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What happened to the height scaling option during character creation?

I may be going crazy but I swear, I remember EE used to have an option to adjust character height the last time I played a year ago. Has this feature been removed? If so why?


  • DazDaz Member Posts: 127
    It never has had that afaik.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • StratovariusStratovarius Member Posts: 30
    I may be going crazy but I swear, I remember EE used to have an option to adjust character height the last time I played a year ago. Has this feature been removed? If so why?

    Never had this in character creation.
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited June 2021
    According to the notes for CCOH, scaling was a feature available before the May 2021 patch, with NWN EE build 8193.21+

    It was a feature on some servers I played on last year - I distinctly recall having discussions about potentially adding the feature to a PW that didn't have it incorporated.

    Thankfully now it's fairly straightforward to utilize for everyone, just requires the amazing CCOH to be installed:

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Perhaps people have also played NWN2 where height scaling is part of the character creation process. I have times when I have to remind myself that something was for NWN2 not NWN. That said height scaling has been available for much longer before Beamdog even announced NWN EE. The version for NWN EE is somewhat refined and implemented directly, making it much easier to use. Besides lerping, basic height scaling by script has been available for NWN EE since about 2018 if I remember correctly.

    There are some caveats for using height scaling properly for character creation. I believe the standard models for the various character ancestries aren't scaled the same as per the official rules. Instead you have to factor in the model heights so that 6ft for one model is also 6ft for the other model.
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited June 2021
    Perhaps people have also played NWN2 where height scaling is part of the character creation process. I have times when I have to remind myself that something was for NWN2 not NWN. That said height scaling has been available for much longer before Beamdog even announced NWN EE. The version for NWN EE is somewhat refined and implemented directly, making it much easier to use. Besides lerping, basic height scaling by script has been available for NWN EE since about 2018 if I remember correctly.

    There are some caveats for using height scaling properly for character creation. I believe the standard models for the various character ancestries aren't scaled the same as per the official rules. Instead you have to factor in the model heights so that 6ft for one model is also 6ft for the other model.

    There's no need for confusion. I have played both nwn1 and 2 extensively for years, and am aware 2 has height scaling, and that NWN1 previously did not.

    Read the notes for CCOH. It clearly indicates height scaling was a possibility before this most recent patch on EE. I know for a fact I've seen it on at least one NWNEE server last year, and was involved in a discussion on another server about implementing it.

    There are some reasons to be cautious of messing with phenotype sizes before EE enabled this feature, certainly (there are mod attempts with vanilla NWN1 that tried to address this and came up short), but CCOH is a top notch mod that seems to have gotten it right, using a feature that's inherently been added to the EE game engine.

    What the actual in game model sizes represent is an entirely separate discussion - one that never ceases to amaze me frankly why there's so much needless confusion. Bioware did not go for 'realistic' visual representations when the game came out, is the simple explanation, which is why half orcs tower over humans as much as they do while pureblood orcs are short. They also chose to ignore (or plain forgot) lore/setting, which is why elves in this game (similar to earlier bioware IE games) feature Greyhawk height and in-game descriptions for FR based games.

    Let's not add to the myriad of general confusion/conflation that's out there these days ... please.
    Post edited by ithildurnew on
  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    Settle down and don't act the know-it-all after you asked the question. They're pointing out the history of the feature and suggesting how you might've been mistaken, attempting to explain your own statement "I may be going crazy" as not, in fact, crazy.

    Furthermore, the fact that the CCOH package uses the Visual Transform script functions that EE implemented years ago is not in question. It remains that this is not an EE option, or part of character creation, but is a script function, as was pointed out.

    The link to the most recent patch (which added Lerping options to those Visual Transform functions) is just a convenient method of showing you an example of the most up-to-date visual transform function - with a helpful gif showing the new lerping feature in effect on a character model.
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited June 2021
    Seriously, stop the not so subtle patronizing attitude. Questions were asked, things were suggested, answers to some things were found. Obvious things are obvious.

    If I really wanted to 'act like the know-it-all' given how long I've been involved with these games, I could. The fact that I'm asking questions and phrasing my OP the way I did should give some indication that I do not play that card. However things that are PAINFULLY obvious and established that people keep conflating and perpetuating misinformation over, I have no patience for.

    There's no need to muddy the waters further. Just. Stop.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    No misinformation has been posted in this thread. All factual statements are true.
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