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BG3's revamped DOS2 game engine vs. Infinity is analogous to Realism vs Impressionism in painting?

LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
Well, I went ahead and got an upgraded computer ( needed one anyway) to run BG3. But so far with the early access I'm really struck by something that for me (!) has taken the wind out the sails. This is probably just me but I wonder how many share this experience.

I tried a little bit of DOS2 last year and it just didn't click for me. Same thing for BG3. The 3D game engine heightens my awareness that I'm playing a computer game. Like I'm very conscious of that, and it's not conducive to immersion (again, for me, obviously YMMV).

Whereas... and this is a bit counterintuitive, I guess... the BG series even with it's comparatively primitive low resolution 2D isometric graphics... and it's gorgeous primitive stylized painted landscapes... is more like Impressionism. Having so many aspects of the game world implied or suggested rather than rendered in high detail leaves a lot to the imagination. The effect is to make the experience more like reading a novel where so much takes place within my mind's eye. Which of course is also in the spirit of D&D.

To be honest there's a very strong chance that I'll never play BG3. We'll see, I guess. At some point down the road I'll have another go at it, I'm sure.

But honestly I'm still holding out hope that Beamdog will use the EE Infinity engine to tell a whole new story, still set in Faerun roughly during the same time period as the BG series. I love the IE's ruleset and game engine so much. I just want to continue adventuring in that world.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    That is ok that you didn't like it. Fortunately, there are isometric games available: Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which is still getting the patch support, and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, to be released in September. Maybe they will fit your taste more.

    For me personally, BG3 has all the basics of a great game and I'm looking forward to experiencing the full story.

    Beamdog has no plans to use the EE Infinity Engine for new stories.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    The fact that my current computer doesn't meet minimum specs for BG3 is the nail in the coffin for me, personally. I'd probably try it and give it a fair chance eventually if not for that, but for the reasons you mention and things others have said, plus videos and previews, I'm not at all certain I'd like it, so there's no way I'm getting a new computer just for BG3 when everything else still works fine.
  • hybridialhybridial Member Posts: 291
    I think the Infinity Engine games have better visuals than a lot of games, including a lot of state of the art games.

    Artistry is not enslaved to technology.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Abstraction created inventiveness and imagination. With high resolution rendering there is little left to the imagination so you either have to be drawn in by the visualisation or it is a miss.

    After all the hype I hear very little on the expected release date of the full game and even here I will wait for a let's play and a proper review.
  • HafirHafir Member Posts: 97
    So maybe Beamdog will reward the community of eeinfinity engine to let modders to create something new story, maybe they will publish, sod is great because for me is sets gaming in new setting, for me is revolutiary game should be chase if not by creators then by fans.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited May 2021
    Hafir wrote: »
    So maybe Beamdog will reward the community of eeinfinity engine to let modders to create something new story, maybe they will publish, sod is great because for me is sets gaming in new setting, for me is revolutiary game should be chase if not by creators then by fans.

    I’d like to see all the modding communities join forces with developers to make a new story happen. Beamdog shares resources with the modders, advises them, helps them out where they can with information and code, etc. But the modders do all the heavy lifting.

    We’d all pay money for it if Beamdog wants to get a little cash flow from it. And the modders in the community that actually do the work should be compensated of course. However that could be worked out.

    But maybe something like that. Run a poll for the community on what type of story the community is most interested in.
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