Range Scripts.
in BGII:EE Mods
Range(LastSeenBy(Myself),15) Does this code mean 15 feet away from myself ?.
Range(FourthNearestEnemyOf(Myself),10) // If I do like this would the player with the active script have to have 4 enemies in range of 10 feet of himself, before he did whatever action I choose ?. I would write it for teleportfield cst on himself if he got surrounded by multiple enemies.
Range(FourthNearestEnemyOf(Myself),10) // If I do like this would the player with the active script have to have 4 enemies in range of 10 feet of himself, before he did whatever action I choose ?. I would write it for teleportfield cst on himself if he got surrounded by multiple enemies.
with that script for as far as i can understand, it means that the character would need to have 4 of the nearest enemies with 10 "range" of itself before whatever would come next and fire off, so to answer your question; yes
Thanks for the reply. I will try to test the ranges then on party npc's.
And if did like this it recognized party summons as well
Unmodded Teleport Field / Sphere of Chaos teleport targets up to 16 feet.
not from what I saw
but yeah I can see it area of effect range 15 but right on the edge of the sphere the script activated, and it is set on 12.