be intended behavior.
I support it, as the sling is a low-damage weapon with only one attack per round. All other ranged weapons have more damage, more attacks or both.
It's true it's low-hanging fruit, proficiency-wise, but the classes that get stuck with it do not traditionally invest in strength, and this gives them a reason to try something different or at least not use it as a dump stat.
At present slings (or it may actually be their bullets) are the *only* ranged weapon to get the strength damage bonus. The manual says throwing axes and daggers do, but either the manual is wrong (reported here: ) or the game is bugged.
I'm pretty sure it's intended that darts don't get the strength damage bonus, as with 3 APR that would be quite OP and darts are very light (unlike daggers and axes), so arguably wouldn't be so affected by strength.
Currently Montaron rocks with a sling - 2 proficiency pips, strength damage modifier, halfling +1 THAC0 sling bonus :-)
since in BG2 there is a specific magic sling that allows to add str to damage
if every sling does that it will just become a ordinary item
I do *strongly* think throwing axes and daggers (but not darts) should add strength damage, they're very underpowered otherwise and it makes sense
i think all projectile weapons should not add str (bows,slings,xbows)
while throw weapons should (axes,daggers)...just as it is in 3.5
but i am not sure how it worked back to AD&D or BG1
The actual darts are just as heavy, or more so depending on design, then throwing knives. So yes, they're just as due a str bonus as a throwing knife is.
And in PnP every ranged weapon except X-Bows benefit from str.
X-Bows = No Str, Dex Hit, +enhancement hit/damage + bonus damage + Ammo
Thrown (Darts, Knives, Axes) = Str damage, dex hit, +enhancement hit/damage
Bows = Str damage (short/long up to +2 only, composite any), dex hit, +enhancement hit + Ammo
Slings = str damage, dex hit, enhancement hit, + ammo
why then would there be a specific magic sling that allows add str to damage?
(sling of seeking +2)
Looks like Halflings are out of luck, Elven Slingers are king.
Halflings get an innate +1 THAC0 with slings (elves get this for bows and all swords).
Slings do not get a STR bonus to THAC0. The problem is the way the new THAC0 screen is (not) working.
I do think there are a couple issues which I will be bugging, but here are my findings:
Bullet to hit bonus is being displayed in a manner which suggest it may be because of STR bonus rather than DEX bonus, but also there is redundant halfling bonus data to compound the confusion.
1. I just made a human fighter with 17 STR and 17 DEX with 1 point proficiency in Sling (for no penalties). They receive the -2 DEX bonus to THAC0 and +1 STR bonus to DMG on the bullet. Everything is calculated correctly but Bullet to hit bonus may be confused as you are gaining a STR bonus to hit.
Img 1.
2. I made a halfling fighter with no DEX or STR bonuses with 1 point proficiency in Sling. The THAC0 window is confusing as it shows to hit as -1 but also the halfling -1 bonus. The -1 to hit and -1 halfling data is redundant and can be confusing making it appear you should have a -2 bonus (19 THAC0 is correct).
Img 2.
3. I made a halfling fighter with +2 DEX bonus to THAC0 and +1 STR bonus to damage with 1 point proficiency in Sling. Again there is an issue with how THAC0 is displayed with redundant data. To hit is -3 (-2 DEX -1 halfling) which is right, but it shows -1 halfling again, which is redundant. This makes it look like you should have 16 THAC0 if you add them up. 17 THAC0 is correct.
Img 3.
4. This is what the window could look like to fix both issues.
Img 4.
THAC0 and DMG are being calculated correctly it's just not displayed correctly in the new window.
*edit* I just bugged this.
Concerning bows: Each bow has a certain poundage that is determined by the flexibility of the construction, if you overdraw a bow, it can either snap and poke your eye out or bend and becomes unusable, thus your exceptional 18+ strenght would be of no use unless yuu have like 200lbs draw strenght bow, which is ridiculous even for dinosarus hunting. I'd say add STR modifier bonus with STR>14 at max.
Concerning thrown knives: If I take real throwing knives as an example of a similiar weapon to the BG knives, there are no heavy knives for throwing, all of them have to be perfectly weighted and aerodynamic but you don't throw shorts swords around and the skill of throwing knives is much more about muscle memory and fingers dexterity than about your STR.
Throwing axes: These might get a boost from STR as vikings and gauls are said to throw axes into the enemy hordes before using sword for melee and the STR would be certainly useful to some extend.
You don't even get a str bonus till 16 (+1).
Unlike a bow, a crossbow string is simply cranked for heavy or manually pulled to a notch for light. No matter how strong you are, it's not going to effect the output because a X-Bow has a preset amount of force. It might reasonably allow you to reload it faster if you were quite a bit stronger then the minimum, but it's not going to change the damage output at all.
So, whilst there *is* a relation between the strength of someone, and how hard a bow hits, alot of this is to do with "are you strong enough to use this bow in the first place" - I could not, for example, properly use even a 50-60Ib olympic composite bow, let alone a Hundred Years War era 120Ib War Bow. In fact I think bows are modelled fine as they are - you have to have a certain minimum strength to use a short bow, long bow and composite bow effectively, and they all progressively hit harder.
Also - from a game balance point of view - bows are already *extremely* powerful weapons in BG1/BGEE (less so in BG2 where they nerfed the magic +x damage bows and arrows do and limited access to +3 and higher bow ammo) and really, really do not need to be made any more powerful. Please. Yes, I'm less convinced the strength damage bonus should apply to throwing knives, they're not great big bowie knives, and are already quite powerful with 2 APR. The main problem with them in BGEE is actually the lack of magic returning ones Throwing axes are think are perhaps the most justified to get the strength bonus, they're heavy to carry (which can be problematic), but that indictaes they're pretty hefty weapons that a strong warrior could put some heft into. Also, with only 1 APR, they look underpowered in the game compared to other ranged weapon options.
EDIT: corrected some typos, but not content
The returning throwing dagger is another mystery in BG2, usually the magical ones
Cause they get the same 2 APR if switched to melee, which you can or might abuse....and there is +2, which you can get really early on. (or use a fixpack to switch them to ranged only)
And with the additional ApR, they outshine even short-swords